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Alexander Trailer

The fact that such historical epics are seeming to finally tell it the way it really was

They are? I've heard Alamo is not bad, but what movies recently- or, for that matter, ever- jive with history?

Also, does the new Alexander movie claim to be historically accurate? Also, is it a biopic or an epic where he's the central character (which are two different things). Depending on what the film is attempting and claiming, they might not be "wrong" in showing very little or even nothing about his love life at all.

Nevermind...you keep missing my point..I give up.
My understanding was that Alexander was bi-sexual, same as Julius Caesar.

Whether his love-life has any place in a 'historical' movie, well anything that shows the man (as opposed to the legend) is invaluable in understanding who he was.

Include his loves, passions and hates, and he becomes a real person, one that the audience can relate to. Take all that out and you might as well be watching Conan The Destroyer for all the human understanding you'll be getting. Alexander would then become this elemental force of nature, rather than a man, full of flaws and graces.

His person interaction with his men was one of his keys to victory, and that was displayed in many forms: paternal, fraternal and intimate. Remove that and you remove the essence of the man.

That being said, I do want the move to be as accurate as possible - none of the Braveheart-type fiction. So portray him as he was; not as a gay icon, nor as a paragon of hetero attitudes, but a man, who had many passions and desires.

Speaking of hsitorical epics yet to be made, the one I would really like to see is the Siege and Fall of Constantinople. That would be an amazing film, since the story is so compelling and tragic.
This movie is directed by Oliver Stone, so no one should fear any restraint. The man lives on controversy and has never shied away from any social issues, including homosexuality. The leading actor, Colin Farrell, despite his "bad boy" reputation, is excited about the role and enthusiastic about all aspects, including the gayness.