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About Season 3...

Last I heard JMS was definitely not interested in doing Season 3, but, Showtime has the rights, so if they are so inclined, they could hire someone else to do it.
Actually MGM has the rights, so if they are so inclined, they could hire someone else to do it. It does seem unlikely at this point though, because its been to long and the people are moving on.
I'm not sure anyone else would do a 3rd season any justice (JMS wrote most of S2, and just look at how much better it was than S1).

And also, (minor spoiler from season 2)...



I thought S2 ended very well. Although it was open enough to make a 3rd season, I am more happy with how it finished and it is fine to leave it there :) I think JMS did it this way knowing that S3 may not happen.