Dekion, you ARE right.
They were three dimensional characters, I admit to be unfair in my criticism.
I guess to me, and this is simply one person's perception, they grated. But I will happily admit that Sheridan had a facinating character arc, which was excellently concieved, and wonderfully acted by Bruce Boxlietner.
Gideon, sorry to say this, it's almost painful to dislike something written by a man whose talents you admire greatly, but 'Crusade' just didn't do it for me. On so many levels. I just don't think I got it. In my naive assessment, I believe it had great potential, and I would have loved to see that potential maximised through it's run... but sadly The Powers That Be are decidedly insane! I found myself asking half way through 'would I be watching this if it wasn't done by JMS?' My answer after careful thought was 'yeah! I would.' It was obviously trying to do something and say something, and every first season is on unsteady ground because it is the set up.
Joseph, my memory may be faulty, but I was pretty sure the Brits said something along those lines... *shrugs*
And no, this isn't another Brit getting their knickers in a twist, it's an Aussie with sometimes unrealistic expectations of Science Fiction!
Sheridan and Gideon were two very focused characters. Honestly, I just believe that Sinclair spoiled me. Finally, there was a Sci-Fi lead who was not anything like Captain Kirk or Han Solo or some other type A hero.
No, I'm not saying Sheridan and Gideon were Solo or Kirk clones, but there was that similarity present that seemed to me (my perception only) to tell us that hero's have to be cocky and self sure, when the most interesting and heroic person is some ordinary Joe thrust into extraordinary situations.
I'm not making any sense, am I?
Oh well...
One last comment - Sheridan and Gideon worked, whether I got them or not. That much can't be denied. JMS did some creative and innovative stuff with them, and above all else respected the audience enough to create characters with an involved history, rather than to create on the run as the Star Trek producers and writers SEEM want to do.
BTW, sorry to throw us so far off thread!
What else would I like to see in Rangers?
Lots more on the Minbari! Gee, bet that was a surprise! And I hear we are going to get it!
Faith Manages