I'd be reluctant to use "Confessions" because the whole emotional impact of the show is that a
regular supporting race that we've been watching for years is wiped out - instead of the one-shot alien race that would have been used had any other series done an episode this brave.
I would pick "Believers" as a "not your father's SF show" that essentially foreshadows "Confessions" as once again the doctor
fails to save the patient. But a lot of people really seem to hate that episode, so YMMV.
I'm in the camp (along with JMS, I'm happy to say) who does not regard
In the Beginning as "too much". I think it is a terrific introduction to the characters and the universe, and the framing story gives a hint of the overall
scale of the piece. While some people take great pleasure in figuring out what happens next,
Babylon 5 is
not Murder, She Wrote. It isn't a mystery story, except in the sense that the first time you read it you don't know what the sequence of events and the outcome will be - and that's true of
every story, mystery, western, SF, romance, comedy. I think the Sinclair story works as well for a viewer who knows the secret and knows that the character
doesn't as for one who watches the story "cold".
I think "Gethsemane" is a terrific choice, another "not your father's SF show" story, very well told and acted.
If I had to chose a single episode it would have to be from S1 or S2. Anything else has too much arc in it. I think "Parliament" is great for an S1 episode. It highlights all of the main characters, has lots of humor, and gives a sense of how
busy the station is. From S2 I'd choose "Soul Mates". Again humor features prominently, most of the regular cast is highlighted in a way that illustrates the characters, and Psi Corps is explored a bit. (G'Kar is so deliciously evil in this one, and Delenn is hilarious) True, like any S2 episode it gives away Delenn's appearance. So what? 90% of the publicity photos in existance do the same thing. Know
that she changed without knowing how or makes the transformation as intriguing (if not as surprising) as not knowing.
Finally using either
ItB or a second season episode emphasizes
Sheridan, who is, after all, the series lead for four of the five years. Showing only a Sinclair episode may set up false expectations. Maybe the best thing is to chose two episodes - one from S1 and one from S2 and see what that does.
A word of warning, though:
When my best friend was trying to hook
me on the show, when the first season was just airing, I watched an episode or two. I couldn't even tell you which ones, they made so little impression on me. All I saw was cheap-looking productions values, a somewhat stilted leading man and an apparently complicated back-story that didn't seem worth learning about.
What actually worked
better was his challenge later the same year, after I told him how rotten the show seemed to me. He told me to find it in the local listings (another of my problems is that they kept moving the show when I was
trying to watch it) and to promise him that I would watch at least four episodes
in a row. You know, I
still don't remember which four they were I saw that first time. They were from the second half of S1, but did not include either half of "A Voice in the Wilderness". Individually they still didn't make a strong impression. But
collectively they helped me see the outline of an arc, how the cosmic reset button was not being hit at the end of each episode and how events in one story carried over into a later one. I decided at that point to give the show a chance. (Although work and TV schedule changes conspired to keep me from becoming a regular viewer until around the middle of S2.)
You might do better just to have a friend watch the first four episodes on the first disc - just make them promise to watch
all of them in order - preferably in a single sitting. (Serve dinner, make an evening of it.

) But if you're going to go with single episodes, I think I'd choose "Parliament" and "Soul Mates".