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A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cast

Favorite recurring character: All seasons

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Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Bald head and all...she's moist for him. :eek:


Man CE, that's a little too ...um...personal, NC-17-ish.

OH pulease! I say shit like that all the time in jest. :rolleyes:

Seemed to be in poor taste, to me. I hear railroaders talk like that all the time, though admittedly a little more crudely. e.g. they would have said "wet" and I'm sure the word "c*nt" would have been used.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Bald head and all...she's moist for him. :eek:


Man CE, that's a little too ...um...personal, NC-17-ish.

OH pulease! I say shit like that all the time in jest. :rolleyes:

Seemed to be in poor taste, to me. I hear railroaders talk like that all the time, though admittedly a little more crudely. e.g. they would have said "wet" and I'm sure the word "c*nt" would have been used.

Oh. Ok. So, looking at her new avatar, if I was to tell her that she has a nice pussy would I get in trouble? :devil:
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

I like that Hyp was swimming...that's a nice way to explain it all...yup. Now...swimming in what I shouldn't say. :D

I love that all of this caused Hyp's avatar to represent! Ahhh....the powers I possess! :p

Sorry if I pushed the boundries of taste, guys...it's just my nature not to think twice about certain things. Very happy Hyp, my sweetums, has taken to it all so well! :)

Oh...and I agree with JDM. As for why JMS won't go into it even though the film is dead in this incarnation, there could be a million reasons why...personally, I'm awaiting his latest fairy tale to explain it all. ;)

Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

I wrote my letters, and didn't want to see the original cast replaced. But, it's hard to imagine how they couldn't have come to some agreement, if all they wanted was some names present. JMS put Shari Bellafonte and Martin Sheen into the TV movies. I don't think it would've been that difficult, for him to have put a Halle Barry or someone else as the rumored part of Diane. Movies very rarely have more than 1 or 2 big names in starring roles, and maybe a 3rd big name in a smaller role. Very few movies are like Oceans 11/12, that have big names flowing like water. Most that do have lots of big names, the names became big after the movie was made, not before.

So, I feel like "Big Names" can't be the whole story, there had to be something else with the dictates from the money folks (wether that be WB or someone else)
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

He wasn't shy about contacting me (andraising the specter of legal action) the last time he thought I was responsible for posting something that might interfere with a deal of his. (I hasten to add that he was mistaken about my involvement and dropped all mention of lawyers the minute a mutual acquaintance at TNT convinced him of my innocence. Apologized, even. Sort of. ;))

Now you have made me really curious. Can you elaborate any more on this matter? :)
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

I find the "naughty" CE rather fun, actually. :devil:
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Now you have made me really curious. Can you elaborate any more on this matter? :)

It is less intriguing than I probably made it sound. Back in the old days when the show was on TNT I was very involved in their B5 discussion board. It was an area frequently infested by trolls and the mods had a hard time keeping up with them. Identity theft was an especially popular passtime. When they got rid of their original "no registration required, pick any handle you like" system and put in a more secure one someone actually beat me to my own name and posted a series of semi-literate rants as "me". They were so badly written that they didn't fool anybody and the user was kicked off the system, but the identify (I think it was joseph_demartino) was burned and I had to register under a different handle. (j_demartino if memory serves.) Anyway, they had an "other shows" section of the board that I never went read. Unbeknownst to me someone registered as j_demartlno (lowercase "L" in place of the "I") with the display name "Joseph DeMartino" and my actual e-mail address in his sig. This user then posted potentially libelous rumors about JMS, Chris Carter and their (then current) collaboration on World on Fire. There were suggestions that Fox had ripped the off or vice versa, that lawsuits were pending, that Carter and JMS were publicly calling one another vile names, etc.

Someone pointed the thread out to JMS and he sent a sharp e-mail to the address in "my" signature pointing out that based on what "I" had written I could be sued by him, by Chris Carter, by Fox, by CBS and by a few other people. He suggested I remove or edit the post immediately - which I, naturally, could not do. This was all news to me. I found the thread, saw the problem and promptly e-mailed someone I knew at TNT at home. Despite its being a weekend this person got hold of the site's webmaster and arranged to have the post deleted and the user's account cancelled. Then my friend sent JMS a note confirming that I had nothing to do with the message and including the imposter's real e-mail address and ISP information for his future use. He then sent me an e-mail saying he was sorry for blasting me but also pointing out that whoever had written that stuff deserved to be blasted, and that all available evidence seemed to point to me.

