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A big invitation Down Under

SataiDelenn, just for the record, Hurricanes are an artifact of Late Summer and sometimes early autumn, not Winter. They are the result of long hot days evaporating tons of water out of the ocean. It stays in the atmosphere until an even Hotter mass of air from the Saharan desert regions drifts over the ocean, merges with the hot, humid air mass and kickstarts the storm.

I've felt hurricane rain. It was Warm.

As far as the age thing goes, It seems to be universal these days. Male writers in Hollywood are reporting just as many problems selling scripts after they reach the "magic" age.

It also applies to other professions.

Computer programmers are 10 times more likely to be out of work at age 35 than at age 25. It gets worse rapidly.

I have a friend who is an aspiring actress. She also has a problem finding the "right" roles.
She's 28.
She looks 12 to 16, depending on how different people judge women's ages.
Vietnamese ancestry. She's less than 5 feet tall. (150cm for the metric among us)

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
your seemingly endless flow of information and thoughts astounds me..... but I'm incredibly grateful. Any directions to a sci-fi store and I salivate!! I'm not sure if the one I was in was on Swanston St... I'd just seen a close friend off to Canada for several years worth of uni and another friend and I (neither of us are that familiar with Melbourne) were filling in time in a sort of aimless manner (except for when we went into that shop, just before catching a tram)... Swanston was just a guess, I'm afraid

I spent most of my drool time on that trip in Minotaur.... where I bought just about every B5 related book they had (all the trilogies and some of the season by season guides)... I was so excited... I there are more 'adult' shops in Hobart than decent sci-fi (I think that's a tragedy, though some wouldn't).... there's only one of those, and it's more 'pop culture'- (Anime/Buffy.... that's about it).... man, am I looking forward to Melbourne, thank you for your suggestions

I'm going to Melbourne Uni... I gather you are at La Trobe (or is my sleep deprived brain playing tricks on me)??... So I guess you won't be lecturing me, but I don't find anyone of any age liking B5 scary at all... I think if my dog started liking it I would not be surprised......

Anyway.... on with the great Aussie (and other southerner's) party... do you think Antony will give us our own party board if we ask nicely??

I have not lost my mind... it's backed up on disk somewhere!

[This message has been edited by Raia (edited November 06, 2001).]
*still can't shake the sad fact that, for many people, she has already passed her peak.*

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Time for a good ol' BBQ?

Let's throw some shrimp on the barbie, crack open a steinie or a fosters....

Who brought the pav? *winks*

Fohstahs. Awstraylian for bee-ah. <--- fun commercials they air here in the States.

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
So have we tempted you to check out Buffy or Angel yet Channe? I know you are busy with Thesis 'stuff'...

My sister and I watched six eps of first season Angel last night (all this talking got me hankering for some late-night viewing). I can safely say I now have another convert. Of course my sister and I have similar tastes, and we aren't as well read and academically inclined as yourself.

I just hope you don't watch Buffy or Angel and go 'What the hell was she thinking?.. this is the most mindless cliche riddled drivel'...actually I don't think that would happen, but now that I've championed the shows I worry, ya know? *grin*

Maybe we should put up another thread reading Buffy and Angel Fans Fan club. Strange that two different genre shows can show the same quality of writing and drama rarely displayed anymore. I was so suprised that many people on this board actually likes the show because I thought it was a teenage kind of show. Didn't imagine 30 year old adults watching wha was supposed to be a teenage kickass show.
No offense to Satai Delenn and Channe.

Satai Delenn, which uni are you lecturing in? Raia, as long as you're in the same continent, wanna be penpals? I'm living in Pert, Western Australia.

May you all be well and happy, free from suffering, free from sickness.
Hey watch it little whippersnapper, I'm 31....


Yes, this thread is getting a tad long and off topic, but it has served to get us talking about more positive things in this forum.

Besides I'm hoping Sataidelenn will reply soon...

Perhaps she and Dean are catching forty winks?

For me, it's more a matter of time than anything else. Right now, my science fiction television consists of a taped episode of Farscape every other night, and if the ep of B5 is particularly interesting I'll tape it and fastforward to my favorite parts.

I don't have UPN out here, so I can't watch Buffy; however, I might just have to join a friend of mine to view Angel, now that you've convinced me to give it a chance.

Watch out, though, I'm brutal. But, hell, I was brutal with B5 when I first saw it. Remember that I came in on the Byron storyline and was soonafter subjected to dreck like "Infection" and "Exogenesis."

Oh, AngelSummers, I'm not anywhere close to thirty quite yet, although I am nearing that precarious age where they say that if you don't exhibit signs of greatness by that date, you never will... how depressing!

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
*sighs desolately* We all envy SataiDelenn greatly... what a lucky gal...

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
Channe I was the same when I first started watching B5, Infection and Exogenesis were two of the first I saw and I was not impressed. (I wrote about this in my reply to your thread about Stargate)

I'm perfectly happy for you to pick the series apart as long as you watch more than a few episodes

Angel is a spin-off from Buffy and so in a way the levels and layers that Buffy viewers will see may not be there for a new viewer, however I think that it does manage to let the characters develop in their own right.

