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A little help required (if possible)


Hi All!

NICE site and glad to be here :thumbsup:

I have a little problem. I would like some opinions (and help) on a little project, i'm thinking of starting up.

The basic idea, it that the story line, the writing, the effects, the music and the actors all come from fans of the show, A way to say thanks for one of the greatest epics of all time. It's kinda like a large forum, where prospective writers/musicains/actors can air their goods and get voted on, culminating in the prodcution of an episode or two (I hope).

Think of it like Open Source Fan-Ware.(!) :wtf:

I have thrown something together here:


Just to start things off, I've done it all myself so far, but one :confused: is a lonely number dont you think?

I welcome you're feed back. I'm a new guy here , so please be gentle! :LOL:


Just to update you all, and thanks so much for the responses so far :)

the forum is up and running now, and i'm working on the series bible as we speak


It's an Intriguing Idea, might even be an interesting series ides. Why not contact JMS and show him what you have, he might find this interesting What have you go to loose by trying?
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NEVER contact JMS about any story ideas or sites that contain them. The reason why he only really hangs out at the moderated newsgroup is specifically so he won't be exposed to that sort of thing. "Passing Through Gethsemane" was held up for several months when a fan inadvertantly posted a story idea that was somewhat similar to that episode.

Jan it was a thought ,I didn't think making such a suggestion would cause any kind of issue with JMS. "Passing through Gethsemane was actually held up by a fan story? interesting.

Thanks for the feedback. As far as contacting JMS, it's not something i've given much thought about. I don't know the guy, and i can appreciate that some people can take exception to imitation of their works. I'm sure that JMS may trawl the forums and might come across Novo-B project one day. I would welcome any input he might have, but my main concern is to give ordinary people the chance to be part of a creative process and to showcase themselves.

I'm not asking for professionals, but everyone has hidden talents, so why not stand up and throw caution to the wind and shout 'I made that!'

Tony :D
Cyntax, it does sounds like one hell of a good idea, I wish you best of luck on your project. Jan interesting story on Gethsemane and the Marion Zimmer Bradley book that's the first time I heard that about either one.
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He doesn't, for exactly the reasons Jan gave. Your thing may be fine and dandy but JMS won't see it.

In addition, I strongly suggest that you put proper copyright information on every single page of your site. Cease and Desist letters would put a damper on your fun.

In addition, I strongly suggest that you put proper copyright information on every single page of your site. Cease and Desist letters would put a damper on your fun.


I don't think i will receive any of those to be honest. further more I am not breaching copyright as the material is "based upon", copyright only extends to the original work. This may be based in the B5 Universe, but unless the project starts ripping things off directly, there can be no cease letters. Is worth thinking about though, as this project is intended to be "open source", so technically there will be no copyright at all :D

If JMS was to feel as though the project was harming his work, then I would gladly close the site. As far as Time/Warner/TNT go, it's not affecting their sales at all.

And as far as the opinion expressed on fan fiction, I quote: "I've asked that fans *not* write any fan fiction set in the B5 universe while the show is on the air." The show is no longer "on air" but rather in re-runs and certainly not in development. There are no subsequent episodes and realistically the only way (bar the direct to DVD specials) is through the fan base. The project I proposed is a way for the fans to collectively say thanks and let the spirit fly on. I will pop on the bottom of the pages a reserve rights and acknowledge JMS as the originator of the original B5 series. Also stating a non infringement policy as well not relating to anyone who is alive or dead, you know the rest. wow, and there's nothing on there yet! man I'm still working on the Bible and story arc.. lol

thanks Jan :D

If WB (not Time Warner or TNT) is actively talking to JMS about a feature film and/or more lost tales as he said they were a few weeks ago, you can be sure that they're interested in keeping their copyrights protected. They own the entire B5 universe, JMS doesn't. If you use anything from that universe at all from A to Zathras, you probably should append the copyright information.

I know... you already said you were going to put it but I just thought I should point out that back when, JMS interceded for the fans and the decision was that WB legal would lay off as long as the copyright info was there. Some fan or another in the future might find the info handy.

Well if such is the case for example how is that say James Cawley and others can produce fan made trek films, I don't see Paramount taking any action there.:confused:
Well if such is the case for example how is that say James Cawley and others can produce fan made trek films, I don't see Paramount taking any action there.:confused:
My point exactly, to mention something is not a breach of copyright, copyright laws are specific, the phrase "Epsilon 3" or "Omega class destroyer" cannot be copyrighted. They can't do a thing about it as far as copyrights go, however trademarks are a different thing.

But having said all that, these breach terms only apply when there is financial transactions involved in the production distribution of said content.

Updated the forum's legalese anyway:

Regrettably Cyntax i don't have anything useful to contribute to your project, creativity not being of my strong points. I Would like to see more B5 in some form or another.
Well if such is the case for example how is that say James Cawley and others can produce fan made trek films, I don't see Paramount taking any action there.:confused:

The short answer is that they have permission to do so. I don't have any details I can point out right now but that much I know from a presentation at a convention I attended. I also know that part of that permission requires that they never make a profit from them. I *think* that there are two such operations but I'm not certain.

And I'm not being argumentative but Cyntax is wrong about it not being a breach if there are financial considerations. That's a common error but breach is breach and damages don't have to be proven and the damage awards are not contingent on any money or profit (just to cover a few more of the misconceptions).

Regrettably Cyntax i don't have anything useful to contribute to your project, creativity not being of my strong points. I Would like to see more B5 in some form or another.

Me too, it's the one show I miss (as well as Enterprise - ouch I feel a flaming coming on!). Many thanks for the support guys, the feed back I've got so far has blown my socks off

Jan thanks for the heads up on the possible issues, hopefully I've got them covered.
Cyntax Please keep visiting this site, we could always use another new voice here. by the way, Two series that guilty pleasures Lexx and Red Dwarf. Please keep posting.
The short answer is that they have permission to do so. I don't have any details I can point out right now but that much I know from a presentation at a convention I attended. I also know that part of that permission requires that they never make a profit from them. I *think* that there are two such operations but I'm not certain.

And I'm not being argumentative but Cyntax is wrong about it not being a breach if there are financial considerations. That's a common error but breach is breach and damages don't have to be proven and the damage awards are not contingent on any money or profit (just to cover a few more of the misconceptions).



But having said all that, these breach terms only apply when there is financial transactions involved in the production distribution of said content.

Lol, read again please. :D

bottom line, if you make money from or cause either directly or indirectly disturption to the normal financial operations of said product that you do not own, then that's breach of copyright/trademark etc. I agree that you can have damages to brand and intellectual protection issues, but that would have to be proven substantial (and financial) in a court of law :)

Oh guys this is so much fun and not taken seriously so no worries there. :bolian:
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