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What are you hopes for The Legend of the Rangers?

Just to have anything B5 on the tube is fine with me.
I'll let JMS and his merry band do their magic again.
And so it continues....

I'd like to learn more about the telepath war, whether in real time or in flashbacks -- or just passing dialog. Somehow, though, I get the idea JMS is keeping this in his back pocket.

"What's up, Drakh?"

Michael Garibaldi
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
JMS Speaks:

So after I'd read Peter's script, and decided to go with it, he asked about Ivanova's line, "This isn't some kind of Deep Space franchise, this place is ABOUT something."

"Are you really going to use that?" he asked.

"Absolutely," I said. "It's fall-down funny."

Long pause. "You people really ARE dangerous over there, aren't you?"

No, the scene in the dark with the robed figures was not enhanced with CGI or any other device.

Everything featured in the Babylon Emporium was just made up by us. Insofar as I know, none of it is real merchandise. (Everyone, including the crew, are so starved for B5 stuff that when we finished filming the ep, we sold off the stuff, at cost, to those in the crew who wanted them. Two guesses who wound up with the Londo and G'Kar dolls....)

The B5 model in the gift shop in "Honor" is now in Sheridan's office, bronzed, as is his right as captain.

Once the show is finally off the air, be assured that the model will end up in THIS captain's office.

Here's the story of the bear.

I hate cute. Everybody knows me, knows that. So after buying Peter David's script #2, Peter sends me a gift. A bear. A teddy bear. With my initials JS in front, and Bear-ba-lon 5 in the back. I call Peter back. I say that I must now get him for this. He asks what I had in mind. I said wait and see.

So I wrote the entire bear thing at the end of the show, and inserted it into his script.

Never send me something cute.

Best part was during filming, we shot the bear against blue-screen to be composited into the CGI. And there's our EFX supervisor, standing there on film, against blue-screen, with this long rod up the teddy bear's ass, spinning it round and round and round....

Whilst doing that, I also wrote and inserted the Kosh/Perfect Beauty scenes, since I was already in it at that point anyway, and I figured it'd be cool.

It also keeps the Sheridan Learning Stuff thread going, and works in a nice balance to the rest of the episode. Here he's going nuts, being harrassed, and his command is on the line ... so he has to learn to bend his knee, accept silence, give up his command symbolically by giving up the stat bar, and finding one perfect moment of peace.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The failure of Crusade will have definitly forced JMS to pay extra attention to LR to ensure that the same mistakes are not made.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The only "mistakes" that were involved in the "failure" of Crusade were made by TNT, which violated the terms of JMS's "showrunner" contract by trying to remake the show into something different. So there isn't much (apart from not working with TNT again) that JMS could do do "ensure that the same mistakes are not made." Crusade was killed six months before the first episode ever aired, and for reasons of corporate politics, not quality. It isn't like the show was put on the air and cancelled for poor ratings. The ratings were good, but the show had already been cancelled.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Especially given the comments that he made about franchises in 'And there All Honour Lies.'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"There All the Honor Lies", including the "deep-space franchise" line, was written by Peter David, not JMS. Granted, JMS left the line in the script, much to David's surprise. (He had written it as an in-joke and was sure that JMS would cut it.)



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited July 19, 2001).]
Now I know what the Psi Corps must send his way...Sigh Corps Teddy Bears! The main line, yours truely.

There goal is to create the peace. My goal, is to destory that peace. :D
I hope we get to see more of what happens to Lennir. Supposedly he makes some kind of sacrifice to redeem himself (or so I've read, it could be completely false), I've always wondered what it was. Could it have something to do with saving David Sheridan?

Alec McClymont, 3D Artist
3D Artist - GVFX

We live for the one. We die for the one.
I don't think we're gonna see anything with Lennier in B5LR, because he's supposed to die during the Teep War, which takes place just before B5LR. He was supposed to be involved somehow in the teep war with Lyta, but the big question for me is how he'd get involved exactly.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Ah ok, I can't remember hearing that. Well then file my request among all the "More on the Teep War" ones, lol

Alec McClymont, 3D Artist
3D Artist - GVFX

We live for the one. We die for the one.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slade:
Ah ok, I can't remember hearing that. Well then file my request among all the "More on the Teep War" ones, lol


It was in the crusade bible thingy.

we were also going to see him in a crusade the same one Pat Tallmen was ganna go in but as you know fell through. Mr Mummy was not going to play lennier as I beleive we were only going to see his back( wew were only going to know it was lennier cause somone was going to call out his name )..he was ganna die when the Psi-corp headquaters blew up in the episode The path of sorrows(In Matherson's flashback).