Initially I think the creators were going to go for a more episodic, non arc format (a Voyager to Buffy's DS9) but decided to ditch that in favor of through-line, having ongoing villains and char development etc. Which I personally think was a good move on their part.

Hehe I can't wait to read your critiques sometime.

I'll be starting a new thread under the "Other Tv and Films Thread" entitled Buffy and Angel appreciation. Mayhaps we can continue this unusual Buffy and Angel fascination there.

Oh, Channe, sorry about the age thing. Mistaken identity.

May you all be well and happy, free from suffering, free from sickness.
penfriends could be good... I'm certainly willing to give it a go. My email addy is
but don't be surprised if I'm a little busy in the next few weeks... I have a major music exam and it's taking most of my spare time. After that I'll be free as a bird

I have not lost my mind... it's backed up on disk somewhere!
Great Gods and Goddesses... disappear for a day and look what happens! *laughs*

Sorry Zoriah, it's exam time... and my workload has become... interestingly evil...

Sometimes I wonder if students check out their brains at end of year exam time! *laughs* Poor dears, I've never seen people so stressed.

You're still acting! That is a feat of patience I did not possess.

I never knew that about New Zealand. In my experience here I was never bracketed in an age group!

I have to say as immaturely as I can... THAT SUCKS!

I know what you mean about that assessment of life phase. At 25 I went and did a series of courses in training and youth work, and moonlighted as a youth counsellor for a while. But now that the acting bug is biting me again, I'm going to use some connections to get back into theatre. Maybe you could consider that, I remember you mentioning you had done some.

I find age matters little on a stage where the makeup is so heavy no one can tell anyway... it doesn't pay as much as TV or film, but the creativity and energy I love.

I've also tried my hand at directing, that is worthwhile if you have the stamina! Go do a course and see how it turns out! The power is intoxicating! *laughs*

Then of course... teach. Go back to school, you're never to young, and get a degree in Education. If you have enough experience as an actor you won't need the degree. I don't have an Education degree, but I have one degree in Media and Performance art, and a diploma in Acting and Directing. That with my actual experience had a University create a course for me to teach. Depending on funding I may not have this job next year, but the experience has been invaluable and it is impressive on a CV! *laughs*

I just took a chance on an ad in a paper while unemployed. They were asking for qualified people to bring something new to their curriculum because of drop out rates.

Thank you for you support while I was soapboxing away. I know people must be sick of female actors whining about age making a difference, but until you have been there, you don't know what you're talking about.

I will drop you a line, thank you so much for giving me your e-mail address. Expect a wildly nuerotic letter sometime this week!

I know next to nothing about Hurricanes, so thank you VERY MUCH for that information. They interest me as much as they scare the pants off me! In Australia we get the odd little to semi-large tornado, but only in Winter. One of our cities here in Victoria, called Geelong, had one only a couple of months ago, it just dropped out of the sky, no warning, then was gone in minutes after swathing a path of destruction.

I also didn't know that about computer programmers. That actually disgusts me. I see so many young hopefuls coming back to University to do a degree in computer science near the ages you mentioned, thinking it will secure them a well paying job for the rest of their lives.

Some days I just want to throw my hands in the air and scream! What are we coming to as a society, undercutting and undervaluing people because of age!?

Oopps... *tucks soapbox back under her skirt*

You are welcome! I do carry on a bit don't I! In my defence, this is my downtime. In the very early hours of the morning I get on the computer and really LOVE chatting with people who stimulate me, share my interests in science fiction and media, and like to have a joke. I'm also relieved to interact with people younger than me as something other than a teacher.

I am eternally encouraged at the intelligence I see on this board. All of you whipper snappers are amazing!

Minotaur is great! I lose myself for hours in the specialty shops over here. I'm forever dragging someone into them, and have almost successfully converted every friend I have to sci-fi. I'm a somewhat persuasive... or is that bullying? personality!

Angel Summers...
Great Idea. I will be heading over to check out your post!

Thank you for that.

And sure, I'd love to do the pen pal thing... it's been 15 years but why not, as long as you can put up with an over worked, underpayed ex-bimbo with a degree or two who is mildly nuerotic and very motherly! *laughs*

Goddess, young lady, you sound like a little genius in the making! I'd love to pick your brains and go to a movie sometimes and critique it afterward. Although I enjoyed The Phantom Menace, I had to see it four times to like it because the first three I pulled it apart from every persepective I knew.

How young are you, if you don't mind disclosing?

I can't imagine, but you do say you're near your peak!

I look to Susan Sarandon, Meryl Streepe, Helen Mirran, and Dame Judy when I start to get too low on maybe not having a career as an actor again. I honestly think, in the US at least and the UK, that your career is only as short as you allow it to be. Look at Sigourney Weaver! She came into the limelight in her thirties with ALIEN. In smaller countries like Australia and New Zealand, you get relegated to a soap opera. We make some truly revolutionary films, but they are often very youth focused.

