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A few words from your weapons officer


That was the idea...

Also, to brighten up the idea that hope exists...somewhere beyond...where there's an end...there is also a beginning...

The title of this on-going posting is called "The Casket"...

Who was shot?
Who was that mysterious Ranger missing at the burial ceremony...and this absent Ranger even significant to what had transpired...
Who was that mysterious, shrouded figure in the Minbari Cloak touching the gravestone...
What the hell was G'Kar doing there?
Who the hell is "Steve"?
What decision does Captain David Martel have to make?

What is that probe thing that landed on the Planet "Ishnu"...and of what origin?

And of course...Who or what the hell is in the mysterious "Casket" at the burial ceremony?

These are the questions that plague the minds of those whom have read this thread...or I assume they are...for what they are...questions with no answers...questions that will reveal answers as the ticking of the clock strikes the hour!


Damn, he's almost as bad as Kosh! Driving us mad with cryptic speeches!


BETH: "Well all I did was go for a really long walk."
JIMMY: "Where'd you go?"
BETH: "I don't know... I mean... all over the city, I guess... and then somehow I ended up standing outside Bill's apartment building and... I wanted to make sure he was... really gone, you know... so I figured out which window was his and then I just started yelling, you know, "BILL, HEY BILL!!!"
JIMMY: "And then what happened?"
BETH: "Well, finally someone opened their window and yelled down, "Shut the hell up you crazy bitch!"
JOE: "That's just what Bill would've done."
BETH: "Yeah, and that just made me think... his spirit lives on in others." - Newsradio


The bushes begin to rustle as the Liandra crew turns back towards the shuttle they came on. One of the Rangers (we'll call him STEVE) looks back, shakes his head, and moves on.


STEVE at helm.

I can't believe it.

VOICE (o.s.)
He actually did it.

The voice is female.


The bushes rustle again. Something - a HUMAN FIGURE - moves out. Face obscured, wearing a Minbari robe, the figure touches the gravestone...


Don't blame me for the continuation... I'm in Graphics class.

And, btw - I'm the next JMS.

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.

[This message has been edited by channe (edited October 18, 2001).]
Ext. Cemetary -Day -Continue

Close on the mysterious hooded figure's hand touching the smooth surface of the gravestone. Just below the individual's fingers, we can see a name inscribed, but can't quite make what is written...

Suddenly, the weather turns. Rain falls on the graveyard as the mysterious figure rises and vanishes off into the dense bushes...

We reveal a "Ranger" boot tread in the newly moistened dirt...

Then, movement off behind a tree brings us to reveal a familiar face. G'Kar looks on...

Cut to:

Interior -Liandra- Bridge -Day

The bridge main doors open to reveal Captain David Martel. He enters and takes his seat relieving "Steve" of his duty...as Steve exits the bridge...Kitaro shoots a look to Sarah...They continue about there business...

*chimes* THE FIC HAS ALREADY STARTED. IT IS TOO LATE FOR G'KAR'S EYE TO VOTE. *bells, wheezing, tea kettle*

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Forgive me. I'm new at this

Ext. Planet Ishnu - Forest - Night

The air is filled with the growing cries of nocturnal animals who have emerged from their dens. Rage filled howls of hungry predators shake the underbrush and are followed by the high-pitched death screams of their prey.

The natives of Ishnu call it the "Blood Song", and never dare to venture outside once it has begun.

A fast moving creature on six legs senses movement in the darkness. It darts to the left, leaping over a huge fallen log, and extends long serrated claws on its forepaws. It leaps high, closing the distance of twenty feet between itself and its prey. Hunger has made the beast careless, and only in mid-flight does it realize something is terribly wrong.

A beam of light slices the darkness. It's the last thing the beast sees. The powerful beam rips it in two and blasts both halves of the creature in opposite directions. The PATROL DROID glides over to the front half of the creature's body for examination.
It's dead. Eyes glazing over quickly. All hunger forgotten. Several sensor devices extend from the droid's underside and scour the creature for data:


In the midst of its collation of data from the creature, the probe's external sensors had been placed on standby. Suddenly there is movement again, but this time it comes from behind. The probe swings its turret around quickly to fire... and is hit by a PPG blast that scores its surface. In what seems like maddening slow motion, the turret continues to spin as yet another blast singes and boils the probes metal shell.

Finally, the turret locks on its target, a HUMAN FEMALE, and prepares to fire. Just then the attacker sweeps down with a thick branch directly on the probe's turret, cracking open the casing that had been weakened by the PPG blasts. Sparks shoot from the probe and it falls to the forest floor, articulated limbs moving in a mechanical simulation of death. The smell of burnt circuitry hangs in the air.

Hmmm. It's not as good as a two-by-four, but it gets the job done.

Satisfied with the destruction she'd wrought, she raises her hand to her face and speaks into her COMLINK.

Captain to Titans, we've got a situation down here. They're onto us.

Ext. Space - Over Planet Ishnu

The Warlock class destroyer TITANS waits in space on the far side of the planet, undetected by the crew of the Liandra.
It's weapons are charged and its Starfury pilots are on alert, expecting the worst.

Who's next?

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair

[This message has been edited by B5_Obsessed (edited October 19, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gkarfan:
For some reason, that "patrol droid" reminds me of that scene in The Empire Strikes Back!



