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Still waiting for r2 uk to be released ....


B5 season 3 uk dvd has STILL NOT BEEN RELEASED YET !!!!!
what are the morons playing at ?? it must have been released everywhere else !!!! why do things in this god forsaken country allways get it last !!!!!
damn them all
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
You're getting the Farscape DVDs before we (R1) are. :p I sympathise, though. It's a long bland wait between releases.
This is why I bought a multi-region dvd player! I have had my US copy of S3 for months :LOL: :LOL:
Looks like I will be going the same route for S4 as well??
I won't let the bas***ds rule my viewing with their incompetence :mad:
You don't need a multi region player to play region 1 B5 DVDs... all the "region 1" B5 DVDs are actually multi-region: R1,R2,R3,R4.

B5 season 3 uk dvd has STILL NOT BEEN RELEASED YET !!!!!
what are the morons playing at ?? it must have been released everywhere else !!!! why do things in this god forsaken country allways get it last !!!!!
damn them all
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
The rest of us on this site would appreciate it if you would wait in silence please. Thanks.
