We're making this into a real morass. Sorry folks. This has to be a record, Recoil.
As I said above, by the time S4 had been shot, a good deal of the reason for having a Season 5 had vanished.
Ah, but there was more arc to tell.
And that's why I said "a good deal of the reason..."
As for the dysfunction of the various subsidiaries...TNT wasn't a walk in the park either.
True, but I was referring to relations
between Warner Brothers branches, not
within a specific one of those branches.
S5 was also so successful that TNT wanted a spin-off, thus CRUSADE.
as a whole, was successful and popular enough that TNT wanted a spin-off, CRUSADE.
B5 was still doing quite well in the ratings...for a cable show with a no name start, B5 was a huge success story. And was Sci-Fi's top rated syndicated rerun for a long time.
That doesn't prove that "
S5 was also so successful that TNT wanted a spin-off, thus CRUSADE."
It is JMS who pulled the plug
Let's see. JMS was working for Warner Brothers, who was working for (supplying a product to) TNT. TNT didn't like the product (CRUSADE), and JMS refused to compromise the quality of the product by making CRUSADE the "Baywatch Meets Wrestling in Space" that TNT wanted. So,
TNT pulled the plug. This happened because TNT was finding out that people who tuned in to see B5 and CRUSADE were not sticking around to watch their other stuff (wrestling, sports, etc.), and the people who tuned to see their regular stuff, were not watching B5 and CRUSADE. That's why TNT wanted out of CRUSADE. It didn't fit their audience.
Actually, the plug had been pulled before CRUSADE even hit the air.
That's because TNT started finding out about the bad fit B5 had with their audience during B5 Season 5, which was before CRUSADE hit the air. The trend just
continued throughout Crusade. TNT not liking the first five [1] had little to do with the content of the first five, and was just an
excuse to dump it. They didn't like CRUSADE because they knew it was not going to do well on their network, and when they tried to "sleaze it up" so it
would do well on their network, JMS balked, and so TNT pulled the plug (refused to fund any more eps., tried to get out of funding the ones that had already been shot, and tried to prevent the completion of the first five [1] in post.).
So the lead-in audience wasn't an issue until later.
Lead-in audience was an issue during Babylon 5 Season 5 on TNT, and it continued throughout Crusade. People were tuning in for B5 and Crusade and tuning out for TNT's regular fare, and vice-versa. Their audience was polarized.
And for a show that was already dead coming out of the starting gate...on a cable channel, those weren't bad ratings (Enterprise is pulling those numbers now and look at it's origins.
And Enterprise is considered a
failure at its current ratings level.
...Crusade's would've been better and presumably would have gone up if the series had lasted.)
The "split-audience" factor probably would still have existed. TNT wanted something that appealed to its entire audience, or at least the vast majority of it. The audience may have homogenized a bit, but I can tell you that just because TNT was airing Crusade, there was no way it was going to entice me to watch basketball and wrestling. I tuned in for B5 and Crusade (and it was sometimes not easy to find), and tuned out immediately after B5 and Crusade.
Same reason that I hated wrestling (which very often ran randomly long) preceding CSI on TNN/Spike, I hated having to see
any of wrestling just to get the start of CSI. Same reason I hated to see any likeable show (e.g. Crusade, SG-1, ... even
Tremors the Series) butted up against crap on Sci-Fi (e.g. Scare Tactics). It was like oil and water, ...actually more like pouring water on acid. I couldn't reach the remote fast enough.
JMS's refusal to cheapen the show to what the Atlanta TNT execs were telling him is what caused the end of the show.
The root cause was that B5 and Crusade did not match up with TNT's core audience. They found that out before Crusade hit the air, back when the first five [1] were in production.
There is no B5 universe without JMS, that's in his contract with WB.
I can't say this for sure because I've never actually seen his contract. I don't think he's ever said precisely what you said here.
If he walked...it was over.
At one point during Crusade, he did walk, but was convinced to come back, I think by Netter and Copeland, for the sake of the cast and crew.
What's not generally known ...
What's not generally known is that at one point, I walked off Crusade. It was when the worst of the notes came in, and I told Doug, and I told WB...I'm gone. I can't do what they're asking me to do, it's wrong, find somebody who will.
They prevailed on me to come back, and the main tool for this was "What about the crew and the cast? If you walk, what happens to them?" Reluctantly, after several days, I came back...and this led to the big notes meeting with TNT where I told them I couldn't/wouldn't do what they were asking on moral, ethical and creative grounds.
But either way, CRUSADE was dead before it hit the air...