For me, it was War of the Worlds.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I dislike looking at photos of myself! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


If you're going to make me read about implacable headstones, then I'm going to have some fun of my own. I think I like my new headshot.

Speaking of implacable headstones, my stapler is feeling rather blue today....



ANTONY YOU TOTALLY SCREWED ME ON THAT JOKE! AAAARRGH! I had asked Antony to switch my photo with Warren's and he told me he had done it. So much for that one...

Never, but NEVER trust an administrator!

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
(Channe arrives back from her sojourn West - yeah, Niagara Falls! - and rejoins the story, as she continues her wholesale jolly murder of your characters.)


As before. Kitaro at the helm, David sitting, staring intently - almost obsessively - into the viewscreen.


Wait for it.

The tension on the bridge is so palpable, you can cut through it easily with a pike.


The Blood Song is chilling. An ordinary human might run - might try to hide.

Something, vaguely human-sized, falls to the ground from a nearby tree with nary a sound. It's a Ranger, unidentified. Something in his gait makes you think he might be the one that we saw earlier. His hood is up; we can't tell if he's Human or Minbari. He straightens, and moves his back against a tree, as something moves about 50 meters from him.

It whirrs. It sure doesn't look human.

Calmly, the Ranger watches.


A console lights, and a klaxon sounds, shattering the silence - and the tension.

Recieving a feed from the surface.



(There you go. Have fun!)

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
You know, if Warren hadn't been participating in this, we would've already had our asses kicked over to fanfic.

So, hold on. How many people with robes are creeping in the shadows now? *counts on fingers*

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Dylan -

Headstones are implacable. They are not hilarious or jolly, nor do they smirk - thus, they are implacable.

And, we know you're not just another egotistical actor, so don't worry about the headshot.

Antony, what about giving them avatars from the trailer, as their characters? Well, the ones that post here, at least. There were some really good shots in there.

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
On the planet - one unidentified Ranger, a human calling herself "Captain," G'Kar, and some robot.

And a lot of killer foliage.

Orbiting - Ranger ship Liandra, Earthforce ship Titans.

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
Thanks. I was still counting "Steve" LOL!

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Steve has served his purpose and is now cleaning the waste ducts on the Liandra.

Hey, someone has to do it.

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
Int. Titan Stardestroyer -Bridge -Night

Captain Yom Bazzar paces back and forth, clearly something on his mind, tension on the brink.

Captain: Lieutenant Henderson, report.

Ext. Ishnu -Surface -Night

Henderson is standing over the smashed probe. Circuitry sparks and wires litter the forest floor...and then the last breath is felt as the probe dies...

Henderson bends down and takes a closer look. She pulls her flashlight out and shines it on the shell of the probe...markings...some type of symbols...

Int. Titan Bridge -Night

Henderson: (through intercom system) Captain, the probe is destroyed. Origin unknown...nothing that I have ever seen before...I seem to have found some strange markings on the shell of the probe, but can't quite make out what it is...some type of hieroglyphics...It might be...

Then suddenly, a blood-chilling scream is heard once again...but this time, very different from the one heard earlier...

Henderson: My god...

Cut to: Titan Bridge

The crew hears the screams over the intercom! The Captain shoots a look to his crew of warriors...a look uncharacteristic of him...a look that you damn well know...will make you feel death!

Captain Bazzar: Lieutenant...Get your crew to their shuttle...and get the hell out of there...NOW! Do it...

Ext. Ishnu surface -forest -Night

Henderson grabs her military napsack and weapon and proceeds to get herself back to the shuttle when suddenly...

The forest seems to come alive...The tress start to sway...Branches snap...Henderson's heart beats loud and hard...her breathing is starting to instil panic...trying to keep calm...trying to keep composed...and then a voice comes through her wrist comlink

Comlink: Lieutentant...I am picking up over a dozen moving objects approaching your parameter...life forms...they are moving fast...get out of there now...move, move, move...

No shit!

Henderson starts to run...Everywhere there is movement...Something catches her eye from above...something is leaping from branch to branch...something is hunting...and Henderson is the prey!

The scream fills the dark forest...

Ext. Ishnu -forest -Night

Henderson is clearly exhausted. She seems to functioning on sheer determination...and fear! The light from her flashlight is far from adequate...and she trips on something...her body tumbles and she finds herself flat on her back...like a turtle that has been turn over...

She manages to unstrap her back-pack...The forest seems quiet all of a sudden! Strange...The movements have stopped. No more branches snap...just the beating of Henderson's heart can be heard...slowing down as she sits up...

She notices something large lying on the forest floor...it must be what she tripped on...Something long...something covered in a robe...Henderson shines her flashlight on the object...It looks like a robe of some kind. Origin -Minbari...The flashlight glints off something on the front of the robe...A Ranger pin! Then suddenly:

Something dark and very, very large jumps down from above...and is now towering over her. The stench of its' breath so repulsive, it makes Henderson gag briefly...This thing is huge...

Henderson shines the light on the creature and a blood-chilling scream is set off! There is no escape this time!


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by B5_Obsessed:
Never, but NEVER trust an administrator!


Too late, the cap'n learnt the hard way.

Bashir: Assuming you're not a spy.
Garak: Assuming.
Bashir: Then maybe you're an outcast.
Garak: Or maybe I'm an outcast spy.