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2004 movies I most want to see

Never mind Spider-Man 2 or Harry Potter 3, or whatever other franchise movies are coming out next year. There's a completely different set of (potential) 2004 releases that I'm looking forward to, based on either premise, writer, director, cast, or some combination thereof.

My list of most-looking-forward-to 2004 releases, in descending order of how likely it is that I'll actually get to see it in 2004:

Troy Trojan War epic, directed by Wolfgang Petersen (Das Boot, The Neverending Story, Enemy Mine). Stars Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Sean Bean, and Peter O'Toole. Of all the historical epics slated for the next two years, the director and cast for this one give it an edge in the expectations game. (You've got to admit that Brad Pitt has a pretty good track record for finding good projects.) Should be coming out in May.

The Woods Tells the story of a close-nit 19th century community with a mythical race of creatures residing in the woods around them. I'm looking forward to this one because it's written/directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Still, my hopes aren't quite *as* high for this one as the other four movies I'm mentioning. Shyamalan isn't quite Richard Kelly. Coming out in August 2004.

The Brothers Grimm Terry Gilliam gives us a story in which the legendary Brothers Grimm travel from town to town, pretending to protect the townspeople from enchanted creatures. This is a Terry Gilliam movie. How could I not want to see it? Supposedly coming out in late 2004, but Gilliam doesn't have a very good recent track record wrt finishing projects.

Knowing The latest film by Richard Kelly (the writer/director of Donnie Darko), which also has to do with foreknowledge of a catastrophic event in the future. "Donnie Darko" was so brilliant, that I'm *really* looking forward to this one on that basis alone. If it follows the pattern of DD, it might come out in limited release in 2004, but not on video (meaning, accessible to me) until 2005.

The Fountain This one is supposed to be about a man who lives parallel lives in two different timeframes--one in the 16th century, and one in the 26th. Directed by Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream). Unfortunately, it looks like this film has been put on hold since Brad Pitt walked out to film "Troy" (too many good projects at once). I hope it gets made eventually.

Curious to know if anyone has any comments on any of these movies, and/or has some of their own that they're looking forward to next year.
I'll always watch a Terry Gilliam film, simply because they're usually so different from they typical Hollywood drek. They may be hit and miss, whether groundbreaking (12 Monkeys, Time Bandits), weak (The Fisher King), or just plain bizarre (Brazil) - they're always interesting to try and figure out.

His new effort sounds a little reminiscent of the one about Baron Munchausen.
Those do sound interesting, and I wouldn't mind seeing all of them. I too am a big fan of Terry Gilliam. But I disagree with ElS. about The Fisher King being weak, I'd rank it with Twelve Monkeys and Brazil as his best. Baron M. was pretty weak.

There is a film that was recently completed, but probably won't be released until next year that I want very much to see. It is Zatoitchi, directed by Takeshi Kitano, a Japanese director that is a favorite of mine. It is about Zatoitchi, a blind masseur, who makes a living by gambling, but is unbeatable with a sword, and is sort of a Japanese Robin Hood, without Merry Men. It was a long running series of entertaining films in the sixties and seventies, so this is a revival, I guess.
Troy Trojan War epic, directed by Wolfgang Petersen (Das Boot, The Neverending Story, Enemy Mine). Stars Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Sean Bean, and Peter O'Toole. Of all the historical epics slated for the next two years, the director and cast for this one give it an edge in the expectations game. (You've got to admit that Brad Pitt has a pretty good track record for finding good projects.) Should be coming out in May.

The Woods Tells the story of a close-nit 19th century community with a mythical race of creatures residing in the woods around them. I'm looking forward to this one because it's written/directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Still, my hopes aren't quite *as* high for this one as the other four movies I'm mentioning. Shyamalan isn't quite Richard Kelly. Coming out in August 2004.

The Brothers Grimm Terry Gilliam gives us a story in which the legendary Brothers Grimm travel from town to town, pretending to protect the townspeople from enchanted creatures. This is a Terry Gilliam movie. How could I not want to see it? Supposedly coming out in late 2004, but Gilliam doesn't have a very good recent track record wrt finishing projects.

These all sound pretty interesting to me. And I, too, would pretty much see any Terry Gilliam film.
We watch movies for the storyline now? Isn't that what books are for?
To quote Chris Rock: CGI Moth********!! CGI!! :D
I'll be the first in line to see any film directed by Aronofsky.

There's also supposed to be some samurai flick with Tom Cruise. When I first heard about it, I thought it was dumb, but it actually looks like it has potential.
I'll be in that line too. I thought Pi was great, but I haven't seen Requiem for a Dream. Guess I should check it out.
Those all sound like damned good movies but my track record for seeing movies in the theaters isn't very good. I'll probably end up seeing a couple of them though, assuming the previews look okay.
Well, I definitely want to see Troy. (And, NOT because Orlando Bloom is in it. :rolleyes:) I'm really into the whole Greek Mythology scene, so this movie really appeals to me.