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a couple of points

In my experience of these boards, people don't tend to get their knickers in a twist over such trivial matters. Even if it had been a mistake, I doubt anyone would have bothered to bring it up, and if they had done, it would just have been in passing...

You're joking, right?

Nope, I was being serious. Then again, my experience of these boards is limited, and I don't venture outside of the main B5 forums--maybe people get angry over politics and such in off topic; but strictly within the B5 forums, I have been very impressed.

Trust me, there are some horrible message boards out there. I really enjoy visiting this one...

By Jove! A compliment! :eek:
Shh, don't tell anybody, but I actually cried a little when I read that part of the book. :( :)

Still loves the Technomage trilogy though.
In my experience of these boards, people don't tend to get their knickers in a twist over such trivial matters. Even if it had been a mistake, I doubt anyone would have bothered to bring it up, and if they had done, it would just have been in passing...

You're joking, right?

Nope, I was being serious. Then again, my experience of these boards is limited, and I don't venture outside of the main B5 forums--maybe people get angry over politics and such in off topic; but strictly within the B5 forums, I have been very impressed.

Trust me, there are some horrible message boards out there. I really enjoy visiting this one...

By Jove! A compliment! :eek:

I must admit that this, and JMSNEWS are the best I have come across.

Oh, these are definitely good boards. Most dedicated B5 boards are. It's usually the hinterlands between genres that have all the flamewars abd bloodshed.

But the original post that made me jokingly reply "Are you kidding?", was where you said we board posters don't dwell over the minutae. I beg to differ. We live for minutae. Minutae is the only way we have left to continue to discover B5, so in the first 5 years and just as much during the last 5 years, we fans have picked every event, word, and sideways glance from our characters apart for meaning. We have speculated, collated, and downright fabricated some crazy notions to make each frame of our beloved show an important moment of transcendant revelation.
Curses, It would seem that you are right. Such a simple yet massive oversight that completely alters the nuance of the whole exchange. My mistake, I stand corrected.Who says minutae doesn't matter? I'm still not sure about this Corianna business though. I will re-watch the commentary before I vent any more. Though to be honest all the fire seems to have been doused. What is is Neroon said? " the rightness of my cause just disappeared"
Remember, there are people here who know Sheridan's password to the tactical nuke storage locker in "Thirdspace" was Abraxas 79713, who noticed that Sheridan still mouths the words "Wast End" at the end of "Comes the Inquisitor" although it was looped to "East End" after the initial airing, and who wonder why the character of Hedronn from "Points of Departure", who was present at the Battle of the Line, was later named Coplann (a joke on John Copeland) in "In the Beginning". If it had been Corianna 7, someone here would've noticed it.

We're sick puppies.

So by all means, go check it again.
You feel lucky, punk? DO YA? :D

Oh, and commentaries definitely don't count, though, because JMS and (especially) the cast have made several errors in their recollections. Take 'em with a grain of salt.
...and who wonder why the character of Hedronn from "Points of Departure", who was present at the Battle of the Line, was later named Coplann (a joke on John Copeland) in "In the Beginning".

I say Hedronn and Coplann are twin brothers and are both on the Grey Council. :D
I say Hedronn and Coplann are twin brothers and are both on the Grey Council. :D

No, they are the same person. ;) Apparently a "no talent ass-clown" who also happened to be named Coplann* inexplicably started moving up the Tee'la charts after the War against Earth, eventually scoring several number one hits on Minbar. The frequent confusion between the two proved so distressing to the Grey Council member that he eventually changed his name to Hedronn out of sheer embarassment.

(* Described in Earth accounts as "the Minbari Micheal Bolton")

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