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  1. F

    Season Two Air Date Confimed

    Thanks. I've just set up "Dead Like Me" and "Queer as Folk" on the TiVo to give them both a shot. With a bunch of my favorite shows finished after last season, its time to find some new quality programming! -Tim
  2. F

    Alex Zahara here I'm Back!!

    Re: Alex Zahara here I\'m Back!! I can't wait to hear. Maybe Sci-Fi's ratings are down and LOTR will make a comeback. Oh well, we can dream, can't we? ;-) -Tim
  3. F

    Season Two Air Date Confimed

    I'm getting psyched up - just ordered Showtime and I've set up the TiVo on season pass mode. I can't wait! Having never had Showtime before, can anyone recommend other programs worth watching / TiVoing? Thanks in advance! -Tim
  4. F

    B5 Magazines

    That's pretty damn cool! What were you mentioned in the news section for? Can someone scan the article or transcribe the text who has the mag? -Tim
  5. F

    DVD Region Packaging Differences? R2 people help!

    S3 is region free. I tested it and it came up as R1,R2,R3,R4... so anyone should be fine getting the R1 release. Which begs the question, why both releasing multiple versions on multiple dates if the R1 release is a multiregion release? -Tim
  6. F

    Update from JMS

    Garibaldi: I guess it wouldn't be a good time for me to suggest we all join hands and sing 'Kumbaja'? Sheridan: Mr. Garibaldi! Lighten up folks - its only a posting board. Agree to disagree. Can't we all just get along? ;-) -Tim
  7. F

    B5 reference in webcomic

    Would War Without End, Part 2, be considered a prequel considering the ending? ;-) B5 really can't be easily categorized, as the often jump all over the place time wise. Besides, most prequels suck; In the Beginning was fantastic because it showed the past and the future while enhancing the...
  8. F

    B5 mentioned on ESPN.com

    Who knew the Vorlons were the master marketers of the universe? Maybe the Walkers were communist. ;-) -Tim
  9. F

    B5 mentioned on ESPN.com

    The Chicago Bears this year do seem to be the equivalent of the Pak'Ma'Ra on B5... then again, I'm in Philly, where our team was *supposed* to be good this year... and we're getting crushed by superior forces more often than the Narn! The biggest news of our football season so far has been...
  10. F

    What's up with no B5 on Sci-fi Channel?

    Re: What\'s up with no B5 on Sci-fi Channel? Another guess is that they may not return to normal on the 27th. They probably only announce the schedule "X" number of weeks in advance, and probably will have a new fall day time lineup after a few weeks off to plan their "strategy"... although I'm...
  11. F

    B5 mentioned on ESPN.com

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. He's a really fun writer, worth a weekly read, even if you're not into football. He often makes comments about how sci-fi shows affect the "real world." I was also in Chicago this summer. That stadium is scary. Soldier Field was one of the all-time classic stadiums, and...
  12. F

    Turhan's Mission

    Re: Turhan\'s Mission Its the fashion in 1,002,262 AD! ;-)
  13. F

    Still waiting for r2 uk to be released ....

    You don't need a multi region player to play region 1 B5 DVDs... all the "region 1" B5 DVDs are actually multi-region: R1,R2,R3,R4. -Tim
  14. F

    B5 mentioned on ESPN.com

    Being an American football fan, I often read a column called "Tuesday Morning Quarterback" (or, TMQ as he calls himself) on the ESPN web site. Its absolutely hilarious, very well written, and enjoyable even for non-football fans. This week, the author, Gregg Easterbrook has given Bab-5 props...
  15. F

    To Dream In the City of Sorrows (Spoilers)

    Re: B5 Comics... There are a total of 14 issues. For details: http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/comic/index.html
  16. F

    Update from JMS

    Good job, Joe, you beat me to posting this by about one minute! ;-) Here's the full link to the entire post; there's a good explanation of Jeremiah's status as well: Post Available at JMSNews Enjoy! -Tim
  17. F

    Season 3 R2 release date delayed

    The S3 DVD is R1, R2, R3, R4 - I just checked. It has one audio track, English, with subtitles available in English, French, and Spanish. Any R2-R4 people should be fine with the R1 release. I got my copy from Amazon.com - not Amazon.ca (gift certificate put to good use, as well as supporting...
  18. F

    Season 3 R2 release date delayed

    I meant to check on that last night. I'll try to remember to check to see if the R1 DVDs are actually multiregion tonight. Regards, -Tim
  19. F

    Season 5 DVD Release Date Set!

    I like how its sales rank is already #154 and its only be up there for what... 12 hours?! -Tim
  20. F

    Fresh from the Rumor Mill

    Marcus could easily come back. We're assuming the story must be in the future. What if it is occurring during the original B5 story line? JMS could bring Marcus back, as well. However, I could see a short run series about Marcus and the Rangers work during the Shadow War AWAY from Bab-5. As JMS...