As we used to say in the Bronx, "No autopsy, no foul." :)


Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Now you have made me really curious. Can you elaborate any more on this matter? :)

Then my friend sent JMS a note confirming that I had nothing to do with the message and including the imposter's real e-mail address and ISP information for his future use.

Was it one of the usual rast trolls? I wouldn't put such a thing past some of those cretins.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Was it one of the usual rast trolls? I wouldn't put such a thing past some of those cretins.

I never found out who it really was. At that time I was staying away from usenet pretty much entirely, having become thoroughly disgusted with it years bafore. Anyway, my impression was that the TNT site had plenty of home-grown morons of its own, without having to import them from RASTB5. :) Same with the WB board. (Which is thankfully now also acitvely moderated and which has added "report a problem post' links to every thread.) I used to get a lot of grief on the TNT site, because I frequently defended the network against idiotic complaints about things they had nothing to do with (like many fans missing the last four episodes of S4 when the local PTEN affiliate dropped the show) or things that had never happened (like a scene of Sheridan and Delenn's wedding being "cut" after the first broadcast of "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars" or "Phoenix Rising" - people claimed to have seen the non-existant scene in both episodes.) So I got accused of being a TNT plant and that sort of thing a lot. OTOH the TNT folks themselves were so happy to have me pitching in that I ended up becoming pen-pals with a couple fo them, was able to get some inside dirt on Crusade as a a result, and got some really nifty thank you gifts including full-sized theatrical style posters for In the Beginning and the launch of the reruns and S5, and A Call to Arms, as well as a souvenier invitation to the TNT launch party in Atlanta and a copy of the four-color promotional hand-outs for the 1998-1999 season from the "up front" for advertisers - which had B5 on the cover and stressed its place as the network's first original TV series. (An honor that would later be bestowed on at least two other series that I know of. :))


Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Thanks alot for the thorough response Joseph. :cool:

I wonder if JMS will ever find out that people suspect you are actually his online alter ego on B5 forums and the HTF. :D
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

So, I feel like "Big Names" can't be the whole story, there had to be something else with the dictates from the money folks (wether that be WB or someone else)

I got the distinct impression that what was being talked about here was not "Big Names" as such, but actors with more experience and more of a rep in movies, i.e. Movie actors, rather than Television actors.

However, that impression is based on rumour and supposition, just like everything else, so it may well be a pile of steaming horse hockey.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

I got the distinct impression that what was being talked about here was not "Big Names" as such, but actors with more experience and more of a rep in movies, i.e. Movie actors, rather than Television actors.

That's what I figured as well. It's also consistent with the Tom Sizemore rumor. He's the sort of actor I was thinking about wrt the recasting. Not really a "big star", but a movie actor.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Sizemore has bigger problems to worry about right now than being cast in another half-assed movie.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

You're not paranoid enough. "JoeDM" and "JMS" are the same person feeling differently. ;)

No, we know they're not really the same person. It's just a compliment to JoeDM that people think that way.

And by the way, unstick this topic now, please.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Gee, now I'm wondering what ARK posted. :)

And yeah, it is about time this thread was unstuck and permitted to quietly fade away, like our hopes for the film. ;)

Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

ARK just pointed out something which seemed like a difference of opinion between you and JMS. Thus you couldn't be the same person. No biggie.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

ARK just pointed out something which seemed like a difference of opinion between you and JMS. Thus you couldn't be the same person.

Of course, that wouldn't necessarily rule out the two of us being the same person. :) Some people have differences of opinions with themselves all the time. (No we don't!) :D

But as it happens, we aren't. (If anyone has any lingering doubts I'll be happy to fax you a copy of my 2004 tax return. If my adjusted goss income isn't enough to convince you that I'm not JMS, you should probably seek professional help. :))
