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  1. F

    Psi Corps Trilogy (possible spoilers)

    There have been rumors about a B5 theatrical release for years now, and many of these rumors indicate that it would be about the Telepath war. It seemed to have a lot of steam until JMS said that he wouldn't be doing a B5 theatrical movie until after the three Star Wars prequels are complete...
  2. F

    Jerry Doyle for Governor in California!

    California and Florida? Both Disney places... maybe Garibaldi is still have fantasies about Disney planet! -Tim
  3. F

    Jerry Doyle for Governor in California!

    California citizens are currently holding a petition to remove their governor. If they get a few thousand more signatures, a vote of confidence will held, in which the citizens of California will vote on 2 things. 1) Whether or not he should remain governor (not likely if the petition gets...
  4. F

    Is Showtime going to reshow S1

    First off, I love Jeremiah... I enjoyed the first season immensely and am really excited for the second season. Before it came out, I was having a love / hate relationship: I wanted to love it because it was JMS (which ended up happening), but wanted to hate it because it was Luke Perry (who I...
  5. F

    JMS vs TopCow ... what gives?

    When JMS says "No comment." it typically means "read between the lines", or "you're right and I can't say so." Not always, but typically. Good catch! -Tim
  6. F

    Na'Toth: Season One, Season Two

    Re: Na\'Toth: Season One, Season Two I still get shivers in my spine when I hear the line, "I tell you it is *she*!" JCB rocked. Mary Kay sounds too much like a fairy tale name anyways. -Tim
  7. F

    Babylon 5 Chainmail Trivia

    Sorry to break format, but are you talking about the Sinclair / G'Kar conversation about the G'Quan'Eth plant and G'Kar's ceremony? I think this is necessary information to compute / correctly answer the question. -Tim
  8. F

    Babylon 5 Chainmail Trivia

    Well, seems I almost killed the thread. The answer is the most used random number on TV... I'll make the next one easy. And more relevant. A: 47. NQ: What horrible alcoholic beverage is advertised in the background of season 1?
  9. F

    Na'Toth: Season One, Season Two

    Re: Na\'Toth: Season One, Season Two She was in "Revelations", but I don't think she was in "Points of Departure" if I remember correctly. -Tim
  10. F

    Babylon 5 Chainmail Trivia

    A: Star Riders NQ: What regulation number does Sheridan quote to Mr. Lantz from the Ministry of Peace after blowing the Centauri vessel "straight to hell"?
  11. F

    Babylon 5 Chainmail Trivia

    A: Varn. NQ: What not Zathras strong suit?
  12. F

    Talia and Londo fail to meet in lower Manhattan

    How about the first one? She runs into Mollari, has a vision of Mollari shooting G'Kar and warns Garibaldi. -Tim
  13. F

    Babylon 5 Chainmail Trivia

    A: Scou Tura, or "Silent Beast" NQ: What was the name of the creature Deuce had in "Grail"? -Tim
  14. F

    Good comparison numbers

    I programmed CDnow's Top 100 page (back when it was CDnow, not CDnowazon). They way they calculated was similar to Amazon. The Top 100 was calculated (overall and by genre) on the sales in that genre in the past 7 days, and calculated nightly. I believe Amazon calculates hourly. Regards, -Tim
  15. F

    Good comparison numbers

    I'm surprised S3 of DS9 did so much better than S4. S4 was where it starting getting a bit good! The first season of DS9 was just BRUTAL... although the third season episode "Fascination" was probably the worst of the series. -Tim
  16. F

    Little Markab Girl

    Good point, MartinRoth! He doesn't use kids as "fluff", he uses them to advance the story. And only then. -Tim
  17. F

    Season set prices

    Supply, demand, and what the market allows - good ol' capitalism at work. -Tim
  18. F

    Vorlons and jamming Shadow vessels

    Ha! Good one. However, the Vorlons might have something to do with it... opening a blue jump gate invokes the blue screen of death, shutting down the Shadows app? Okay, its a stretch. -Tim
  19. F

    Lorien's Spaceship

    Re: Lorien\'s Spaceship In "The Long Night", isn't Ivanova told to take Lorien's ship to search for the First Ones? I don't believe we ever see it again (on screen) after the Summoning. My guess is that Lorien brought the ship to Coriana VI with him and he left with it, while what they showed...
  20. F

    Little Markab Girl

    Who knows, with the way the Olsen twins are heading... latex soft core porn seems to be in their future! I saw some promos for their latest show, So Little Time, and it seemed to be more proof of the fall of civilization than Jerry Springer! I'm still very happy at the minimal amounts of...