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  1. M

    New vote for worst episode ever: Between the Darkness and the Light

    Yes, I agree, that It is not a good episode, but at least it has a purpose in teaching the viewers about the concept of men and machine and how it works in the B5 universe. The vindrizi, if I remember correctly, are those memory carrying spine symbionts? This episode serves the same purpose for...
  2. M

    Season 1 recap

    I will do! I did get their promises that they won't watch it without me. Stories like B5, that have those amazing developments are best the first time one watches them. After that closest we get to that experience is "second hand first time watching" as I call it. So far they're excited. He is...
  3. M

    Season 1 recap

    Well, in a way I do abide by your rules, as my project will require me to rewatch S1 anyways, so: Emperor Looneys rules are abliged, the flower will be guarded!
  4. M

    Season 1 recap

    Thanks for your input! I'm in line with babylonfan/Springer and Ubiks thinking: A rewatch is probably too demanding and there is lots of material that, while adding to the flair and world building, are not really critical to be able to follow the rest of the story. Of course I could just tell...
  5. M

    Shadows, Vorlons, and... math?

    :D No worries, I can give you a simplified version: If you play Rock-Paper-Scissors and you think of Vorlons as Rock. Then PPGs would be scissors and Shadows would be Paper, and everything works out. (I added the complicated version with the dice for those who wanted to counter with "but...
  6. M

    Shadows, Vorlons, and... math?

    I know I'm new here and normally I wouldn't come storming in and starting correcting people on the internet, but as a statistician my heart bleeds reading this last line, so I have to say something about it: Let's consider Rock-Paper-Scissors Rock beats Scissors Scissors beat Paper Paper beats...
  7. M

    Season 1 recap

    Hi folks! I'm new here as I'm seeking guidance: I've watched the show 2 times so far, and I was lucky to find out, that friends of mine, who are into scifi, did not see it yet. So we started watching it together, but then some chinese people decided to give non-fish-Sushi a go and so we had...