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After reading Casting Shadows...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:

I don't remember anything in the story that even Implied that Technomages had been buried at the Well prior to Galen's visit. In fact, I seem to remember a couple passages saying that Technomages were usually cremated and the ashes scattered on the planets they made their homes on.

Isobel was looking for the Well because it was a Legend, even to the Technomages. I doubt they'd have lost the directions for finding it if they were in the habit of going there for funerals. More likely, they'd heard about it from other, more advanced races. Maybe even been invited to attend an occasional funeral for one of these advanced friends but not been able to keep a "road map" showing how to find the place.


It was said that past techno-mages where buried at the well...I don't see why they can;t have lost the way to the well I mean they lost many many spells and stuff from 1000 ago around weirdons time...Remeber a whole bunch died and thats when weirdon started to make other races besides his/her own race into mages because of the mass death.

So yes it was a Legend to the mages but it was also part of there history.

Isabelle wanted to find it because she wanted to learn more about mage history and lost technologies etc

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doctor Gonzo:
There is another possibility, if Galen has already discovered the true source and nature of the tech before Crusade. Than it would have been just a matter of getting Isabelle to the Well.

When mages die they use 'magic' fire to burn them and their tech.


Thats my theory.

Maybe in the past they didn;t burn the tech maybe Weirdon started that burnign tradition..who knows..

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by whitestar90:
Wierden the fist technomage, the one that started the technomages is said to be buried in the well..



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darth Vader:
I don't have a clue what you guys are talking about

maybe a should read the book


Highlly recomended best book I have read in a while and to top it off the 2nd book in the trilagy will be out in a couple weeks

Will be looking forward to that and it may have abit about Gideons rescue by Galen in it

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by whitestar90:
Will be looking forward to that and it may have abit about Gideons rescue by Galen in it


Unlikly I have heard that the Trilagy time is set during the 5 years of babylon 5 was on ..I could be wrong however.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Unlikly I have heard that the Trilogy time is set during the 5 years of babylon 5 was on ..I could be wrong however. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You'll be glad to know you are probably Wrong.

The Title for the Trilogy is "The Passing of the Technomages". Since they are still alive and in hiding at least up until Vir takes out the Drakh on Centauri Prime, their passing must take place after that.

Because, somehow, I don't think the word "Passing" means a parade. I think it means a bunch of them get to Die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
You'll be glad to know you are probably Wrong.

The Title for the Trilogy is "The Passing of the Technomages". Since they are still alive and in hiding at least up until Vir takes out the Drakh on Centauri Prime, their passing must take place after that.

Because, somehow, I don't think the word "Passing" means a parade. I think it means a bunch of them get to Die.


Yes I hope i am wrong.

I figured the word "passing" was refering to the techno-mages leaving to go to there place of hiding. But thats not really make scense now I think about it.

Passing hmmn dead mages hmnn

No, the trilogy does take place during the 5 year b5 run. Gideon may show up though because he was picked up during the mage exodus. While Galen and the trio of initiates may have been out in the galaxy it still did not seem like most mages had followed. There are hints in Crusade and the Centauri tril that Galen may have been given the task of eliminating(or simply discovering) leftover Shadow tech after the war ended. Of course this would be something he would be all too eager to do. While it does not seem that Galen had cut all ties to the circle as Alwyn had the others do seem to be a bit wary of him and what he is doing.

"Authorities say the phony pope can be recognized by his high-top sneakers and increadibly foul mouth." Kent Brockman
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
While it does not seem that Galen had cut all ties to the circle as Alwyn had the others do seem to be a bit wary of him and what he is doing.

Wary? The scene between Galen and the other Technomages during Crusade made it pretty clear that they were Still hiding. Even though the Shadows are gone, there is still _Someone_ out there that the majority of the Technomages are afraid of.

Somone with a Grudge.

Some of the Shadow servant races, most likely. There are several pretty strong hints in the first book that at least Some of the Technomages "magic" originated with the Shadows. How, Why, Who and When are the unanswered questions. The answers to those questions will explain why they are hiding and who wants to kill them.

Must be someone pretty scary. I think the Technomages could Take the Drakh. Galen certainly had no problem with a whole shipfull. They never even knew he was there.

Nor did the Drakh ever manage to detect the ones operating on Centauri Prime. Although that was partly because the Technomages there were careful not to get too close to the Drakh alarm systems.

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In the movie ACTA, Galen says that they 'like' hiding and it will be another 20 or 30 years before they come out of their 'hiding' place, I don't think they are afraid of the servants as they are of the masters..

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
While the technomages are powerful you have to remember they do have one huge disadvantage, numbers. In Casting Shadows you can see when Galen and Isabelle are being chased by a Drakh, a human and an initiate that when the other side has some comperable tech and the fight is out in the open the Mages are quite vulnerable. The mages have used deception and sneak attacks, like the one on Xha'dam, to overcome foes with superior numbers like the Drakh but this would not sustain them in an all out war. Without the Shadows help the Drakh can't fight the illusions as well but that still is not enough to let the mages win in an open fight when the Drakh are on the look out for illusions.

