Actually B5 was doing very well in its ratings in key demographics. And the only reason they weren't sure whether they were going to get the fifth season had nothing to do with the popularity of the show, it's because the network that was running the show, PTEN, was shutting down (WB decided to start the "WB" instead).
It is because of the success and popularity of the show that WB got with TNT and signed a deal
after much of the Season 5 material had been stuffed into Season 4, reducing the need for a Season 5.

B5 could have gone to "The WB" if the different pieces of disfunctional WB would have played well together, instead of holding grudges.
so the arc could be completed.
As I said above, by the time S4 had been shot, a good deal of the reason for
having a Season 5 had vanished.
S5 was also so successful that TNT wanted a spin-off, thus CRUSADE.
as a whole, was successful and popular enough that TNT wanted a spin-off, CRUSADE.
It is JMS who pulled the plug
Let's see. JMS was working for Warner Brothers, who was working for (supplying a product to) TNT. TNT didn't like the product (CRUSADE), and JMS refused to compromise the quality of the product by making CRUSADE the "Baywatch Meets Wrestling in Space" that TNT wanted. So,
TNT pulled the plug. This happened because TNT was finding out that people who tuned in to see B5 and CRUSADE were not sticking around to watch their other stuff (wrestling, sports, etc.), and the people who tuned to see their regular stuff, were not watching B5 and CRUSADE. That's why TNT wanted out of CRUSADE. It didn't fit their audience.
on CRUSADE, which actually did fairly well in the ratings
TNT CRUSADE Airings, Ratings, Comments:
War Zone, 06/09/1999, 1.9
The Long Road, 06/16/1999, 1.4 (1st game of NBA finals)
The Well of Forever, 06/23/1999, 1.2 (4th game of NBA finals)
The Path of Sorrows, 06/30/1999, 1.1 (NBA Draft, so Crusade started at Midnight)
Patterns of the Soul, 07/07/1999, 1.3
Ruling from the Tomb, 07/14/1999, 1.3
The Rules of the Game, 07/21/1999, 1.0 (JFK Jr. plane crash)
Appearances and Other Deceits, 07/28/1999, 1.3
Racing the Night, 08/04/1999, 1.2
The Memory of War, 08/11/1999, 1.3
The Needs of Earth, 08/18/1999, 1.5
Visitors from Down the Street, 08/25/1999, 1.3
Each Night I Dream of Home, 09/01/1999, 1.4
Wouldn't a decent rating for TNT be about a 3 or a 4? Pre-emptions and the TNT-FUBARed airing order didn't help, either.
despite that fact that fans knew ahead of time that there were only 13 episodes
Fans knew, in
June through September 1999, that there were only 13 episodes, because we were following things on the net (rastb5m, JMSNews, etc.).
(this was mainly because fans wanted SciFi to pick up the show for its completion
Wait a minute. What are you saying "this was mainly because...."? In
April 2001, fans who watched Crusade
on Sci-Fi, knew that there were only 13 episodes. Crusade's ratings on TNT were not very good for TNT. Crusade's ratings on Sci-Fi were as follows:
CRUSADE Sci-Fi Airings, Ratings:
Racing the Night, 04/09/2001, 1.1
The Memory of War, 04/10/2001, 1.0
The Needs of Earth , 04/11/2001, 0.9
The Path of Sorrows, 04/12/2001, 0.9
Visitors from Down The Street, 04/16/2001, 0.8
War Zone, 04/17/2001, 0.8
The Long Road, 04/18/2001, 0.7
The Well of Forever, 04/19/2001, 0.7
Each Night I Dream of Home, 04/23/2001, 0.7
Ruling from the Tomb, 04/24/2001, 0.7
The Rules of the Game, 04/25/2001, 0.7
Patterns of the Soul, 04/26/2001, 0.6
Appearances and Other Deceits, 04/30/2001, 0.6
...and not very good, even for Sci-Fi. The main reason was probably because fans knew that there were only the 13 episodes and no more.
-- and that didn't fly because WB wouldn't share the rights to the show with SciFi).
that's true.
So to say that B5 was nominally successful is actually not was enormously successful, not only domestically but in syndication and worldwide.
No, not enormousely successful. It was fairly successful in spite of many stumbling blocks placed in its path.
No, the timing is right for B5 -- like Brosnan missing the first chance to play Bond and then getting it when it did (the timing was best for him when it did happen)-- B5 is poised in my opinion to become the next SF film franchise.
Yes, if only WB will take the chance.
WB can see that TREK's film franchise (and TREK in general) is in deep s*%t,
Which probably serves to make WB more nervous, as they probably see this as a lack of interest in sci-fi in general.
SW is about to be done with the pre-quels
Stick a fork in SW, they're done. Ep. I & II stunk. I'm not going to go see Ep. III, rent it when it comes out on DVD, or probably even watch it when it airs on broadcast TV. Ptui!
and SF in general seems to be on the upswing.
??? It is? Evidence? Trek is in decline. SW is in decline. Andromeda is awful. Tru Calling is probably a goner. Angel is cancelled. Jake 2.0 is gone. And it seems to me that SG-1 is getting tired. Where is this "upswing" that you speak of?
Now is the time to strike.
Yes, but because there's little supply, little competition. Now is the quiet time when WB should ante up, and back B5 bigtime.
And B5 wouldn't cost nearly what SW or LOTR have cost.
No doubt about that, but WB is tight when it comes to B5.
As has been pointed out here, JMS is known to be trifty with the cash and bring things in on schedule. With $50 million on a film JMS could and would bring us a bigger better story than the SW pre-quels have brought us,
That, he could probably do in his sleep.
and the FX would be there to help tell the story instead of being the story, so they would surely be only where needed and wonderful.
And the FX would all have to be re-created from scratch. But, on a $50 million budget, that's not a problem.
Remember, that last talk of a B5 film was rumored to be budgeted at only $35 million. That's more than three seasons of the show cost all together. JMS would leap for joy I think to get $50 mill a film.
If his heart could take the shock

. [kidding]