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24 (Possible spoilers for season 3)

24 - 11/4

Well, Kim is certainly living up to her epitome of bad decision-making status. Yeah, I'll tell my dad the thing that will piss him off the most at the worst possible time - when he's strung out and the fate of the country is in his hands. Duh. No wonder she opted for the Cousin Oliver hair style.

I have been living in California for over two years now and I'd really like to know something - where is this place where really hot blondes dump their boyfriends because they have really big bags of coke stashed in their rooms? I thought for sure that chick was gonna take a nosedive.
Re: 24 - 11/4

Kim doesn't know her dad's a cactus. But her insistence on telling him at that moment was rather brattish.

I wonder how Wayne Palmer got the "playbook."
Re: 24 - 11/4

S P O I L E R S . B E L O W

F O R . F I R S T

T W O . E P I S O D E S

O F . S E A S O N


(Edited to add spoiler banner)

I wonder how Wayne Palmer got the "playbook."

I just got around to watching my tapes of the first 2 episodes last night, so I just got around to looking in here ...

Well, I thought that it was implied that the one aid to the Senator gave / sold / traded it to them. Naturally, in 24 that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what actually happened.

My real question about the "playbook" is:
If we didn't even need to steal it, then how sure are we that we can trust any information in it? It could just as easily be designed to be misinformation. That, too, would be a very typically "24" treatment.

And I remember saying this in one or two posts last season:
Yes, Kim is an idiot with horrible timing and decision making skills. That is just consistent characterization at this point. Having her suddenly grow a brain would be the inconsistent thing.
Re: 24 - 11/4

The funny thing to me is that getting a small heads-up on what his opponenet will try to talk about during the debates doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Wayne's dirty doings could be a lot of risk for little gain. But that happens a lot in politics, anyway.
Re: 24 - 11/11

24-November 11 (Do not continue reading if you don't want to know what happened)

In my opinion this was the best episode of the season so far. Between the false alarm of setting off the virus to the end when Tony gets shot it was pretty exciting. I totally thought that the one guard that killed Luis was going to get killed himself. When that didn't happen I thought Salazar was going to do it with the plastic knife from his dinner tray or something.

What's up with all the dirty agents at CTU? Nina, Jamey, the new dude this season? Next thing you know it'll be Kim.
Re: 24 - 11/11

Next thing you know it'll be Kim.

Oh, how cool would that be? Like if she gets all disillusioned with her dad and her little boyfriend and the US and gets all terrorist by accident or something. That should be a season 4 thing. And then Jack has to decide between his daughter and his country. And then she dies.

I liked this episode a lot. It had "flow," as they say in the hip-hop community.
Re: 24 - 11/11

24 returns tonight!

Set your Tivos, get the popcorn, you know the drill.

My prediction: major ass-kicking! The Jack Bauer Power Hour takes inside a raunchy prison haunt, where he has to break out a sleezy Mexican dope don to save the US of A.

Meanwhile, our favorite fictional African-American divorced president stands in the line of fire, making Howard Dean's critics look like a bunch of panzies. That's right, Dick Gephardt has nothing on that guy from that sitcom with talking bunny.

Will Jack get out alive?
Will Selazar's brother pout some more?
Will his girlfriend continue to be sorta-hot-but-not-really-yet-oh-so-sexy?
Will Palmer question the meaning of the word "is?"
How exactly will Kim "comfort" Michelle?

All this may or many not be answered on the next episode of...

The Gillmore Girls!

er, I mean, 24.
Re: 24 - 11/11

All this may or many not be answered on the next episode of...

The correct phrasing is:

All these questions, and more, .......

and the finishing title is not Gilmore Girls, it's


:D :cool: :LOL:
Re: 24 - 11/11

Maybe somebody should tell Spawn that the world does not revolve around her. :mad: <actually just disgusted>
Somebody should off that twit and thereby help the gene pool.

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