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A thought about the Valen and the WhiteStar

With every species being admitted to the Anla'shok, I think that most of their spacecraft need at least 5 different types of... hygienic facilities. Enemies might even list it among their strategic disadvantages. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
Ahh, water-closets.

I wonder how much it cost to retrofit vessels like the Liandra. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
I think we have discovered the Drakh secret weapon. Shadow nanomachines and planetkillers are mere toys, compared to Shadow legal expertise. The laws of chaos are complicated, you see...

...and when driven far enough, the Drakh would use this weapon. They would infest entire worlds with carefully chosen corporate lawyers, providing each of them books and datacrystals for huge devastation. In fact, this Shadow weapon can drive entire civilisations to willing self-destruction, and earn profit in the process. /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif
Suspect you are right, Lennier. If the Drakhs go that route, the entire NA will crumble. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Channe wrote: "That's it. This is too good. I have to find a way to stick it in Redux. "

I shall have the band play, "The Charge of the Drakh Lawyers." /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Drakh DA: "Weee deeeclare theee ussse of Sssshadowtech byeee theee Arth Alliannsssse to beeee both copyeeewright infringiment and insssulting to our reeeligiousss cultural hissstoryeeee."

Judge: "Prosucution, will you please stop phasing in and out and remain in one spatial state of exisitence. You're giving the jury a headache!"
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Origionaly posted by channe

Does the Liandra have bathrooms - and did they have to renovate facilities for the humans?

Think about it.

Just because Minbari *look* human doesn't mean that they go to the bathroom like them.

Their bathrooms could have been totally incompatible.

Man. Those poor Anla'shok plumbers.

I've gotta get myself a new hobby...

[/quote] There has been discussion before on weather minbari are different than humans*and most of it non nc-17 too /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
I've been thinking about the "sanitary facility" problem and concluded humans and Minbari are probably fairly similar in requirements so it wouldn't take major renovations. Or maybe none at all. Of course, could be completely wrong. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
can see it now, not only do minbari sleep in the diagnol, they crap in the diagnol too /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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