No doubt about it.
on CRUSADE, which actually did fairly well in the ratings
TNT CRUSADE Airings, Ratings, Comments:
War Zone, 06/09/1999, 1.9
The Long Road, 06/16/1999, 1.4 (1st game of NBA finals)
The Well of Forever, 06/23/1999, 1.2 (4th game of NBA finals)
The Path of Sorrows, 06/30/1999, 1.1 (NBA Draft, so Crusade started at Midnight)
Patterns of the Soul, 07/07/1999, 1.3
Ruling from the Tomb, 07/14/1999, 1.3
The Rules of the Game, 07/21/1999, 1.0 (JFK Jr. plane crash)
Appearances and Other Deceits, 07/28/1999, 1.3
Racing the Night, 08/04/1999, 1.2
The Memory of War, 08/11/1999, 1.3
The Needs of Earth, 08/18/1999, 1.5
Visitors from Down the Street, 08/25/1999, 1.3
Each Night I Dream of Home, 09/01/1999, 1.4
Wouldn't a decent rating for TNT be about a 3 or a 4? Pre-emptions and the TNT-FUBARed airing order didn't help, either.
Again, look at what they were up against. Those are not bad ratings for an SF cult show spin-off that was dead coming out of the gate up against the NBA which carries much of the same demographic.
Against? Crusade was on the
same network
as the NBA. If it carried the same demographic, the NBA on TNT and Crusade should have helped each other. Instead, there was a polarization. Crusade fans saw their show get pushed out of the way by the NBA, postponed from January to June, and then get pushed around by the NBA in June.
despite that fact that fans knew ahead of time that there were only 13 episodes
Fans knew, in
June through September 1999, that there were only 13 episodes, because we were following things on the net (rastb5m, JMSNews, etc.).
(this was mainly because fans wanted SciFi to pick up the show for its completion
Wait a minute. What are you saying "this was mainly because...."? In
April 2001, fans who watched Crusade
on Sci-Fi, knew that there were only 13 episodes. Crusade's ratings on TNT were not very good for TNT. Crusade's ratings on Sci-Fi were as follows:
CRUSADE Sci-Fi Airings, Ratings:
Racing the Night, 04/09/2001, 1.1
The Memory of War, 04/10/2001, 1.0
The Needs of Earth , 04/11/2001, 0.9
The Path of Sorrows, 04/12/2001, 0.9
Visitors from Down The Street, 04/16/2001, 0.8
War Zone, 04/17/2001, 0.8
The Long Road, 04/18/2001, 0.7
The Well of Forever, 04/19/2001, 0.7
Each Night I Dream of Home, 04/23/2001, 0.7
Ruling from the Tomb, 04/24/2001, 0.7
The Rules of the Game, 04/25/2001, 0.7
Patterns of the Soul, 04/26/2001, 0.6
Appearances and Other Deceits, 04/30/2001, 0.6
...and not very good, even for Sci-Fi. The main reason was probably because fans knew that there were only the 13 episodes and no more.
Ok, there was talk when CRUSADE first aired on TNT about shopping the idea somewhere else, possibly SciFi. So many fans tuned in to make sure the ratings looked promising in order to help push CRUSADE's sellability to another network...again, presumably SciFi...not to mention the rather large "Save Crusade" campaign that went on aimed at SciFi. It was the no-sharing-of-ownership by WB that was the final death knell to CRUSADE.
I knew that (except the "So many fans tuned in to make sure the ratings looked promising in order to help push CRUSADE's sellability to another network."part of it). I didn't know which set of Crusade ratings you thought were so successful. And to be honest, I've forgotten what your point was.
The idea about shopping Crusade to Sci-Fi came about when JMS was getting fed-up with TNT's notes.
So to say that B5 was nominally successful is actually not true...it was enormously successful, not only domestically but in syndication and worldwide.
No, not enormousely successful. It was fairly successful in spite of many stumbling blocks placed in its path.
Is was because of those stumbling blocks and yet it's ever increasing ratings numbers that made it a great success. I remind you that B5 was on the forefront of the change that is now SOP in TV...the story arced series (that doesn't count soaps, nighttime or otherwise). It was due to this success that JMS was named as one of the top 40 most influential writers in Hollywood.
You're talking about it being "influential." I'm talking about it being "successful" (i.e.
ratings numbers). "Enormousely successful" would be B5 getting CSI-level ratings on one of the big three, or getting say between 7 and 10 on TNT, or between 5 and 7 on Sci-Fi.
And now, arc shows are starting to fall out of favor, because a network can't air them in random fashion during syndication.