If you have half as much talent as you seem too, and with your fingers in as many pies as they are, making a name for yourself shouldn't be dreadfully hard! Once you have a name, longevity is up to you.

I had to whince when I read your psuedo phonestic representation of an Aussie accent from your commercials. I dread to see how we are portrayed. Anyone remember CONTACT, and that dreadful American actor trying to pull off an Aussie accent? *shudders* If you watch FARSCAPE you'll hear real Australians.

And Fosters *gag* Give me wine any day! RED! Only red!!

I am completely confused as to why you would envy me. I started my career at 19, ended it eight years later. But to be honest, I am so much more fulfilled now teaching. Though I give ageing a hard time, I have never felt better about myself, or more happy in my life since I hit thirty. My mother kept trying to convince me that if I thought my twenties were great, I was going to have a ball with my thirties. She's right! I've just gone and bought myself a motorbike! When you cross that gap of mentally not accepting, to emotionally embracing, you are surprised by how you suddenly take life and go with it.

The best thing about maturing is you realise you're not going to live forever, so you better do the most you can with your life, and career suddenly becomes less important than being fulfilled in other ways.

Now all I need is a good man...


Sheridan: "It's... damn inconvienient!"
Delenn: "The truth often is."
SataiDelenn -

Hee hee! We were just envying you because you get to flirt with our favorite covert intelligence officer... *grins*

Thanks for your kind words. They do say that if you don't exhibit signs of greatness by twenty-five, you'd better prepare yourself for a life in foodservice. At the cusp of twenty-two, I'd better get myself moving, mm? *grins*

No, really. I doubt my peak is as early as twenty-six, but I will acknowledge that in my business, writing, there is most definitely a glass cieling seperating women from their male colleagues.

Nope, I'm just at the beginning of my trip to the top.

In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the grace of God.
FWIW, the "headologists" (to borrow a Diskworld term
) have a pretty good notion Why age discrimination is so rampant:

It's so simple it should be obvious.

90% of managers Will Not hire anyone older than themselves.
The managers themselves deny it, of course.
But studies of their Actual Hiring Decisions and the staffs they supervise Prove it.

The difficult part is getting anyone to put it in Writing so you can "prove it" to a Lawyer.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Never degrade yourself Satai Delenn. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. If a producer decides to turn you down merely because of age, boohoo. Their loss.

Anyway, to all concerned, my addie is

Don't ask about the name. Its from a hot elven ranger from Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal.

What's your addie SataiDelenn? And Bakana, Zoriah and Channe?

May you all be well and happy, free from suffering, free from sickness.
Susan Sarandon is one of my fave role models. And of course I love Sigourney Weaver, Meryl Streep, Tricia Neal, Vanessa Redgrave, Joanna Lumley....

One of these days the industry will realise that women are still damn fine actors after 35. It doesn't just stop because the wrinkles start coming. With men wrinkles and cragginess are often seen as giving character or ruggedness (Lance Henriksen and Clint Eastwood etc) but it doesn't seem that way as far as women are viewed.

Of course a lot of this won't change until we have more women directors, producers and WRITERS!!!!

So Channe, you already have one cheerleader down here in New Zealand. *grin*

More stories with interesting, real women please...

Angel: scully@ihug.co.nz


[This message has been edited by Zoriah (edited November 07, 2001).]

Chicks on bikes, now that's eternally hot...

Is your bike built for stability through a wormhole? (I have no idea what that means but it sounds kinda sexy)

Antony, could'ya dim the lights and get us a bottle of red wine? I'll pay back, promise. A sepia background would be nice, maybe a little Marvin Gaye...

Here's flirtin' back atcha,


This just in: Dean Marshall is on the hunt for a sugar-momma. Willing to take all of your money for favors to support his acting bohemian ways. Can only be beaten away by stick. Carry a big one. Good luck.


*Rolls around on the floor laughing her behind off!*

Dean... you have my kind of sense of humour!

*picks self up off floor and assumes a more appropriate position...*

Is my bike built for stability through a wormhole!?
Now that IS sexy... this is my kinda guy!!

The bike is a trail bike, Dean! That means I go out every weekend and get spattered with mud! I think it's sexy... but I thought I might be going through the male equivelant of a mid life crisis... only earlier!

You're welcome to join me and my friends in the mud! There is something sexy about all those men in leather and trail bike armour!

*growls* (Antony... we need a sexy smilie!)

You're right, envy me, I am a lucky girl! *laughs*

Angel Summers, Zoriah and Raia, and anyone else who is not psychotic...

my e-mail address is (do not laugh) sataidelenn@hotmail.com

Feel free to write, just remember I'm in the middle of exam grading at the moment so I may take a couple of days to reply!

I'm going to strike it rich now, I want to be a sugar moma! *laughs* And I like big sticks!

Sarah Cantrell: "Today is a good day to die."
David Martel: "Oh for you any day is a good day to die!"

[This message has been edited by SataiDelenn (edited November 08, 2001).]

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