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A big invitation Down Under

As for not being in the UK I imagine most of us would be rather happy. I might not considering Im largely English in descent and want to go to Uni in Newcastle or Manchester there next year. Getting rid of Wales would be fun. Its just a poor imitation of Scotland.

As it is, such is life.
Sorry about that weird thing back there the computers in school seem to be messing around with me, if it happens again blame them, not me. Oh and everyone plees wish me luck, cos Im about to take a test I have to fail or I getted chucked out off Maths. This would be bad.

As it is, such is life.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AntonyF:
Wolf are not popular when it comes to JMS's opinion though, so don't go there.
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That's generally because certain individuals involved with them have a history of screwing people and being unable to acount for money that was supposed to go charity...

Jms' exact beef with them is explained here, along with why he denies SFX Magazine the right to reprint his messages.

You are not entitled to your own opinion. You are only entitled to your own informed opinion.
-- Harlan Ellison quoting Gustave Flaubert

Karanthas, you can't just "create a convention". They are huge logistical nightmares. You have to think of time, location, money outlay, costs and many other things. As B5LR hasn't even aired yet, you don't know what reception a con along those lines would get. That's why big businesses tend to do these cons--they're not easy.

"Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." -- Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away." -- Spike, as Angel, in Angel
This is the reason I love this board! The fantastic verbal raport you get with some people!

Channe - La Trobe Uni is great. I have an associate studying psychology through La Trobe... it's a wonderful, great University... and you'll have fun.

ANU is a fantastic Uni, and all joking aside about our capital city, Raptor is right. Canberra is a safe city, and can be fun. I found it a little cliquey, but once you break into a clique you're fine. It's a small town, so you get to know people quickly.

Prophet - Brisbane is beautiful, I'm partial to Melbourne, but I'm a born and bread southerner! *laughs* Your end of the woods is too warm for me. I'd miss the unpredicatble four seasons in one day!

Emfeeli - You couldn't be more wrong. NYC has always been, and no doubt will remain the one city in America I wish to see most. That and San Franscisco. I have friends who have visited both and sing their praises. I've also heard from NYC natives I know how that city has come together since September 11, and there is a whole new feeling of community present. When I can, I will be NYC bound, damn the terrorists, and damn this fear of flying people have understandably developed.

Dean - You made my night! Now I can go to bed and dream of trimming your whiskers!

Raptor - My apologies. When I moved to Canberra to work for a few years my plane flew over it and I thought "where's the city?" I just wasn't used to not being crushed by people when shopping, and I wasn't used to the more casual approach that Canberrans have in comparison to say Sydney. I look back on my time in Canberra with a lot of fondness. I had a great time there, and met some fantastic people. As you yourself know, we Australians can be fiercly defensive of our home towns.

Antony... thanks for setting me up with Dean! *laughs* I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong, but won't his oh too gorgeous face be hidden by a Drazi mask? There's something wrong with that. Never hide a cute actor behind too much makeup!

JMS, shame on you!

Sheridan: "It's... damn inconvienient!"
Delenn: "The truth often is."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SataiDelenn:
Antony... thanks for setting me up with Dean! *laughs* I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong, but won't his oh too gorgeous face be hidden by a Drazi mask? There's something wrong with that. Never hide a cute actor behind too much makeup!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tsk tsk. Haven't you seen the cast photos, or who's playing who?
Dean is playing Malcolm Bridges (as his name says), who's got no makeup. The Drazi is Tirk, played by Gus Lynch.

As to not hiding a cute actor behind makeup... well poor Enie has been Minbaried!

"Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." -- Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away." -- Spike, as Angel, in Angel
For those thinking about organizing a CON:

I've been involved with several. The first comittment the organizers need is MONEY.

Our first local con (Very Non Profit) needed a Personal loan of a little over $US1000 to get off the ground. That was 14 years ago and we had an attendance target of 250 people. Our guests were authors & artists, no TV stars.
We made out attendance goal and came out with enough cash after expenses to repay the $US1000 and provide the seed money we needed to do additional cons in the succeeding years.

Your ambition is a bit higher. Cost have gone up. I wouldn't even Think about trying it with less than $US10,000 up front. Twice that would be better.

The Facilities you want and Need are going to demand an up front deposit.
A large one. Find out How Much that is.
Then, find out what the Lead time is for Availablilty.
Many convention centers and hotels book 3 to 4 YEARS ahead for major events.
No point in going anywhere until you know When it's available & How Much it's going to cost up front.

Add 20% to the up front costs for mail, advertising, etc.

Then got several RELIABLE, Honest people willing to do the paperwork, negotiate the hotel & Convention space contracts, Airline reservations, Guest Contracts, etc.

You might even need a Lawyer.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
I wouldn't even Think about trying it with less than $US10,000 up front. Twice that would be better.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That would cover half of Jeri Ryan's fee if she were to be invited.

Let's not forget guests need flights, accomodation etc. too.

"Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." -- Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair-gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away." -- Spike, as Angel, in Angel
Antony... my secret's out... I'm blonde.

Honest to the Great Maker B L O N D E.

Not only is it a hair colour, it's a state of mind.

We prefer to think of our vague nature as being akin to genius... you know, so many theories and calculations running through our minds that we forget the simple things in life... like looking at cast photo's, or the names under them... :rolls eyes:

We're just wonderfully abstract, sensationally 'out there'... somewhere... and fabulously dressed!



Sorry, I need more sleep... Coming Dean?

Sheridan: "It's... damn inconvienient!"
Delenn: "The truth often is."
*twirls her blonde hair around her finger*

Yes. Someday we blondes will take over the world. We're planning our vengeance...