TNT Lands 'Alias' Repeats on the Cheap
WB can see that TREK's film franchise (and TREK in general) is in deep s*%t,
Which probably serves to make WB more nervous, as they probably see this as a lack of interest in sci-fi in general.
Not so....they will see the vacuum. Anyone with a brain can see why Trek is failing. B5 has a sturdy and visionary person at the helm, JMS -- unlike Trek with Berman and his cronies.
"Not so....they will see the vacuum." ??? That takes courage and vision, and WB is notoriously lacking in those departments. Witness the timidity with which they entered the DVD market with B5 (one, no-frills, not cleaned up, "test the waters" disc), and the effort they put into cleaning up the B5 DVD transfers for dust, scratches, water damage, etc. See, a company that had courage and vision would had faith in their franchise and started out STRONG with a season set that was as perfect as they could make it, a
showpiece to
WOW everybody, something to get a real positive buzz going. A company that had courage and vision would not have lost all the CGI files, and would have stored the film more carefully, instead of allowing rats and water have their way with it.
SW is about to be done with the pre-quels
Stick a fork in SW, they're done. Ep. I & II stunk. I'm not going to go see Ep. III, rent it when it comes out on DVD, or probably even watch it when it airs on broadcast TV. Ptui!
You may not have liked them...but the SW films have made a s*@tload of money. I didn't much care for them either, but they have been very successful.
Something tells me the box office for Episode III will be disappointing, at least compared to Episode I (which benefitted from the coat tails of Episode VI.).
Not to mention LOTR (which Hollywood lumps SF and Fantasy into the same boat).
I don't think that "Lord of the Rings" film success translates into the easing of WB trepidation re. future B5-universe projects.
and SF in general seems to be on the upswing.
??? It is? Evidence? Trek is in decline. SW is in decline. Andromeda is awful. Tru Calling is probably a goner. Angel is cancelled. Jake 2.0 is gone. And it seems to me that SG-1 is getting tired. Where is this "upswing" that you speak of?
Back up and look. SW is successful, though many of the fans of the originals aren't happy.
SW is going down the tubes, and Lucas looks like a has-been.
SG-1 has a new spinoff series that's all the buz.
New series/different actors. Could be in for a rough time if it doesn't make SG-1 numbers from the get-go. Hope Skiffy has patience with it. I won't know because Comcast deleted Skiffy from my cable package, and moved it to digital.
True, but less so in the beginning, before Sorbocules took over.
...and I never count anything much from UPN...and while Trek is in decline you can rest assured Paramount, though they may give it a rest, isn't done with that franchise.
A rest looks like pulling away from the genre.
Angel gone, yes....and I don't count Tru Calling. I'm talking your good ole SF space fans.
If you count Angel, you've got to count Tru Calling.
Dr. Who is about to return revamped and back in a big way....
Over here in the US?
Stargate: Atlantis launches this summer, with one more season of SG-1 to go.
Yes, you mentioned Stargate: Atlantis further up the post.
Taken and the Dune mini-series both did very well.
Taken had the Spielberg name plastered all over it. Its success is not necessarily viewed as interest in the sci-fi genre, but rather interest in a Spielberg project.
Dune had the Herbert name attached to it.
Success for those does not necessarily translate to success for a B5 project with the Straczynski name attached to it.
Battlestar Galactica, though some didn't like it, did very well and is about to launch as a new series as well.
Hope Sci-Fi doesn't goo too cheap on them, and screw it up.
There's talk of bringing Farscape back to end the series (which wouldn't have been heard of a few years ago).
...as a movie, a one shot thing to satisfactorily wrap things up.
SF always goes through a lull every few years...and it's due for its upswing. There are a lot of SF projects in the works which means Hollywood is expecting the upswing.
I hope you're right.
Oh, and GL also has announced the SW EU (Expanded Universe), which at this point is in early stages of talks on the next SW trilogy (all of the original cast has signed on -- although GL will only EP, thank GOD!)
Can't he just let it mercifully die

, and let there be room for other space SF? Does SW have to drag on, forever?
"which at this point is in early stages of talks on
the next SW trilogy (all of the original cast has signed on " What????? VII, VIII, and IX ????? They're going to do 'em? I thought Lucas scuttled that idea, and I viewed the scuttling as a
good thing.
No, it's great timing to be on the crest of the next wave!
If only WB will have the guts to do it. <fingers crossed>
The First Five (grey/red uniform eps.):
101 The Needs of Earth
102 The Memory of War
103 Racing the Night
104 Visitors from Down the Street
105 Each Night I Dream of Home