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A little help required (if possible)

The sad part Is Lexx started out as comedy and got more and more an tragic in its scope, It was like a grand wagnerian opera. the humor was there but it grew dark. Lexx was in own way truly epic, not to the level of B5 but it was damn impressive in some of its writing both comic and in the end tragic. It did not get the the respect that it deserved.
Lol, read again please. :D

bottom line, if you make money from or cause either directly or indirectly disturption to the normal financial operations of said product that you do not own, then that's breach of copyright/trademark etc.

I did. You're mistaken. It's breach no matter what if you use copyrighted/trademarked property at all whether you make money or not. NO money has to be involved at all, ever for it to be infringement. The trademark owner doesn't have to prove anything except that use of their trademarked property has occurred.

Honest. This has been discussed many times when it comes to B5.

I did. You're mistaken. It's breach no matter what if you use copyrighted/trademarked property at all whether you make money or not. NO money has to be involved at all, ever for it to be infringement. The trademark owner doesn't have to prove anything except that use of their trademarked property has occurred.

Honest. This has been discussed many times when it comes to B5.


I concur, but I'm not using the trademark. Like I stipulated earlier, you cannot control a phrase like Epsilon 3 or Omega class destroyer as the terms are too generic, and the trademark breach only occurs if it detracts from the brand, causes it "harm" or is used to profit from.

take the word Vir for instance: http://www.photocroatia.com/traveltourism/croatia/islands/virisland/

Vir is an island on the Croatian coast of Adriatic sea located north of the city of Zadar. It is connected to the mainland via a road bridge.

hmm... Can't see WB winning that one .. much.

prime example: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/2352743.stm

It's a question of proportion, and I don't think that my little idea (should it ever get off the ground lol) will give WB anything to sweat about.

right tis late here for me in the UK.

thanks again guys..

speak soon

Tony :0
This is one of the reasons you need to keep posting here Cyntax Because its fun to debate these topics. Thats why this is such a cool site.
This is one of the reason you need to keep posting here Cyntax Because its fun to debate these topics

no probs, just off-topic slightly, did you know that the citizens of Lesbos, are fighting to retain the word Lesbian? They have finally had enough of the jokes then :rolleyes:

I think I'll trademark it and see what happens..

Night all!

Apologies for getting off topic again but wasn't that Island made famous by the Poet Sapho? By the way we had a debate on Bsg vs b5 which is the greatest that got so heated and so out of control that the topic got closed that gives you an idea of how spirited things can get here. But back on topic, I don't see how JMS Or Warner would even bother starting any problem over this, because as is the case with fan websites there is no profiting from it and not really a trademark infringement because otherwise fan produced anything would not be allowed. From a legal stand point it would be very costly even to persue such actions, there is no financial loss to the studios, therefore not gain from any kind of legal, or success in such actions. But then again Jan Raises some very good points on copyright laws and Trademarks. I admit i don't have a really clear grasp of this issue myself.
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Just finished my cup of tea.

yeah, Jan raises some excellent points, but it's down to proportion. I'm not worried. Infact Jan did me a favor, I was kind of wondering how I was going to work out the legal framework for the forums' content. It's done now, so my thanks go out :D

I guess Peter Jurasik will be suing next for my impression of Londo.. ah will wonders never cease.
Oh and don't get me started on BSG... maybe for another time ;)

take care now
For fan fiction I have quite often seen disclaimers saying:

"The characters, universe, and events are all copyrighted creations of [insert author's name here] and [instert publishing company here]. This was made for fun and not for profit. Please don't sue." (That last part, I'm given to understand, is sort of optional.)

So, for JMS, it would be something like:

"Ivanova, StarFuries, and EarthForce are all copyrighted creations of J. Michael Straczynski, Babylonian Productions, and Warner Bros. This was made for fun and not for profit."

Even so, however, I've seen this mostly on Whedon fan fic, and Whedon's famously more encouraging of fan creations. In fact at one point he even encouraged bootlegging copies. So tread carefully, and make friends with lawyers.
Warner Brothers. Babylonian Productions doesn't exist any more and JMS doesn't have any ownership in B5. It belongs entirely to WB.

Hey i would like to see this project get off the ground. There does not seem to much in the way of B5 projects in the pipelines with maybe the lost tales movies.

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