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  1. J

    "Gathering" Different Versions

    I am not sure if this works outside of the United States, but the version of "The Gathering" on iTunes is the original.
  2. J

    JMS on Twitter

    Just to update, he changed his account to straczynski, so now it's: http://twitter.com/#!/straczynski
  3. J

    babylon 5 vhs

    Disney releases a lot of films in this way; just enough copies to increase the value early on and then a few years later they can release the "last-chance to own this movie" version at a higher than usual price and then a few years later they release the "no really, *this time we mean* it's the...
  4. J

    Nehru Jackets?

    JMS said sometimes he would scribble something that looked like a "drunk 5-year old" drew it and give that to the costume designer if he had something specific he was going for.
  5. J

    Legions of Fire: Out of the Darkness. WTH?

    It's hard to find it for a reasonable price unless the person selling it doesn't know its value. That's how I ended up with my copy, by finding it in a used book store that sold lots of old science fiction books so everything was just priced the same (about $3). I can say that it is a good read.
  6. J

    Episode Viewing Order (Babylon 5 & Crusade)

    From the chronology book: Midnight on the Firing Line Soul Hunter Infection Born to the Purple The Parliament of Dreams The War Prayer And the Sky Full of Stars Mind War By Any Means Necessary Deathwalker Believers Survivors A Voice in the Wilderness Babylon Squared Legacies Grail Signs and...
  7. J

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    It's interesting to listen to Londo & G'Kar's answers again after seeing the Movements of Fire and Shadow/2-parter in season five.
  8. J

    Episode Viewing Order (Babylon 5 & Crusade)

    On the issue of season one, the lurker's guide master list is pretty good as stated in several threads around here: http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/countries/master/eplist.html As for intended order of that season though, I don't think JMS even remembers what it was supposed to be. It was...
  9. J

    More B5 on the way?

    I don't believe he's ever written a script.
  10. J

    EpDis: A View From The Gallery

    Don't agree with that assessment. I love his comedy writing. See: most episodes he wrote for The Real Ghostbusters (Xmas Marks the Spot has one of my favorites when Peter uses a View Finder to trick Scrooge into thinking he has powers); one particular scene at the end of Midnight Nation...
  11. J

    Warners acting like a-holes...

    Not sure what his personal take about the general principle is, but In the case of Babylon 5, WB owns it and Joe only has the movie rights.
  12. J

    Just Finished My 1st Time Through Series And..

    The heavy damage was just out of camera range ;).
  13. J

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    I had just never thought of them specifically going to hunt down Sinclair and Delenn's son, but that does make sense.
  14. J

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    That's an interesting way to look at it; what the outline says is that the Warrior Caste were after Sinclair & Delenn because the inter-mixing of Human and Minbari DNA was an act of genetic treason since the Minbari placed a high priority on purity. This plot point still showed up in a bit of a...
  15. J

    EpDis: Sleeping In Light

    In the script, Ivanova has both the opening and closing voiceovers. It was also to connect back to the vision Sheridan had in season two, when we see Ivanova dressed for a funeral, according to Joe in his comments on "All Alone in the Night" in the script book.
  16. J

    JMS adapts Ellison's '"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman"

    Joe has also used Harlan's material before, on the Twilight Zone series in the 80s, and it worked out great. ("Crazy as a Soup Sandwich" is the episode).
  17. J

    JMS adapts Ellison's '"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman"

    A little confused as to what "this" refers to. Babylon 5? Harlan and Joe were friends before it.
  18. J

    EpDis: The Wheel Of Fire

    I think the point is that they were both touched by Vorlons specifically, Sheridan by Kosh, and Lyta by Kosh II, and so Sheridan could still have power over Lyta when no one else could. Don't think it's connected to Lorien's healing. The Chrysalis is what made Delenn's pregnancy possible by...
  19. J

    EpDis: Movements Of Fire And Shadow

    I think it was just a suitability test. She's trying to keep it secret; remember Sheridan said they couldn't do this mission in the open, so Lennier is the one she trusts to keep it covert. 2nd edition! ;) No, he's just an opportunist.
  20. J

    EpDis: Darkness Ascending

    It was her. I think Joe mentioned that in the script books.