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  1. V

    Kingdom of Heaven

    yeah, I enjoyed it. Infact the only real fault I could level at it was once or twice something (cinematography/score) reminded me faintly of Black Hawk Down or Gladiator. But it's probably just because I've seen them a lot (and both are RS movies too). But yeah, Bloom can act, which surprised...
  2. V

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Re: Hitchhiker\'s Guide to the Galaxy Actually Dr G, I'd say *don't* read the book first. Unless you're planning on waiting a while to see it. They've obviously had to change little things; not a problem. But if you've just read the book before going to see it, you'll automatically make...
  3. V

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Re: Hitchhiker\'s Guide to the Galaxy Well I saw it yesterday...held off posting as I've been roasted here before for liking films others didn't like so much. :) ...and I liked HHGTTG too. :) Not perfect, but very good...good acting, good script, genuinely funny...true to the spirit of the...
  4. V

    Serenity Trailer!

    Yes. Yes you do. :)
  5. V

    Serenity Trailer!

    Firefly was a TV Show by Joss Whedon. It was reallhy, really good, but due to network shenanigans it was shown out of sequence, and the ratings weren't great. So they pulled it early (as they are wont to do...). But it sold really well on DVD, and shortly thereafter a movie (Serenity) was...
  6. V

    Serenity Trailer!

    That was one of the comments...I'd heard they were all in it, but one was in it less than the others...I'm guessing that would be the Shepherd...
  7. V

    Serenity Trailer!

    w00t!Click here for the LARGE trailer. I'll wait for a few of you to watch it before I comment...wouldn't want to spoil the fun! VB
  8. V

    Kingdom of Heaven

    I'm pretty sure that he might be; certainly an early review I read mentioned Lepers, and I think that the guy you briefly see wearing a silver mask might be doing so to hide his Leprosy. VB
  9. V


    Re: dr.who + new doctor confirmed !!! Hoots! ;)
  10. V


    Yeah, I'm hoping for more of an arc too; I guess they have to keep it self contained (at least at first) to draw in new viewers. I believe this week's is the first part of the first two-part arc? VB
  11. V

    "Hollywood really [isn't] quite literate..."

    Re: \"Hollywood really [isn\'t] quite literate...\" That's a damned fine quotation. :) VB
  12. V


    Aye, I know...but that's what I suggested earlier... :D 3rd Ep was on last night, was good (the one with Charles Dickens in it...)..what's especially interesting is the little hints at a bigger story they're dropping in that, if you're a fan, you spot right away, but go completely over the...
  13. V


    Uh...I don't think that had anything to do with race, mate? :)
  14. V


    Scifiwire ran a story a few days ago about Who, quoting the BBC as apologising to Ecclestone for misrepresenting his reasons for not filming a 2nd series...Click here for the story... :D VB
  15. V


    Re: dr.who - SPOILERS Yip; I think they're rushing the no-frills package out, perhaps precisely because of the International problem. the second ep was on yesterday; and very good it was too...explored some of Rose's feelings on running off through time with a strange alien, and also featured...
  16. V


    Re: dr.who - SPOILERS I heard they were coming out "on the cheap" in the summer, then re-released at Xmas with features. Can't remember where I heard that though... @Elric; maybe, but I don't think you can blanket the whole BBC with one practice (e.g. it's BBC Wales that are running Dr Who)...
  17. V


    One thing that's worth bearing in mind...we're all looking at what Christopher Ecclestone says and thinking either it's an excuse, or its something he didn't realise... There's also the possibility that he never intended to do more than 1 series? But he didn't announce that before it aired so...
  18. V


    Re: dr.who - SPOILERS Well I loved it, thought it lived up to the best of Who... there were parts that I maybe would have skipped...the wheely bin I was fine with, but the belch?... a little too much. And the actor playing the boyfriend was dire; he clearly thought he was making a show just...
  19. V

    Sci-Fi Friday (SG-1, Atl., BG) 03/18/05 (spoilers)

    Did you notice he'd "gone Canadian" though, eh? ;) I agree for the most oart with what you've said, although for me BSG took a long time to get going. I hated the miniseries and found the first few eps of the series proper only tolerable. But it got better as it went on, it improved...
  20. V

    About Season 3...

    As things stand; no. I mean, never say never and all that, but basically, no.