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  1. I

    Apocalypse BoX

    I read somewhere on this site about what the Apocalypse Box would eventually be revealed as. I didn't make this up; this is what I read, and apparently, it would've been what the show would REALLY be about. Naturally, it's a big spoiler. Here ya go: <table bgcolor=black><tr><td...
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    What are you hopes for The Legend of the Rangers?

    What do I hope? That this frickin' thing doesn't get cancelled six months before the series airs, so that all we're left with is thirteen episodes that tell an incomplete story and leave us hanging as to what happens next!!! But I digress ... Yeah, I hope this thing is what...
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    13 Episodes

    I may be speaking before I know all the facts (are you listening, Joseph DeMartino? ), but I think the head honchos over at Sci-Fi may be a little wary of doing something like that. I mean, the last time a Babylon 5 spinoff looked absolutely certain was with Crusade on TNT, and look where...
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    Could Crusade Be Done With A New Cast???

    I'm taking this one a person at a time. Captain Gideon -- Yes. Bring him back, do whatever it takes, get him back here where he belongs. I liked him too much to see him wasted in some (ack, gag) sitcom. :( Besides, after seeing him in American Gothic, it was nice to see him playing the good...
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    A new theory on the uniform disscusion

    Of course, the black uniforms are better. Let's face it; black is jms's favorite color! Look at the evidence. Look at all the different groups or people who used black uniforms ... Psi Cops Rangers Technomages Minbari Warrior Caste Byron's telepaths Babylon 5's command crew: Sheridan...
  6. I

    After reading Casting Shadows...

    This has been bugging me for the longest time, and I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who's noticed. TIME, PEOPLE!! IT'S GETTING RIDICULOUS!! We KNOW that the Excalibur's mission begins in 2267. And during that time, Gideon can't seem to decide just WHEN he and Galen first met...
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    The Drakh -- One race or many races?

    This has been a bone of contention for me every time I watch "B5" or "Crusade," and I'm wondering if someone out there knows the definitive answer. Are the Drakh a single race with a bunch of tag-along members of other races, or is "Drakh" a blanket term for ALL the races who followed the...
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    rangers series: odds of seeing vorlons or shadows again?

    I've gotta say, I don't think we'll be seeing the Vorlons, the Shadows, or any of the other First Ones again. They're gone. That's it. Elvis has left the building, and don't let the door hit him on the @$$ on the way out. But that doesn't necessarily mean that their INFLUENCE is gone...
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    b5lr ship

    What if it's a carrier? Now, before everyone dogpiles on me, let me explain. So far in "Babylon 5" and "Crusade," we've seen destroyers, frigates, dreadnoughts, heavy cruisers, and the White Stars themselves, which I always thought of as a combination of gunships and attack subs. So if you...
  10. I

    What kind of show will "Rangers" be?

    Re: What kind of show will \"Rangers\" be? We know that "Legend" starts in 2265, which puts it three years after "Babylon 5" and two years before "Crusade." We know that it focuses on the Rangers, and their attempts to enforce the laws of the ISA. Now, here's what I think. I think that...