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Life and Death for crusade

IIRC, Cole did a couple of pilots last year, including a comedy produced by Kelsey Grammer that is still considered a candidate for a mid-season replacement show. He was also in the pilot for The Agency, but his character was never planned as a regular. Instead he was slated to be part of a five or six episode arc early in S1, after which he would not be returning.

Cole will also be appearing on the big screen opposite Robin Williams in One Hour Photo and is currently shooting the third installment in the Brady Bunch movie series, The Brady Bunch in the White House. (Insert your own political joke here.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

The original question here was whether Crusade was dead, and IMO it will never be dead and buried until JMS says it is. He still carries the full story in his remarkable mind and I'm sure his notes are all safely filed away somewhere.

I always seem to be diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
I think that as Galen once said "There is always hope because it is the one thing nobody has figured out how to kill yet!"

However, there is little hope at least my view. If JMS was able to bring it back I would love it as long as they had someone like Garibaldi who had been their since the beginning. I also would like Bester to come back just because I hate him so much.

I think if there is a Rangers series and it is successful that Sci-Fi channel will at least seriously consider bringing back Crusade!

"The truth points to itself."
--Kosh(The Original)from "In The Beginning"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> I also would like Bester to come back just because I hate him so much.

You would have got your wish *sigh*

The unfilmed script "Value Judgments" brought Bester back and placed him in conflict with Matheson.

Let's hold onto that tiny hope that one day we might see this story on screen.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Galen2005:
I see no reason to redo it -- once the changes became more than JMS thought were managable, the series got cancelled. Granted that War Zone was pretty bad, but fine -- so that's one bad ep. Every series has one. Anyone who cares can find out what happened with it.

Actually, I would like to see those crappy bellboy uniforms undone -- the rest can stay as is.



Actually, I didn't think War Zone was THAT bad. Apart fron the punch up at the start, and the Gideon / Galen scene at the end, it was okay. Not the best ep, sure, but okay. Now 'Ruling from the Tomb'.... that was REALLY bad.

The point is, though... if they get the chance to re-make 'Crusade' from scratch, I reckon they should. Think of the mistakes they could remedy - those uniforms, the continuity problems with the virus screen and Lochley, the couple of episodes that truly sucked....
Still, so long as it is revived, I can forgive all of that!



[This message has been edited by WarpPig (edited December 18, 2001).]
As many have all ready said, Hopefully the Legend of the Rangers can "jump start" Crusade back into existence. The show really had great potential.

-With every light is born a shadow-
Sci-Fi is running the series again starting January 2nd at 1:00 PM

I was just hoping that Sci-Fi would make a Crusade telemovie and bring a little closer to the series.

"The truth points to itself."
--Kosh(The Original)from "In The Beginning"
I would LOVE to see a trilogy about Crusade. The entire story could not be told in this format, but I think some of it could be.

I think that the series should be resurrected, but the only thing I am wondering is about the actors availability. I also think that the show would need the key characters (Gideon, Galen, Dureena, Matheson, Max and Dr. Chambers) back. I am just wondering if say one of these actors could not make the commitment, would JMS replace them or scrap their part? It would be all right if he replaced the characters. I do not think I would like it at first, but I know it is something that I could easily grow used to. Out of all of the actors, there are two that I think the show NEEDS to return, and this is Peter Woodward and David Allen Brooks. I do like the other actors, but these two really stuck out in my mind, especially Peter Woodward.

I remember reading once that there were other episodes of Crusade that were filmed but they were never shown. Has anyone else read this or at least know anything about it? It was something mentioned in a Crusade article that was in a scifi mag that I came across from about a year and a half ago.

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
All the shows that were filmed were shown.

There were a couple of scripts that had been largely completed, including the intended season finale, that had not been filmed yet.

As for rewriting vs recasting, I think that JMS demonstrated his preference in B5. Between the pilot and Season 1, several characters traded out, and their functions in the story were picked up by their successor characters. I suspect that would hold true if and of the Crusade actors were unwilling or unable to commit to new shows.

My preference would be to see all those old friends back, however.


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Technomage Roanna:
My preference would be to see all those old friends back, however.



Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 19, 2002 at 9PM & 11PM EST, January 20, 2002 at 5PM on The Sci-Fi Channel (US).
I just came across some information about what Peter Woodward is up to. It seems that he has been very busy and that he is going to have a MAJOR part in an upcoming Charmed episode in February that could lead to a return. He's going to be playing the Source!

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
We should note that, when an actor becomes Unavailable, JMS prefers to create a NEW character. He only recasts if it is absolutely necessary.
The only three I can remember from B5 were Draal, Anna Sheridan and Na'Toth.
When the first two actors became unavailable the characters were Necessary, so the parts were recast.
JMS tried to recast Na'Toth, but it just didn't work, so he dropped the character except for the episode where G'Kar finds hoer on Centauri Prime.

Every other character whose actor became unavailable was "placed on hold". That way, when things changed, like with Talia, JMS could bring the Prior character back if he wanted to.
Just as he did with Lyta.

