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A little help if you don't mind


A little help if you don\'t mind

As a part of a course I'm taking at school I'm building a website/project/thing about scifi on tv. Part of this is project involves getting people to answer a questionnaire. If you could take the time to answer it I'd really appreciate it.

Located here:

Thanks in advance,
Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

I completed it. But arhg... I had to fill in 25 as my age. Argh.
Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

*Points a finger at Antony and laughs*

Then again, I had to fill in 27 as mine. Of course, at least it wasn't 28!

Anyway, completed it as well. Hope it helps and good luck with the project!
Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

What, would you rather be 16?

I completed the form, hope it helps.
Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

Just answered your questionnaire... you should put this website on your home page. Just a thought.

Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

There were two buttons at the bottom of the questionnaire, one for "PERL CGI" and one for "PHP". I was not sure which to use (if it even makes any difference) so I just used the former.

Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

The two buttons do the exact same thing. Only one does it with CGI and the other with PHP. So no biggie.

Anyway, thanks all for your help. I've gotten sufficient replies now. (Feel free to add your's anyway if you like though).
Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

I'm not telling you my age, but I did put in the questionnaire....UGH!
Re: A little help if you don\'t mind

You know, you could have had another couple categories:

Seen every episode multiple times.

Seen every episode multiple times, and know most of the dialogue by heart. (B5 and Crusade are here, for me.

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