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  1. V

    Rotational Gravity (or not) in the movie 2010

    Ok, I'm not a physicist, and I haven't seen 2010 in a while, so please forgive me if I'm talking pants here... But unless I'm mistaken, the scenes in question take place near to the planet, yeah? If so, then there would be a low amount of gravity caused by the nearby planetary mass. The...
  2. V

    Smallville going down hill? [season 3 spoilers]

    Re: Smallville going down hill? I think you are all wathcing a different show to me? I think the third season has been great so far; Smallville has, IMHO, grown significantly with every season. There is far less of the "Clark Kent's Creek" feel to it, and they are playing with the mythology...
  3. V

    Blakes 7 on DVD

    Dude, whether it blows, or kicks ass, you can bet I will be jabbering away as soon as it airs. :) Likewise if this propsed B7 revival ever comes to anything... VB
  4. V

    JMS - Non-update update

    Re: Gaelic pronunciations and Albaphiles! Interesting...although I'm sure that the word "celtic" has roots in one of the celtic tongues, but it could still have just been the fashion of pronunciation (since it is purely based on guesswork anyway, there being no tape recorders two millenia ago). VB
  5. V

    JMS - Non-update update

    Re: Game legality Actually I hate football with a passion! technically, I *should* be a dundee fan, as that's where I'm from originally, but last time I took an interest in sport (other than International Rugby, which I think rules all) it was the 49ers!!! :) VB
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    JMS - Non-update update

    Re: Gaelic pronunciations and Albaphiles! Sorry, my no wrong pronunciation thing was a bit vague... What I meant was that rules of pronunciation, just like syntax, morphology etc should be DEscriptive, not PREscriptive. As far as soft "c" words...I'm not sure (and don't have time to check)...
  7. V

    Is a feature film likely right now?

    I don't care what it is...as long as he bluddy well tells us before I slip into a coma! :rolleyes:
  8. V

    JMS - Non-update update

    Re: Game legality I too am a Scot, and I, too, can confirm Celtic (football team from Glasgow, or Glasgae...or Weegieland ;) ) is pronounced with a soft "c". And there's no wrong in pronunciation, just different. :) VB.
  9. V

    Firefly Movie (More rumors and speculation)

    they don't really tie up any of the arc plots, but equally they don't leave you on a cliff hanger, like Dark Skies... In the UK, we got them all in the right order, and it rocked: hopefully you will get them in the right order too... VB
  10. V

    JMS - Non-update update

    I think a trilogy, preapproved, is a rank outsider. A single film, with an option for 2 sequels (ala Riddick) is more feasible. I don't know anymore, I'm so confused. JMS - please put me out of my misery!!! :lol: VB
  11. V

    Firefly Movie (More rumors and speculation)

    I think the main reason it's getting made is that there is a good story to tell. Remember, the movie wasn't greenlighted right off the bat - it was pending Joss's script. He turned in a (presumably) good script, and so the movie's getting made - and there was much rejoicing. I loved Firefly...
  12. V

    JMS - Non-update update

    I don't think he's disputing that...but a sequel couldn't be rushed through all the stages: writing, pre-production, principal photography, post-production, editing, marketing etc. etc. all in the space of under one year. The LotR movies avoided that by getting all of the preproduction parts...
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    JMS - Non-update update

    Don't you mean y'all, or youse? ;) VB
  14. V

    JMS - Non-update update

    That's still my bet, a 4-6 hour miniseries. But it's all good. Except the Opera idea. That would be BAD. :) VB
  15. V

    The Last Week of B5

    Absolutely - I caught "Atonement" the other day, and was almost late for a lecture because of it, but it was worth it. Wouldn't have sat down and planned it, but was having a coffee, flipped through and saw it on Bravo and Bob's your Aunty's significant other. Fried gold. VB.
  16. V

    Niggling question about Minbari and the truth

    I suppose you could say that she was saving G'Kar's face...if she told him at his insistance, and people died as a result, that would bring dishonour to him. Stretching it a little I suppose, but I think that "For the Greater Good" is an equally valid reason for witholding the truth. There is...
  17. V

    Commentary & Questions about Season 1 episode TKO

    I *think* that it's more an attitude thing perhaps; that humans have an attitude that is innapropriate to the Mutai? Like when Occidental and Oriental cultures first met, I'm sure that martial artists of the east refused to teach Westerners, believing they lacked the subtelty of thought, or...
  18. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Sasquatch? ;)
  19. V

    Latest From JMS

    Re: They guessed the acronym. Wait, if that was proven wrong, wouldn't that mean that this lack of news is equivalent to BAD news? Aaaaargh! We're back on semantics again!!! :lol: VB
  20. V

    Bizzare Cameos?

    He will always be Howing Mad Murdoch to me!!!! :) VB