Channe, who lives for the One and dies for the peanut-butter pie
"The secret of writing: get your character up a tree, and throw rocks at him." -JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SataiDelenn:

Dean - You made my night! Now I can go to bed and dream of trimming your whiskers!



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AntonyF:
That would cover half of Jeri Ryan's fee if she were to be invited.

Let's not forget guests need flights, accomodation etc. too.


Well the accomodation is easy she is more then welcome to stay with me

Yeah come on down to Sydney I have actually never been to a convention ( I know shame on me) but have noticed that they do have them in Kings Cross somtimes I think they ar5e best of both worlds...they seem to have good features and seem like some of it would be rather intimate like Drinks and dinner with teh acters etc

Anyway I agree hope you B5LR guys come on down.

Accomadation is the easiest can generally get it free for the pecial guests as the hotel gets lots of buisness due to otehrs comign to the convention.

Hey Channe and Sataidelenn...how can you two be blonde and string two sentences together??!


Can I be an honorary blonde?

*pats herself on the back with a grin, her mission accomplished*

Anyone coming New Zealand way, give me a buzz and I'll give you a guide to the funnest and most beautiful spots to visit in 'godzone'...

Oh and I'd love to know more about Melbourne Sataidelenn, I've always heard great things about the atmosphere there, cafe's, theatres etc. Exactly my thing.

Drop me a line here please: scully@ihug.co.nz

FaH! The only repsonse I got was the admin telling me not to babble. I mean it's like, you know you have no life when?

May Valen be with you.
*picks herself up off the floor, and stiffles her laughter*

Ah hem... I have a wonderful translation program on my computer, Zoriah!

*takes out a bottle of 'insta-blonde' and reverently dyes Zoriah's hair.*

You are now an honourary blonde, and they say the bottle one's are worse than the real ones! It's the peroxide!

It is now your righteous duty, my wonderful New Zealand neighbour, to smile vacantly at anything and everything.

To always make sure your shoes match your handbag.

To never let your eye shadow clash with your lippy.

To flirt outrageously with any man who looks like he might buy you a free drink.

To indulge in retail therapy with someone else's money.

And... as Channe so eloquently said... plot to take over the world.

How much nicer and more stylish a place would the world be if it were run by blonde's... or gay men, we'll settle for either.

Sheridan: "It's... damn inconvienient!"
Delenn: "The truth often is."
My aunt is blonde, so I try not to insult blondes. But....

Actually, I know the term "blondes" only really applys to women... but I was born blonde, was blonde when I was younger. My hair darkened though over time. To speed it along the final bit, I dye it now. No blonde here!

I could come up with some bad blonde jokes...

"You're such a gentleman. Too bad I'm not a lady." - Max, Dark Angel

"X5-599. I've got a heart for you." - Zack, Dark Angel
Antony, if you were born blonde... you're blonde for life!

There is no escaping the honour.

Did you know it's the most popular hair dye choice by women AND men!!

No... I think that's only something a woman can know...

See, Zoriah... not only can we occassionaly string sentences together, we can remember things to!
Granted, useless useless facts, but it's something!!

Antony, to me, you will always be blonde. Just remember, it's a redeeming quality.

Sheridan: "It's... damn inconvienient!"
Delenn: "The truth often is."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SataiDelenn:
Antony, to me, you will always be blonde. Just remember, it's a redeeming quality.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But I don't suck my thumb or poop in my nappy (diaper) any more. I think I've moved on in some ways.

"You're such a gentleman. Too bad I'm not a lady." - Max, Dark Angel

"X5-599. I've got a heart for you." - Zack, Dark Angel
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by AntonyF:
That would cover half of Jeri Ryan's fee if she were to be invited.
Do you know that she gets a $20,000 appearance fee?? That seems high.
Between $2000 - $5000 is the last figure I heard quoted for most of the actors.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Accomodation is the easiest can generally get it free for the special guests as the hotel gets lots of business due to others coming to the convention. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is one of the things that has to be Negotiated with the hotel.
The usual deal is that the Convention is asked to Guarantee a minimum number of Room Nights (x rooms rented for y nights).
If they meet that minimum, the Hotel gives them various perks.
It may be free rooms.
Or free Convention space.
What they choose depends on any number of variables.
The contract should also cover what additional perks they can get if they do Better than the Minimum room nights.

But, it's the Convention that does this negotiating with the hotel, not the Guest.
The Guest usually negotiates with the Convention for the accomodations and just what expenses the Con is willing to pay.
For instance, most Cons will NOT pay for Room Service, Bar or Minibar tabs.

I've seen deals where a Con will pay for a guest's plane tickets on only the Incoming flight.
Because the guest was flying to Another Con immediately after and the second con was taking care of the rest of the plane tickets.

Oh, Guests are usually not paid their appearance fees until During or After the con.
They usually understand Cash Flow.
Not to mention the Con's interest in not paying the money if the guest has an emergency and cannot attend. It happens.

As much as 75% of a convention's money comes in During the convention. So, contracts have to be negotiated with cash flow in mind at all times.
The Hotel/convention center will almost always require an up front deposit.
Phone bills, printing bills, postage, publicity, administrative supplies, etc. usually have to be paid "on the spot".
If the budget is expected to go over $20,000 it would be wise to think about both Accountants and lawyers.
Lucky conventions will have at least one of these in the fan base and willing to donate a certain amount of work.

In my experience, there are more Accountants in fandom than Lawyers.
Luckily, that's the talent that is most likely to be needed.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AntonyF:
But I don't suck my thumb or poop in my nappy (diaper) any more. I think I've moved on in some ways.


hmmn well I still suck my thumb...maybe that's somthing I shouldn't have admitted to0


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