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Alright, so let's speculate...

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Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Not all cats are smart I guess. But rat poisoning? Ughhhhhhhhhhh, poor furball.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

JMS on Mr Kittty:

Yeah, he was my cat. 13 years old, a stray who wandered in a few years ago
when his owners abandoned him. (Yes, that's his picture.) A walking attitude
with fur.

He developed FIDS (feline AIDS) and had liver cancer...but we kept him going
with chemotherapy, kept his quality of life high. For nearly three months,
Kathryn fed him with a feeding tube, administering his medications. He had one
solid year in good form right up until the end. I'd kinda hoped he would make
it to see his episode aired...but as it was he'd already made arrangements for
an agent, a publicist, and he was going to start demanding residuals, so maybe
it's for the best.

I miss the little guy. He was tough, and he was a fighter.


Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

OK, I'll bite also...would someone mind sending the scripts to me too? Our B5LR.com webmaster might want to consider posting the scripts on the site for access by all.

Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Capt have you read the short stories as well?

I've already got this one Star.

"The electric yellow has got me by the brain banana."
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Returning to the original topic of speculation: I would like to think that none of the major characters actually died in that finale, not because I'm afraid of having well-liked characters killed off, but simply because I feel it would have been premature. Gideon, in particular, was very much the backbone of the series up to that point -- far more so, IMO, than Sinclair had been.

I also personally think that the sheer rage Gideon would have had coming out of being shot at (whether or not he actually was hit, but assuming he survived if he was) would have been extremely useful, dramatically -- far more so than his death.

I'll admit I'd probably feel differently if the character of Matheson had been better developed, and maybe if a full season had occurred, that development would have happened. Having a strong XO to step into a martyred CO's shoes would have worked just fine, but Matheson was too much a 'supporting' character for the stories that actually aired. There's not enough substance to the character as aired to date to make having him step into that role believable.

Frankly, the opportunity to see the character of Gideon again is one of the reasons I really hope Crusade gets revived. I think Gideon is, in many ways, a far more interesting character than either Sinclair or Sheridan, and I look forward to seeing him developed further.

Mike "Uncle Mikey" Shappe
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

If posted this site would get shut down pretty quickly. I'm not saying I could help you but if you give an email address they might wander into your mailbox. Of course I would have nothing to do with it.

"The electric yellow has got me by the brain banana."
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Uncle Mikey, I think I Love You!

AGREED! 100% totally.

I have been a Gary Cole fan for a long time, so he was the draw for me.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GideonsMine:
Uncle Mikey, I think I Love You!

AGREED! 100% totally.

I have been a Gary Cole fan for a long time, so he was the draw for me.

Ooo! Not on the board for more than a day and I've already got a fan club ;-)

Seriously: this is the first thing I've actually seen Cole in, but I was definitely impressed. Cole definitely seemed to comprehend the character he was expected to play from the very first. Michael O'Hare, by contrast, didn't really seem to 'get it' until "By Any Means Necessary". Something about that script seems to have been a turning point for him, because O'Hare is much better in the latter half of Season One than the former.

But Cole never really hit a sour note. And his interactions with Peter Woodward as Galen are really just plain fun to watch...
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Too bad you never saw American Gothic. He was flat out wonderful. And he was hilarious as Mike Brady in the two Brady Bunch movies.

He and Sinclair are my total favorites in the Bab 5 universe. Although many others such as G'Kar and Vir and Marcus and Delenn and even Londo here and there won my respect for the character interpretations and my love in many respects. I would be horridly upset if I didn't have my reruns. They are better than nothing and a lot of the drivel in the sci fi world doesn't appeal to me. I try, but . . .

And yes my darling, you have a fan club.

Definitely. Keep posting, I adore reading you.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Also, anyone who wants the scripts of Crusade or the B5 short stories (very good ones by the way), just email me at work cstanford@reedsmith.com and I will be pleased to send them. You cannot post them on the board as that infringes copyright laws I am a patent, trademark, and copyright attorney and that much I truly do know. Big time.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Who cares about the scripts--- lets see da PHOTOS.....lol

War doesn't determine who is right, just who is left.
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sassy:
Who cares about the scripts--- lets see da PHOTOS.....lol


Yes ma'am, photos and bring back the show.

I ain't demanding, are I?

Well maybe a little.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

one photo of Galen in boxers RIGH NOW!!!

War doesn't determine who is right, just who is left.
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sassy:
one photo of Galen in boxers RIGH NOW!!!


Amen to that!

We are starstuff. We are the universe made manifest...
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Okay so the series as it stands currently reflected a crusade for a cure for the plague. Straczynski knows his sources though, and he has made good use of them. The crusades were something different to the grail quest as we all know. The ancient celts and other cultures believed the health of a kingdom and it's rulership were intertwined, and with the celtic influence behind crusade I was thinking. Would the series become a Holy War against Earth corruption, the Excalibur doing it's utmost to purge Earth of it's black projects. For all we know, the cure could have been found on that first Drakh vessel downed in the pilot episode. Earth black projects division could be suppressing information on the cure, even from it's own medics to further their own information on First One technology. Just think about it, it's the ideal opportunity to exploit a mission to find alien tech. No-one in the IA will bat an eyelid because they think the research is all for a good cause, and as long as the cure for the Drakh plague were to be introduced sometime in the last year, Earth could benefit from unlimited access of First One tech. Dodgy or what?

Discovering this, the Excalibur crew would have to go on the run ala Blake's 7 (a show JMS know all about I'm sure, he was even fond of Avon from it I believe), then come back with enough muscle to force the black projects people to release the cure, then the abused tech would have to be trashed.

"We Live for the One. We die for the One!"
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Yo Galahad. Very interesting thought process there. And I agree with you. I am not in tune with JMS's mind, but that seens very logical considering in the scripts where the last two appeared to have been going.

It would have danged interesting to see where he would have taken it. Plus you have the apocalypse box in there too. The four horseman of the apocalypse. Yes, would have been very interesting to see the twists and turns in a very possibly huge story line.

I hope you enjoy the scripts.

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Can someone please send me the scripts and short stories to read? thanks


Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

Abel, I sent you an email. Of course I have no idea what's on them

"The electric yellow has got me by the brain banana."
Re: Alright, so let\'s speculate...

thanks checking my e-mail now.


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