Hullo, I'm new here as well. I heartily enjoyed Babylon 5 (well, about three quarters of it) when it was on Channel Four. I was scared of joining any of these things though, largely due to a manic obsessive I shared a house with in second year of Uni. He loved B5 and spouted forth on it at any given moment, seeing I liked it too. Highly infuriating as he patently refused to have his horizons expanded. "Try this great band," I'd wheedle, "They're called 'Pulp'." Or I would attempt to change him with beer and dancing madly to Stone Roses, Talking Heads, Kate Bush or something. But no. He only wanted to watch his precious Fargate, Starscape and B5. The fool. Thus I was wary of the fan.
But then I stumbled upon this board looking for info on the DVD. And I saw the Halloween contest. And being in love with writing I couldn't resist. And now my post is entered (I pray) and I feel a little satisfied with it. Oh... and that Chenne or whatever her/his name is, good on you for loving to write! I'd like to read something by you sometime. I just wish I had more time to write. Instead I have to content myself with short short stories. Anyway, keep up the good work. Enjoy drink. Listen to Flaming Lips. Read the Don Camillo books, or failing that G.K Chesterton's 'Man Who Was Thursday'. Or anything by Neil Gaiman. Like Neverwhere. For example.
I'm off now. Bye.
(Board breathes audible sigh of relief)
P.S: I HATE emoticons.