What do I hope? That this frickin' thing doesn't get cancelled six months before the series airs, so that all we're left with is thirteen episodes that tell an incomplete story and leave us hanging as to what happens next!!!

But I digress ...

Yeah, I hope this thing is what jump-starts the whole B5 bandwagon all over again. I hope it impresses the people at Sci-Fi so much that they go ahead and bring back Crusade, with all the original actors (except for one in particular
). I hope that both shows run concurrently, the same way that Law & Order and Law & Order; SVU do every week, in that they COULD do a crossover if they want to, but only if it serves the story. I hope jms is given absolute free reign to write BOTH (serieses? seriess? ah, forget it ...) shows the way HE wants to. I hope both shows go on to win not only the Hugo award once or twice apiece, but each of them also wins the Emmy for Best Dramatic Series. I hope it leads to a renaissance, as the media finally wakes the frell up and realizes just what they've been blindly ignoring for so bloody long. I hope it leads to a feature film here or there. I hope it DOESN'T lead to the kind of merchandising over-saturation that's been plaguing the Star Trek shows for the last decade or so.

So there you go. You don't think I'm asking for TOO much, do you?

i hope for b5lr to completely blow away the ratings Dune got on its first run on Sci-fi...

I know this can be done,

and of course bring crusade back too

I have always been here...
I want the movie to do well, drawing in ALOT of non-B5 fans. I want a show to be commissioned, with a multi-year commitment, but that will go 5 years. I want it to be the highest rated series SciFi ever has, and that they endorse the return of Crusade.

I want the people at TNT to look like fools for what they did, and I want the "space war" between Trekkies and 5'ers to end as we all unite for a wonderful show.

I only have one modest hope for this thing:

I hope it doesn't suck.

I'm a pessimist. Joe D has done good job of battling my pessimism on this board, but it still remains within me. I have little faith in TV. I consider B5 the exception that proves the rule. To have two of them would be quite something.

So, I hope this movie doesn't blow chunks, to put it mildly.

If this happens, the rest will tend to itself.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
It seems that with this movie, the Babylon 5 franchise/universe is at a nexus, shall we say. If the "Rangers" movie is a hit, and it's rather good, a lot of things could happen - it could go to series, it could go to feature film, Crusade could be revived... if the movie sucks, there will be no series, there will be no feature film, Crusade will langourously stay in the dust, and the B5 franchise will be effectively dead, because who wants to spend money on something that won't give you profits?

I hope that the movie has all we expect from B5: character-driven action, a great, involved storyline, etc. I hope that the movie does NOT, however, turn into Young Rangers In Space in an effort to get ratings and viewers (I wouldn't put JMS above it, really; he wants the show to go on as much as we do, methinks).

In short, I hope that the movie's so good that we will be seeing more B5 stuff.

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
In Valen's Shadow:

If I were JMS, I'd be rolling over and screaming, committing myself if I even thought of writing most of the episodes for two series. (All the eps for one series is bad enough! Oy!)

Think of it for a sec - JMS will, at that point, perhaps have three series he's exec-ing. Rangers, Crusade (if it goes, of course, which is NOT likely), and Jeremiah. He had enough trouble writing all of B5, or that's what I've gleaned from his online comments.

Of course, I'd be hankering for the chance to write ANYTHING... I'm a good writer...

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
JMS has already said, for the potential
(this adjective brought to you by the Psion Ten Blood Pressure maintenance program (TM))

Rangers series he will not be writing all the shows. He did it for B5 because driving the arc necessitated it.


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.
Amazing, the most sane response, and it came from crazy.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
An announcement of a series would be nice. After that, I would like for the show to end world hunger, end all violence and to find homes for all the orphaned puppies of the world.

"Even I am not a Marxist" —— Karl Marx.