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Talia and Londo fail to meet in lower Manhattan

I got home from work last night about ten o'clock, as is my wont, collapsed on the couch and fired up the VCR to watch the two episodes of NYPD Blue that had run on TNT at 1 and 2 PM.

They're currently in the middle of running season 7, which I missed big chunks of, so I'm seeing some episodes for the first time. One was the second half of yesterday's double feature, episode 711, "Little Abner". The guest star was Peter Jurasik, whom no one would ever confuse with Londo Mollari. He played a nightclub owner who becomes a suspect in the murder of his bon vivant partner. The part allowed the former "Sid the Snitch" to reunite with his Hill Street Blues pals Steven Bochco and Dennis Franz, but not his former B5 co-star Andrea Thompson - her character was involved in the episode's "B" story and the two never so muched as passed in the hallway of the station house. Very disappointing, even though I enjoyed watching Peter's work. Sorta like when June Lockhart guest starred on B5 but didn't have a scene with Bill Mumy. (Although, given the character she played and Lennier's nature, JMS was right that putting them together on screen would have been forced, and done just for the sake of doing it. But Andrea's detective Jill Kirkendale could have been involved in the nightclub killing on Blue without stretching credibility.)

For that matter Andrea is a lot of fun to watch on the show, nothing at all like Talia Winters. (Especially when she has to dress in a tedddy and garter belt to go undercover as a junkie/hooker. :)) Pity she's gone when S7 concludes soon. (With that two-a-day schedule, TNT burns through a Blue season in just over two weeks.)


How about the first one? She runs into Mollari, has a vision of Mollari shooting G'Kar and warns Garibaldi.

She runs into Mollari, has a vision of Mollari shooting G'Kar and warns Garibaldi

Right. She's also in a couple of different Narn/Centauri negotiations where Londo is present, as well as some other scenes. But you're right, they don't have very many scenes to really play together. Of course, that's not terribly unusual given everybody's jobs and the rather large cast. Despite being a regular, Keffer interacted with hardly any of the main characters. His rank and duties made it implausible for him to spend time with the senior staff or the ambassadors. Lyta also had very few scenes involving Londo, because a Human telepath and later Vorlon agent wouldn't have much to do with either the Centauri ambassador or an ally of the Shadows. Even more marked is her lack of contact with G'Kar. Between his offer for her genetic material in The Gathering and the very end of S5 (I'm thinking "Objects in Motion", but I could be wrong) I don't think the two of them have a single scene together. (And when they finally do, they pretty much pick up where they left off. :))

In the DVD cast commentary track Claudia mentions an actor or two whom the plot didn't throw her into contact with very often, much to her frustration. Interesting phenomenon.


Even more marked is her lack of contact with G'Kar. Between his offer for her genetic material in The Gathering and the very end of S5 (I'm thinking "Objects in Motion", but I could be wrong) I don't think the two of them have a single scene together. (And when they finally do, they pretty much pick up where they left off. :))

Lyta sells DNA to G'Kar in the Season 5 episode "Darkness Ascending".
This sort of talk inspires me, wants me to create something, but it is quite an undertaking. :D

And it's something that was done for Buffy, and would work sooo well with Babylon 5.

ANd basically in a database you entered who spoke to whom, and their interaction. SO in an episode, you can see what went on. But then it's also dealt with by person.

So on a page about Ivanova, there'd be a sub-section for Londo... and it's detail their interactions across the show.