Super Moderator
AHA!!! I used a lot of those phrases verbatim (talking about WB and Sci-Fi) when Sci-Fi/Bonnie Hammer decided to go with B5:LotR instead of Crusade. <grumble, grumble>since it usually ends up causing me to yell at the TV or newspaper or whatever something to the effect of, "It's as plain as day, you morons! GOD! They're missing out on such a huge opportunity!" or something like, "You idiot! Don't you see what's going to happen if you do this?! GOD! Morons everywhere in power...why can't someone with a little common sense make some decisions every now and then?!" or, "That's not the story you should tell, dipshit! What were you thinking?!"
You have a mic. in my house? I mean, there you go again, plagiarizing my words.![]()
Plagiarism is a very strong accusation...besides, how did you find that mic? I thought I hid it really well.![]()
The dog found, and ate, the mic.
I keep my hopes way down. That way, I might be pleasantly surprised.KoshN...funny thing in all of our previous postings back and forth to each other (and taking up a great deal of word space in this thread) I would have to say that we're both arguing almost the same points. Some minor facts are off, but we're both seeing the same side of the coin. Difference is, I'm looking at things from a positive side...perhaps a bit too sunshiny
...and you're being conservative in your hopes.
Yep.Bottom line is we both are hoping for the same thing.
I saw Episode I (Just once!) at the theater, and almost walked out of it.Like I said, you and I aren't happy with the new SW films...I'm with you there, but like them or not, they've made gobbs of moola for GL.
I saw Episode II (Just once!) at the theater, thinking it had to be better than Episode I, and almost walked out on it during the frolicking in the flowery field scene.
Maybe it's because I'm now ~20 years older, and the actors had a lot to do with my liking Ep. IV thru VI, but the new films just seem empty and uninspired.
These were the REAL Star Wars:
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
I still don't think they should be made because they'll keep other stuff out of the market, much like with JMS and his avoidance of Ep. I, II, and III. I doubt I'd go see Ep. VII, VIII or IX. In that way, I think I'm getting like Gharlane was with his refusal to read Dell #8, #9, or any of the DelRey B5 trilogies.The one thing I will say positively for the next trilogy is that GL will have nothing more to do with them except to EP them.
From: "Gharlane of Eddore"
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 1:56 AM
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "ArsenicMan"
> >Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
> >Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 4:00 PM
> >> Question: About how many words long are each of the Del Rey books? (on
> >> average)
> >
> >Rough estimates below:
> >
> >Book#1 Voices, 0-440-22057-2, Dell ~95694 words
> >Book#2 Accusations, 0-440-22058-0, Dell, ~85068 words
> >Book#3 Blood Oath, 0-440-22059-9, Dell, ~80442 words
> >Book#4 Clark's Law, 0-440-22229-X, Dell, ~101835 words
> >Book#5 The Touch of Your Shadow, the Whisper of Your Name, 0-440-22230-3,
> >Dell, ~57288 words
> It looks like a lot less than 57000 words to me; did you take the
> much-larger type font and fewer lines per page into account,
[I did.]
> or
> just count the pages?
> I stopped trying to read them at Number Seven.
Been bitten once too often, and he really didn't like #7, or Cavelos.