JMS is an Expert at taking Lemons and making Lemonaid.
Or better yet, Margaritas.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
If none of the actors were available, JMS would build this into the plotline. He is creative enough to work around any barrier, (except when his integrity is comprimised, like TNT). I would guess that there would be enough of the cast to revive the show. As long as our Capt. and Tech. Mage are available, we have a win.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I think that the series should be resurrected, but the only thing I am wondering is about the actors availability. I also think that the show would need the key characters (Gideon, Galen, Dureena, Matheson, Max and Dr. Chambers) back. I am just wondering if say one of these actors could not make the commitment, would JMS replace them or scrap their part?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I remember that about a year after Crusade had it's initial run, all of the actors except Gary Cole were saying that they would absolutely come back if the series were resurrected. Circumstances may have changed, but I get the impression that even if the actors had other commitments, they would try to make room in their schedules to return.

It's the quiet ones who change the universe. The loud ones only take the credit.
Of all the characters from Crusade that I want to see resurrected, it would have to be Galen. And as I see it, It would be extremely easy to integrate Galen's Character into the Rangers series (If there is one). After all, He was always dividing his time between helping the crew of the Excalibur and venturing off to unknown destinations. It is very conceivable that one of these destinations could be the Liandra. Also In a Call to Arms it was revealed that Galen had been caught interfering with non-technomage affairs before contacting Sheridan, of which the Liandra could also be involved.

Just a newbie throwing in his two cents.

"The quiet ones are the ones who change the Universe ... The loud ones only take the credit."

"Words are inadequate to describe the burden of my heart."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Also In A Call to Arms it was revealed that Galen had been caught interfering with non-technomage affairs before contacting Sheridan, of which the Liandra could also be involved.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I haven't seen the movie in awhile, but I don't remember that line. But ACtA takes place almost two years after Rangers. If Galen has "interfered" with others this could may mean short jaunts away from the Mages sanctuary, or may only mean communication, not physical contact - I'll have to check the Centauri Trilogy. But I doubt that he is allowed to leave the sanctuary more-or-less permanently until A Call to Arms After that he's very much involved in a mission of his own, which includes his contacts with Excalibur and is not likely to overlap with the kind of covert action assignments that Martell and his crew will specialize in. Be nice to have Galen guest star, but I doubt he could be a regular, even starting in season two or three.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited January 23, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Just a newbie throwing in his two cents.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Welcome on board

For what it is worth (and replying to noone in particular), I think running Crusade and B5LR concurrently would be a mistake. Not in story terms, because it would certainly be interesting to see the same time period developing from two completely different persepctives at the same time. Hopefully it would be more integrated than just an occasional crossover a la Buffy/Angel.

Unfortunately, there is always the risk that one series would be forced to drop in spoilers for the other in order to move its own story forward. Also noone can guarantee how TV channels other than SFC would show them - would any other channels be prepared to give two B5 series screen time at the same time? I doubt it.

I would also have concerns about the quality of both shows given how much work JMS is said to have had to do when he was working on B5:TOS alone.

He also has a possible long term commitment to Jeremiah, not to mention his comics and other work. I know he claims to work best when he is snowed under, but there has to come a point at which he is too thinly spread, and Exec Producing possibly 3 series at once must be too much for anyone to pull off.

Personally, I would rather see it not done at all than done badly.

As I say ... just by $0.02.


"Want to talk socks?"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Unfortunately, there is always the risk that one series would be forced to drop in spoilers for the other in order to move its own story forward.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why? If each series is telling a different story, why should they spoil one another?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Also no one can guarantee how TV channels other than SFC would show them - would any other channels be prepared to give two B5 series screen time at the same time?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Again, if they aren't telling the same story, why would this matter? (I assume you're talking about eventual re-runs here, by the way, since this wouldn't even be an issue while the shows are still in production.)

Interesting that you mentioned Buffy and Angel. Here are two shows, set in the same imaginative universe, and they're running on different networks. No cross-overs will be allowed from this point on, but each show manages to tell its story without reference to, or interference from, the other. Why couldn't two shows in the B5 universe do the same?



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited January 23, 2002).]
I hope B5:LotR and Crusade both get their due. What I was really disappointed about with the cancellation of Crusade was losing those little tidbits about the teep war. The Teep War was supposed to act as background to Crusade like the Minbari War did with B5. And I think we lost a lot of good story. Value Judgements would have made an excellent episode.

Anyway I hope we get a few more tidbits of The Teep War before it goes on the Big Screen!

Btw, I still say we saw Lyta in Path of Sorrows!

"You cannot stop someone who's been touched by Vorlons!"
"I tried so hard and got so far, in the end it doesn't even matter."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
I haven't seen the movie in awhile, but I don't remember that line. But ACtA takes place almost two years after Rangers. Galen has "interfered" with others this could may mean short jaunts away from the Mages sanctuary, or may only mean communication, not physical contact - I'll have to check the Centauri Trilogy.

Spoilers for Centauri Prime Book 2:

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>Legions of Fire Book 2 - Armies of Light and Dark
pg. 59 Galen shows up for the first time, when he destroys the Shadow jumpgate in K0643, almost certainly with his Spell of Destruction. This takes place after the Drakh tested the deathcloud on Daltron 7, but before Earth is attacked.

pg. 97 Galen meets Vir on B5

pg. 128 Galen. Capt. Gideon, and the Excalibur are mentioned. </font></td></tr></table>

Vorlon Empire

[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited January 23, 2002).]