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24: Season 4 (SPOILERS)

And I also called that field support guy who has been there the whole show dying before the end too.

Are you talking about Castle? I actually thought he would have bit the dust earlier on.

Yea I was glad to see that Many chick in there. She was in the opening scene of Season 1. She poisoned Palmer at the end of Season 2. I don't remember if she was in Season 3 or not.

No, she wasn't in season 3. Maybe in the flashback thingy at the very beginning of the first episode.

Just like the voice at the other end of the line of Nina Meyer in Season 1 and the guy on the boat in Season 2. There is like, some group hinted at, but they never GO anywhere with it.

Yeah, I'm sick of that too. I wonder if they're ever going to tie up some of those loose ends. I'm guessing the Mandy thing will wrap up but as for the other two, I don't know. I wonder if they just forgot about those or think we're not smart enough to remember those things.
This show has so many loose ends, plot holes, and implausabilities that it would be comical to even try to explain any of it.

Barbarella has more coherent story-telling than 24 at this point.

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