Due to illness I've been mysteriously missing these last couple of days of postings. I've read it all and caught up. Before I begin: LOTR, 11 Oscars! Rocks! I'm happy for Peter Jackson...it was his passion and it came through in the film...he's changed the industry forever and fully deserved the awards.
Ok, brace yourselves, for yet another rare moment, I'm in approximately 98% agreement with Joe. I have complete faith a writer with JMS's skills can bring to the big screen an incredible and living tale while giving all the pertinent exposition for newbies. JMS is one of those rare writers who can give exposition in an inticing manner...usually by making it some kind of mystery in the audience's mind that they wish to have solved, so they hang on the words of the actors. JMS is a master at it.
As for NEMESIS, all I will say is that I liked it...wasn't in love with it like I am with the LOTR trilogy...but in my opinion it was the best of the TNG cast films, but still didn't hold a candle to ST 2, 4, or 6. But I would rank it right under them. I tend to want to say as little about Trek otherwise, since to me it is dead until Rick Berman is flogged in the streets for what he and Brannon Braga have done to the wonderful universe. (Ok, Berman and Braga fired will satisfy my bloodlust I guess. :devil

If I speak too much on this it will turn into a novella titled, STAR TREK: THE DEATH OF BERMAN, THE WRATH OF FANS.
Ok, on the B5 Universe, which to me has much life and depth left in it, not to mention a master at the helm in JMS. I've mentioned briefly in other posts the idea of a B5 trilogy (I don't think WB would put up cash for 5 films, no -- but a trilogy?).
Meditate on this bit of mathmatics, while holding in your minds the fact that WB wants to make money, bottom line. Any film that makes a profit is considered a success. Cult films are bankable, because they will usually always make their money back from the fans...the rest is cake.
Peter Jackson spent only $300 Million to produce the LOTR trilogy...that's about $100 Million per film (less than Lucas is spending on his FX laden, character flat, and plotless films).
Next you have an enormously surpising showing in the B5 DVD sales worldwide...millions of copies sold, enough to put the box sets in the top 10 sellers when they come out. That's impressive.
Now, who is the parent company of New Line Cinema? Non other than our own beloved WB. Both companies have just made a mint on LOTR.
Now consider that shooting a trilogy as one big film, a la LOTR, is actually less expensive than shooting each film seperately with time off inbetween (IE: first film's a hit, so they decide then to do a sequel so they have to call back everyone and work around schedules, the red tape turns into mountains). I might also point out that the new X-Men is shooting 3 and 4 together, BACK TO THE FUTURE did 2 and 3, and MATRIX 2 and 3(even though they weren't very good) were shot together. It is much more cost prohibitive to make one BIG film and split it into little ones for release. Oh, KILL BILL is another example.
Now, figure WB is generous and gives JMS $50 Million per "film." That's $150 Million to make a sweeping B5 trilogy that allows JMS to tell a big story (that's half the budget of LOTR and I don't think JMS will need everything LOTR needed). This also allows JMS to tell a BIG story, which has always been one of his problems in working in features...he likes to have more time to let a story unfold than a normal film allows.
Now, figure at least the number of households who purchased B5 boxed sets (this isn't considering there are more than one person per household on average) will go see the first film (obviously hyped and marketed out the ass). Then that film will more than make up its $50 Million budget. Say, even if it brings in $80 Million domestically, then almost half of the trilogy is paid for. Yet, we still have two more films to be released, and if JMS has planned and written them with his usual wonder (which I expect) people will be back for the other two films. If each film simply has a return of the same audience from the first one (which I believe the audience would grow) then the trilogy would bring in $240 Million domestically alone. That's a lot of fundage. B5 is proven then to be a money maker (not that it hasn't already with its stellar DVD sales).
With a minimal investment (comparitively), WB would with no doubt, based on DVD sales alone (figuring those people alone will come and pay to see the films), will more than make their money back and have a hit on their hands while giving JMS three films to tell a sprawling story.
Remember, LOTR has changed the way Hollywood sees this "shoot them all at once" thing. It really does cost less to do it that way.
I might have missed a couple of points in here because I was up and down from the computer while typing this, but I hope you all see the logic.
I'm not saying that it will be a trilogy...I'm simply telling you, B5
is a very viable prospect for WB. DVD sales can make a difference. WB would make their money back in the theatres at least three fold from B5 fans alone, domestically (not even counting foreign where it's huge and DVD releases of the films). Anyone with a head for numbers, based solely on the DVD sales, can see that B5 is a theatrically promising project.
Lest we forget, he might have had problems with TNT and MGM, but WB loves JMS (could there have been anymore initials there?

). B5 is their SF cash cow, and with SF on the rise again and SF-F finally being recognized by the industry, WB is ready to jump into the fray, with some DVD sales numbers that shocked WB as the impetus for their thinking.
Like I said, I'm not saying it will be a trilogy...but I can see where WB could have great expectations from B5 and JMS. It's all very clear to me.
All that said, I don't think it will be anything on TV short of a mini-series...and I don't think it will be that either. I'm expecting a feature film announcement at the least, if not a trilogy announcement. You don't keep this tight a lid on TV projects...no this is BIG...and it even has JMS saying it's pretty cool.
B5, if written and made well (what else could it be with JMS penning the script), with some strategically placed guest starring roles is a win-win prospect at its worst right now. It's a huge win-huge win prospect at best. As long as each person who bought even one box set goes to see it...there is no way it can't make a tidy profit. Of course, we all know that there are more than one person in each DVD home, on average, who will go see it...and that we'll tell everyone to run see it who isn't a B5 fan yet.
I don't think most people realize how much LOTR has changed this industry. Think about it.
Whether a single feature film or a trilogy...I'm 98% certain that we're getting one or the other.
Of course, like I've said before, if I'm wrong, I'll gladly come on here and admit it.
Now as to what this film (or films) might we about...only JMS and the WB elite know right now.
Some food for thought.