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  1. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    Episode one is now released! :bolian: Http://www.novo-b.com
  2. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    fine you got me started. Have a look at one of my other sites : http://www.viperpilots.co.uk or the playlist directly: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=51D94212F883545E it's an aquired taste.. night all
  3. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    Just finished my cup of tea. yeah, Jan raises some excellent points, but it's down to proportion. I'm not worried. Infact Jan did me a favor, I was kind of wondering how I was going to work out the legal framework for the forums' content. It's done now, so my thanks go out :D I guess Peter...
  4. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    no probs, just off-topic slightly, did you know that the citizens of Lesbos, are fighting to retain the word Lesbian? They have finally had enough of the jokes then :rolleyes: I think I'll trademark it and see what happens.. Night all! Tony
  5. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    I concur, but I'm not using the trademark. Like I stipulated earlier, you cannot control a phrase like Epsilon 3 or Omega class destroyer as the terms are too generic, and the trademark breach only occurs if it detracts from the brand, causes it "harm" or is used to profit from. take the word...
  6. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    Oh way Oh, Oh brunen Gee... I'll stop there.... :eek:
  7. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    LOL Lol, read again please. :D bottom line, if you make money from or cause either directly or indirectly disturption to the normal financial operations of said product that you do not own, then that's breach of copyright/trademark etc. I agree that you can have damages to brand and...
  8. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    Me too, it's the one show I miss (as well as Enterprise - ouch I feel a flaming coming on!). Many thanks for the support guys, the feed back I've got so far has blown my socks off Jan thanks for the heads up on the possible issues, hopefully I've got them covered.
  9. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    My point exactly, to mention something is not a breach of copyright, copyright laws are specific, the phrase "Epsilon 3" or "Omega class destroyer" cannot be copyrighted. They can't do a thing about it as far as copyrights go, however trademarks are a different thing. But having said all that...
  10. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    I don't think i will receive any of those to be honest. further more I am not breaching copyright as the material is "based upon", copyright only extends to the original work. This may be based in the B5 Universe, but unless the project starts ripping things off directly, there can be no cease...
  11. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    Thanks for the feedback. As far as contacting JMS, it's not something i've given much thought about. I don't know the guy, and i can appreciate that some people can take exception to imitation of their works. I'm sure that JMS may trawl the forums and might come across Novo-B project one day. I...
  12. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    Just to update you all, and thanks so much for the responses so far :) the forum is up and running now, and i'm working on the series bible as we speak regards Tony
  13. C

    A little help required (if possible)

    Hi All! NICE site and glad to be here :thumbsup: I have a little problem. I would like some opinions (and help) on a little project, i'm thinking of starting up. The basic idea, it that the story line, the writing, the effects, the music and the actors all come from fans of the show, A way...