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Alternate endings to TV, film etc.


Staff member
I was watching Birds of Prey with board member Dr. Camel... and it ends, as the episodes do, with the Birds of Prey themselves on top of the clocktower.

Dr. Camel theorised that it'd be funny if lightning struck it... and it just cut to this burning wheelchair smashing to the ground outside. I found this most amusing. :LOL:

That got me thinking of alternative endings to TV, film etc. What would your amusing alternative ending be?

K-Pax is on my mind right now, as i read about in the forums again recently. Well what if before Prot's time to go... they wheel him away, electric-therapy him and then lobotomise him. Ho ho ho! Well, maybe too dark... :D

Titanic... the weight of Jack's frozen body drags the door down, and Rose perishes too?
K-Pax is on my mind right now, as i read about in the forums again recently. Well what if before Prot's time to go... they wheel him away, electric-therapy him and then lobotomise him. Ho ho ho! Well, maybe too dark... :D

Two words: Cuckoo's Nest

Is anyone else mildly disturbed that Antony watches TV with someone named Dr. Camel?

I frequently sit back and theorize on how I would change beginnings, middles, and ends of shows and films, so I wouldn't even know where to start.
True... Cuckoo's Nest was very good, but my altering hadn't clicked with that.

And I don't call him Dr. Camel... that's just his board name. :LOL:
Sleepless in Seatle- if those two annoying pricks fell off the fucking building.

If I had my way, the endings of all romantic comedies would involve horrible, horrible death.
Thelma and Louise escape to Mexico, and open a brothel. They off the johns that get rough with the girls, and plant them out back. :eek: ;) :eek:
I think 28 days later had an alternate ending...but I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. :(
Hey, B5 showed us an alternate ending. Remember Ivanova's frantic appeal from the future? It would have been lights out, halfway through S3, if not for the valiant efforts of the One.
I watched Vertigo yesterday (not for the 1st time). I like to think what it would be like if Judy wouldn't fall off at the very end and the couple is stuck with each other, having to deal with their neuroses and weird psychological fetishes.
Any movie that ended good, should end bad. The Whale in Free Willy getting harpooned by a whaling ship...
Hey, yeah, remaking a classic Hitchock film- maybe even shot-for-shot! Nah, no one would do that, right? I mean, that would just be pointless and silly, right?
