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Search results

  1. G

    San Diego Wastelands

    I just got finished watching "The Sum of All Fears" (a very good movie) and got thinking about suitcase bombs and B5. I have a problem with the San Diego wastelands. The date of the bomb is 2157 (according to a "Universe Today" article), but the wastelands still exist in "Spider in the Web"...
  2. G


    Crime Bosses are the top dogs in downbelow. Deuce ran "half the rackets". There was the Aussie guy in season 5. They are very similar to mob bosses. When deuce is on trial before the ombudsman, he "offs" a witness, which allows him to get off scott free. There are "gangs" of sorts, or...
  3. G

    How different would B5 had been...

    What about Ed Wasser - he played Morden in the main series - but essentailly played what would become Lt. Corwin position in "The Gathering"
  4. G


    Season 3 is a great reference for downbelow. Any episode that has elements from Marcus or Dr. Franklin (while on his walkabout) give insights into the culture of downbelow. Downbelow is sometimes interchangeably used with Brown sector (the "unused" portions of the station). The residents...
  5. G

    Stand Alone Episodes

    I used the example of convictions because I've actually heard it called a stand-alone during the b5 run. A stand-alone has little if any connection to the series arcs, and can be watched freely with little confusion from newbies. Let's see if I can come up with a few more... (remember my...
  6. G

    Stand Alone Episodes

    What are all the stand-alone episodes in the main B5 series? By stand-alone I mean no involvement (or extremely little) in the overarching story lines (i.e. Shadow War, Earth Civil War, Interstellar Alliance). I know S3E2 - "Convictions" is a great example of a stand-alone, but are there others?
  7. G

    Question on "Shadow Dancing" and "A Call to Arms"

    Re: Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Ar That scene from "severed dreams" is perhaps the best example of the score being the only sound. I think though it is better if the soundless moment is brief (like in that episode). I really hated when it was done in a call to arms for...
  8. G

    Technical Problem with site

    This is a minor problem, but I just thought I mention it: Near the top banner of the screen there is the section selection bar (i.e. home, news, features, shop, forums, contact us) Just to the right of "contact us", it looks like there supposed to be some sort of picture or background block...
  9. G

    Question on "Shadow Dancing" and "A Call to Arms"

    Question on \"Shadow Dancing\" and \"A Call to Arms\" During both "Shadow Dancing" from season three and "A call to Arms" (telemovie), during the climax battle scenes, all sound is eventually cut and only a musical score is played. Anyone know why?
  10. G


    I was wondering if anyone out there could summarize the points of foundationism from b5. The stated religion of Dr. Franklin (we'll miss you Richard Biggs!), I think it basically revolved around first contact and mixing of world religions. I remember it was mentioned in at least five seperate...
  11. G

    War without End Part 1 question

    I was thinking about War without end Part 1 the other day. We see captain Sheridan thrown forward in time. Now I was wondering does he replace himself from that time? For all intensive purposes, both Londo and Delenn seem to have seen him for sometime, and Sheridan appears aged. Anyone know...
  12. G

    S5 Region 1 Release Date! (Plus specs and art)

    I was very disappointed to see the absence of any commentary by Mira Furlan on S5. Anyone know why she was not included? Also, anyone know if she had done any interviews for the DVDs?
  13. G

    Best episode to convert newbies

    I see your points Joseph. I was going for episodes that were exciting and easy to understand, and contribute to intrest in the overlying arcs of the series. I still stand by my Crusade and Season 5 Suggestions, but add the Season Finale to season 1. One of the last lines in the episode is...
  14. G

    Best episode to convert newbies

    You all forget three very good episodes --"Severed Dreams"-All you need to know to understand the episode is two things (1) Earth is ruled by a bad man. (2) Big "evil" things called Shadows are doing big "evil" things. This episode is action packed but not without sacrificing the story...
  15. G

    Multi-Role Actors

    I been curious for sometime how many actors (and which ones)played multiple roles in the B5 universe? Two examples are Emperor Turon (S2) playing a minbari teacher (S5) and Byron (S5) playing a member of the Grey Council (B5 Telemovie).