"Authorities say the phony pope can be recognized by his high-top sneakers and increadibly foul mouth." Kent Brockman
The real question in all this is:

Just _What_ did the Technomages Do to honk off whoever is out to get them??

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Well the Shadows put it to them quite bluntly -"Join us or Die" so they decided to run and hide...

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doctor Gonzo:
The mages have used deception and sneak attacks, like the one on Xha'dam, to overcome foes with superior numbers like the Drakh but this would not sustain them in an all out war. Without the Shadows help the Drakh can't fight the illusions as well but that still is not enough to let the mages win in an open fight when the Drakh are on the look out for illusions.


Yeah the mages and Vir destroyed Xha'dum and the reason they were not detected there is because the Drahk beleived that no-one would be able to find Xha'dum so they didnlt have any defense except the null feild.

I mean the Drahk do have ways to detect Techno-mages but not all of them have this technology all teh time as they must set it up I guess..

Like parts of the palace on centauri prime and other places have defense againts mages.

I remember at one stage in the Centauri trilagy vir is in trouble and the mage initiates want to help Vir but galen says no as they have no time and the Drahk had erected Wards and stuff as a defense against mage's

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Like parts of the palace on Centauri prime and other places have defense against mages.

It occurs to me that we don't Know those alarms are in place to detect Technomages. Or Just Technomages.

There are other Shadow Servant races running around besides the Drakh. They could very well be fighting among themselves for dominance. And over who should "own" whatever leftover Shadow tech can still be found. Until they directly impact the Story, we won't know much about them.

At no place in the Centauri trilogy do we see any evidence that the Drakh are concerned about the presence of a Particular enemy. But they obviously are taking lots of precautions against Enemies in general. particularly enemies using Shadow Tech. That's how Lou Welch got caught.

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:

It occurs to me that we don't Know those alarms are in place to detect Technomages. Or Just Technomages.


I assumed Ward's are tech specifically made to protect againts techno-mages.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> There are other Shadow Servant races running around besides the Drakh. They could very well be fighting among themselves for dominance. And over who should "own" whatever leftover Shadow tech can still be found. Until they directly impact the Story, we won't know much about them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought they had a predetermined order ranks or somthing with the Shadows being one step from the top and the Shadows God being above the Shadows. And Drahk being belowe shadows and otehrs below Drahk...I guess no the shadows are gone lower ranked race's/servants could be vying for more power and respect.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> At no place in the Centauri trilogy do we see any evidence that the Drakh are concerned about the presence of a Particular enemy. But they obviously are taking lots of precautions against Enemies in general. particularly enemies using Shadow Tech. That's how Lou Welch got caught. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought they were concerned about the mage's didn't Shiv'kala says that when he was talking to Vir..he was telling Vir that he was being manipulated by the mage's and that he shoudl stay away from them..the Drahk knew the mages where investigating them probably scinse the beginning of teh Shadow war well when Galen and Isabelle started the investigation or Kell.

Didn't the Drahk just somhow scense that Shadow tech was beging used and thats how they found lou Welch in the prime candidate building?

Good point. If they could sense shadow tech, then they could definately sense the mages.

Also, when the mages were at Xha'Dam with Vir, they seemed unwilling to do anything to destroy the place themselves. Vir had to do it. My guess, judging form their actions, was that they were unable to, for some reason. Either because their tech wouldn't permit them to (which is my guess.. remember that transciever?), or because it would immediately alert the drakh to their presence.

"Expect me, when you see me."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> because it would immediately alert
the drakh to their presence.

That would be it. The Technomages are using at least Some Shadow Tech. The Drakh would detect that energy signature. They might even have a way to Disable the Technomages gadgets if they know any are in the area.

I believe that when they detected Lou Welch it was because his Tarnkappe set off some sort of alarm. Then, the Drakh turned Off Lou's cloak and killed him. Although Lou didn't know it, The Tarnkappe was a piece of Shadow tech.

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:

I believe that when they detected Lou Welch it was because his Tarnkappe set off some sort of alarm. Then, the Drakh turned Off Lou's cloak and killed him. Although Lou didn't know it, The Tarnkappe was a piece of Shadow tech.


what is a tarnkappe? where did you hear that name? I assume you are refering to his cloaking cloak .

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> what is a tarnkappe? where did you hear that name? I assume you are refering to his cloaking cloak .

It is From a piece of medieval central European literature.

How Siegfried Came to Worms.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
"Cloak of Darkness". This translates the Middle High German "tarnkappe", a word often retained by translators. It is formed from O.H.G. tarni, 'secret' (cf. O.E. "dyrne"), and "kappe" from late Latin "cappa", 'cloak'. It rendered the wearer invisible and gave him the strength of twelve men.

Of course, Lew's didn't give him the strength of 12 men, but it did fulfill the rest of the qualifications.

It would seem at least Some of the Shadow servants were running around medieval Europe creating mischief.

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