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Search results

  1. I

    The new Race (possible spoiler)

    Moved to Rangers forum. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  2. I

    B5 Trivia: try to stump each other

    I assumed that the gills were permanent. I thought he probably would hide them when he wasn't in need of them...but that doesn't explain how they weren't there a few times when he was wearing very little. Hmm...maybe JMS forgot about them. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will...
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    Bad B5 puns

    Egads! Honestly, I haven't thought of any B5 puns yet. I've come up with some HL puns but not any B5 puns. I'll work on it, though. I really like the ones so far. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations...
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    A grand welcome to the board. As for new books, Jeanne said that there would be new books commissioned only if the sales of the Techno-Mage trilogy did really well. I -hope- it did well...I really hope it did well. I wouldn't mind reading a few more novels just as long as they are good...
  5. I


    A grand welcome to the board. As for new books, Jeanne said that there would be new books commissioned only if the sales of the Techno-Mage trilogy did really well. I -hope- it did well...I really hope it did well. I wouldn't mind reading a few more novels just as long as they are good...
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    Technomage Movie

    Cern, Oohhhh, Juliet Landau would be -PERFECT!!- Okay, here is someone who I think could do a young Galen, Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor on Smallville) For Bunny, I was thinking possibly Bridgette Wilson from Last Action Hero and Mortal Kombat (picture from The Bridgette Wilson...
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    A New Piece of Fan-Art (spoilers for the Techno-Mage Trilogy)

    KoshN, I'm using the transport and Ulkesh on my Invoking Darkness pic. B5_Obsessed, I like to be safe than sorry. I really did not want to spoiler one of the saddest scenes in Summoning Light to someone who was still in the middle of reading it. Thank ye everybody for the feedback...
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    Rangers Promotion

    There are two things that I would LOVE to see for promotion for Rangers. I'd like to see it make the cover of TV guide and have an article and I would like to see a half an hour or hour special on the making of the movie. These two things would make me very, very happy...
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    The Name "Galen"

    Re: The Name \"Galen\" *chuckles* Well, he's calm now. And that's probably why he is calm. One of the reasons, anyway. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova...
  10. I

    JMS gives Comic Book Fanboy an Earful

    Good for JMS! People just need to be patient when it comes to things that they really enjoy. Especially with JMS, you know the stuff he does is good. One can wait a little while to get the books that they want. It isn't like the people who make a comic book are there to cater to your every...
  11. I

    Hey, Gkarseye...

    A_M_Swallow, That is excellent to know. Thank you for posting that. I tried to download the video clip, but for some reason it wouldn't show on my comp. I have seen a pic of the print ad that I assume was also used during that time. It's on Jayne's "Ivanova is God" website, if I...
  12. I

    The Lurker's Guide is back!

    Re: The Lurker\'s Guide is back! Keen! That's great! ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
  13. I

    A New Piece of Fan-Art (spoilers for the Techno-Mage Trilogy)

    I enjoy doing montages for particular stories or episodes. I decided to do three pieces for the Techno-Mage Trilogy, one for each book. I wanted to get everyone's opinion on my second edit I've done. http://www.geocities.com/destinys_flame/edits/Summoning.jpg I am working on my third right...
  14. I

    The Name "Galen"

    Re: The Name \"Galen\" Too true. Also, Galen means "calm." That's something I wouldn't really equate with Galen himself. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again...
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    Life and Death for crusade

    I just came across some information about what Peter Woodward is up to. It seems that he has been very busy and that he is going to have a MAJOR part in an upcoming Charmed episode in February that could lead to a return. He's going to be playing the Source! ------------------ Ivanova is...
  16. I

    News post: B5LR trailer showings in the US

    Of course, not at a theatre that is exactly close to me. I wonder if I can talk my ex-boyfriend into taking me to the theatre in Universal City. He hasn't seen LOTR yet. I want to see the Rangers on big screen, dagnabit! ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to...
  17. I

    Techno-mage Series

    Favorite parts? Oh my, there were just so many!! Hrm, but if I have to choose, I would have to say that I like the part <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>where Galen intersects into the scene with...
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    Were the shadows first ones?

    Fixed and fixed. DSigal, In the future, when you are going to post a spoiler, place the spoil between the two Spoiler brackets. {Spoiler} Like so {/Spoiler). Just pretend that the { are actually [. Welcome the the site, by the way. ------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will...
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    The Save Crusade Petition

    I was going to post this in an existing thread, but I thought that it would be less likely for it to get lost in the shuffle if it had a thread of its own. I give you the Save Crusade Petition . Currently, it has 1598 signatures but I know we can add A LOT more to that. It was created by...
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    Life and Death for crusade

    I would LOVE to see a trilogy about Crusade. The entire story could not be told in this format, but I think some of it could be. I think that the series should be resurrected, but the only thing I am wondering is about the actors availability. I also think that the show would need the key...