If Sinclair had stayed on as Commander of B5 then Sheridan would have come in as Captain, in other words as his commanding officer.
Then the two of them would have been falling over each other on B5, rather a comedown for Michael OHare, I should think.
If Sinclair had been the one to go to Z'Ha'Dum then he couldn't have also been Valen and go back in time because he would have died at Z. If Sheridan had been the one to go to Z'Ha'Dum then the story could have continued as it did. He would have led the war against the Shadows and Sinclair would have remained on B5, doing what?
JMS said on several occasions that Sheridan was always part of the story, the only question was when to bring him aboard. He, Sinclair and Delenn formed the One.
I always seem to be diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Then the two of them would have been falling over each other on B5, rather a comedown for Michael OHare, I should think.

If Sinclair had been the one to go to Z'Ha'Dum then he couldn't have also been Valen and go back in time because he would have died at Z. If Sheridan had been the one to go to Z'Ha'Dum then the story could have continued as it did. He would have led the war against the Shadows and Sinclair would have remained on B5, doing what?
JMS said on several occasions that Sheridan was always part of the story, the only question was when to bring him aboard. He, Sinclair and Delenn formed the One.
I always seem to be diagonally parked in a parallel universe.