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Alright, so let's speculate...

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Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

i wanna read the scripts too! could someone with access please email me?

thank you

To be on the wire is life. The rest is waiting.
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bester:

I've always considered Galen as one of the crew. Following the shooting of Gideon, I'm sure Galen would have told the rest what he saw, given the circumstances.

I disagree, but that's cool. Matheson would know if he wasn't telling the whole truth. then the crew would learn of it. galen still has his own secrets to hide. whereas gideon may have some knowledge there, he still didn't have the whole.

without gideon there would be no renegade ship, no reason to be renegade

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

I just finished reading the scripts (thanx by the way Deviot!) and couldn't believe the ending. It would be a great ending, if i knew that it would be resolved. As it is, it's just driving me nuts!! What happened next?!?!

I very much doubt Gideon would've died. IMHO he's irreplacable. All the characters are fascinating, but he's the way into the story. It's like, if the show was told in first person, no-one could do except Gideon, unless they were playing the part of Narrator...I'm digressing!
If Gideon did die, he'd simply be replaced with "someone more compliant", and i can't see the story going in that direction. More plausable, that, what with a certain proportion of EarthGov wanting him dead, Gideon would have to go on the run, taking the Exc. with him. Then the crew would have to decide who's side they were on, which would've been interesting.
Does anyone know if there are anymore scripts out there, apart from the three we've read? I'd love to read the episode where Dureena finds the sword.

I'll take flawed genius over offensive banality anyday
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Happy Phantom:
Does anyone know if there are anymore scripts out there, apart from the three we've read? I'd love to read the episode where Dureena finds the sword.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As far as I now, no other scripts were written.

I do vaguely remember reading somthing a couple of years ago about the plan to have Dureena kidnapped by a giant alien spaceship sometime in season 1.

Does anyone else remember this?

This sub-story may well have resulted in Dureena finding the sword.

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

...come to think of it, I seem to remember that it was in one of last year's Official B5 Mags. I'm hoping that I've kept it somewhere. If I can find it I'll post the exact quote on this thread.

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Thanks Bester!!

BTW your little Bester picture freaks me out beyond all belief <shudder>

I'll take flawed genius over offensive banality anyday
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Yeah, I don't think there were anymore finished scripts written, only story ideas and outlines...

I believe jms said that the Apocalypse Box would make one more appearance before 'To the Ends of the Earth', but that sounds a bit weird, since in 'To the Ends of the Earth' they switch from the grey uniforms 'back' to the black ones, so I assume if there would've been one more episode between the 5 grey uniform eps and 'To the Ends of the Earth', they would've had to film the episode with the grey uniforms. But who knows.

As for the Dureena story, I believe it would've been a 3 episode arc towards the end of the season, taking place between 'Value Judgments' and 'End of the Line'. I think it had something to do with the Thief's Guild capturing her, and thus she would be missing in action for a while, the story possibly centering around her adventures on some planet trying to escape, and the Excalibur crew trying to find and save her (or maybe they wouldn't be allowed to do that, since their job is to find a cure to the plague, with billions of lives at stake, so they'd have to go AWOL). And during that time, she would acquire the sword mentioned in 'End of the Line'.

The 3 episodes for the story arc would've been (as far as I know):

1. Tried and True (by Richard Mueller)
2. The Gates of Hell (by Larry DiTillio)
3. unnamed (by jms)

If you can find additional info in that magazine, I'd like to hear it as well Bester.

Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bester:
...come to think of it, I seem to remember that it was in one of last year's Official B5 Mags. I'm hoping that I've kept it somewhere. If I can find it I'll post the exact quote on this thread.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I was in an interview with Larry DiTillio.
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by vakie:
1. Tried and True (by Richard Mueller)
2. The Gates of Hell (by Larry DiTillio)
3. unnamed (by jms)
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Tried and True was a by Fiona Avery, and not part of the three parter.

And the Apocalypse box would apear in Larry's episode... messing around with Matheson's head.
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

I'll have a good rummage in my flat at the weekend - I'm sure something will turn up! Stay tuned!!
Although I think you've pretty much covered it, vakie!

Can I take this oppotunity to advertise a BRILLIANT B5 reference book, published in the UK. The author is Andy Lane and the title is "The Babylon File". It comes in 2 volumns and is an absolute necessity to every B5 fan. Check it out if you can. (I'm sorry, I don't have the publisher's details at hand).

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Thanks drakh, I guess my memory was faulty.
So it would be...

Tried and True (by Fiona Avery)

...and then the sword arc:

1. unnamed (by Richard Mueller)
2. The Gates of Hell (by Larry DiTillio)
3. unnamed (by jms)

Does that seem correct? Any idea what the Avery script would've been about?

Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Didn't one of these proposed stories solely centre around Gideon and Matheson (no other characters appearing). I remember something to that effect.

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

I think it was Matheson, Gideon and Trace, because he wasn't allowed to use anyone else... and drakh said the Apocalypse Box would've been there to mess with Matheson's head.

But it's still a bit unclear to me, would've this happened before 'To the Ends of the Earth'? I remember reading sth to that effect, and also it would explain the comments in 'To the Ends of the Earth' about Matheson knowing about the box.

Of course it's possible that Matheson has found out about the box previously (off screen), and his knowledge of it would then be hinted at in 'To the Ends of the Earth' and further developed later in Larry's script.

If you find the magazine, do post further info.

Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bester:

Can I take this oppotunity to advertise a BRILLIANT B5 reference book, published in the UK. The author is Andy Lane and the title is "The Babylon File". It comes in 2 volumns and is an absolute necessity to every B5 fan. Check it out if you can. (I'm sorry, I don't have the publisher's details at hand).

I have both the Andy Lane books published by Virgin Publishing Ltd., 332 Ladbroke Grove, London W10 5AH

They may be available at Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble. I got my copies through Chapters in Canada.

Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by vakie:
Does that seem correct? Any idea what the Avery script would've been about?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Dureena having to see her mentor to pass some sort of final intiation into the thieves' guild, and having to explain to him what she's doing on an Earth Force ship.

[This message has been edited by drakh (edited May 10, 2001).]
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bester:
Can I take this oppotunity to advertise a BRILLIANT B5 reference book, published in the UK. The author is Andy Lane and the title is "The Babylon File". It comes in 2 volumns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Note that the second volume is quite a bit biased, and jms is on record as not liking it very much.
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

To everyone that asked me, I have sent the scripts out, please let me know if you have problems, my server here was vaccinated today, man i just love them annoying little viruses that shut down my e-mail, i mean it's not like snail mail will do.

I just want my show back. My captain (mine, mine, mine) trust me I am only a little strange.


Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Regarding "Tried and True" not being part of the Dureena/Guild story, here's a quote from Becky Murphy's spoilers page (http://www.visi.com/~wildfoto/crusade.html):
"Dureena is picked up by other members of the Guild who want to know what she's doing on an E.A. ship. She's stuck on a Thieves Guild space station and interrogated by her mentor, Mafeek."

Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by drakh:
Note that the second volume is quite a bit biased, and jms is on record as not liking it very much.

You're right. Mr Lane does have very strong opinions and is not afraid of putting them into print.

Personally, I agree with most of what he says and I find the books very valuable as resource material. However, you should all give them a read and form your own opinions.

The books also contain some very interesting essays on various aspects of the tv series.

By the way, please excuse my previous spelling of the word "volumes"!

The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
Trust the Corps