\<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gangster:
<font color=yellow>There will always be immunes and those whose bodies fight off the virus.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
There is a person that is immune to it. And when she is brought to Thunder Mountain a doctor says that when it is all over they will need to develope a cure. Also it sometimes takes a while to develope a cure. For example the plague went on for a long time in europe and it took a while to develope a vaccine for it.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
<font color=yellow>I tend to give SF/Fantasy series more of a chance to gain my loyalty than other genres of television.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
What your not realizing is that Jeremiah is not truely a "Science Fiction" show except for the fact that the "virus" was develop[ed scientifically there is nothing SF about it. It mainly is just a "Fiction" show. And when i first saw B5 i to thought it sucked ass, note i am only 16, later on my dad started to watch the later seasons and i got interested in it.
Recoil, i truely agree with everything you say about it, gj.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gangster:
<font color=yellow>That may be why I can't get into it -- not the lack of aliens, space ships, etc, but presenting a future that wouldn't happen as shown. In the first place, with the death of grownups, most children, especially in large towns, would have starved to death since they would have way to feed themselves. The few that survived would have reverted to a savage state to live. In the farmlands, more would have survived but have reverted to a hunting/agricultural survival mode because feeding themselves would be the prime motivator. Killing to survive would have become the name of the game. True, some tech would have survived but would be quickly lost. And so on...
In other words, to me, it is a badly thought out plot.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
No i doubt they would return to a savage state, A portion grew up in a society with techknowledgey and order in it, who's to say they wouldn't keep it? Second, some did turn back to savage i.e. the "Skin Heads" or just those bad "Gang" all together, they took a woman and started raping her. Third, before we had techknowledgey people did pretty much exactly like they did they traded things, just their things are far more advanced, olden time, fur, meat, clean water, etc. In show, batterys, gas, candy (yum yum), etc. Fourth, you say "Killing would be the name of the game" well it kinda is/was, when they show Jeremiah thinking when his little brother died they they showed a "goon" killing his little bro, by accident, over food, and some other supplies too.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gangster:
<font color=yellow>Agree, and in my case, the plot is too bland. Tonight's ep is my last since it is the last new SG-1 ep on Showtime so will be cancelling since I don't care much for the rest of their programming.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
You like SG1, enough said.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by channe:
<font color=yellow>I just want the other shoe to drop.
They fed us something with Firewall, and then entirely ignored it for the last two or three episodes. (I haven't seen Thieves' Honor yet.) But from what I've seen, the first part of the season really led UP to Firewall - and there should be some more plotbuilding.
But there's not!
Where's the other shoe, dammit?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
First, the two shows after "Fire Wall" is writen by a different writer. Second, those two episodes give you a feel what it is like to grow up like that. Savage you say, that guy stealing little kids blood is savage to me.
In closing this show isn't for everyone we all have different interest, for example the luny people who actually watch soap operas!!!!!!