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Amazon.com always good with the Spolier Editorials


I just read the "editorial" for Season 3 on Amazon.com. In true-to-form fashion they dropped some major developments in Season 3 to the common reader. However I am surprised that they didnt give away key details on "Interludes and Examinations" and "War Without End Part II" which they could have.

The comment "Also introduced was Marcus Cole (Jason Carter)--in another nod to The Lord of the Rings, a Ranger not so far removed from Tolkien's Strider." was a bit annoying and tired.

Editorial (scroll down)
I just read the "editorial" for Season 3 on Amazon.com. In true-to-form fashion they dropped some major developments in Season 3 to the common reader. However I am surprised that they didnt give away key details on "Interludes and Examinations" and "War Without End Part II" which they could have.

The comment "Also introduced was Marcus Cole (Jason Carter)--in another nod to The Lord of the Rings, a Ranger not so far removed from Tolkien's Strider." was a bit annoying and tired.

Editorial (scroll down)
I sent in a review of this yesterday, before this was posted. I was very careful not to give away anything in first review people read. It still hasn't been posted. :mad: :mad:

My Review:

Season 3: The Point of No Return

Season 3 of Babylon 5 is the year where all of the story arc threads come together. For those of you not familiar with the show, Babylon 5 is a space station created by Earth Alliance as a meting place for humans and alien species, sort of like a United Nations in space. By the start of the third year, Babylon 5's mission of keeping peace has failed, and war has broken out between to of the major alien races. At the same, an even greater threat to all is slowing moving, and gathering its forces, for an conflict of epic proportions. Highlights of this season are the 3 episode arc "Messages from Earth", "Point of No Return", and "Severed Dreams" and the last 2 episodes of the season, "Shadow Dancing" and "Z'ha'dum". This year, Jason Carter joins the cast as Marcus Cole, a ranger assigned to feed information to the Babylon 5 staff. Year 3, 2260, is widely regarded as the best year of the show, and is a must for any Sci-Fi fan.
I sent in a review of this yesterday, before this was posted. I was very careful not to give away anything in first review people read. It still hasn't been posted. :mad: :mad:

My Review:

Season 3: The Point of No Return

Season 3 of Babylon 5 is the year where all of the story arc threads come together. For those of you not familiar with the show, Babylon 5 is a space station created by Earth Alliance as a meting place for humans and alien species, sort of like a United Nations in space. By the start of the third year, Babylon 5's mission of keeping peace has failed, and war has broken out between to of the major alien races. At the same, an even greater threat to all is slowing moving, and gathering its forces, for an conflict of epic proportions. Highlights of this season are the 3 episode arc "Messages from Earth", "Point of No Return", and "Severed Dreams" and the last 2 episodes of the season, "Shadow Dancing" and "Z'ha'dum". This year, Jason Carter joins the cast as Marcus Cole, a ranger assigned to feed information to the Babylon 5 staff. Year 3, 2260, is widely regarded as the best year of the show, and is a must for any Sci-Fi fan.
Review is something anyone can put up there. I was commenting on the EDITORIAL which is always up for all to see.
Review is something anyone can put up there. I was commenting on the EDITORIAL which is always up for all to see.
Its pretty much a moot point. Season three aired LONG, LONG ago at this point. I don't know anyone who would be looking to buy Season 3 for the cost of $75+shipping who wasn't already a fairly die hard fan of the show. Many of the people I know who have seen every episode... and many who have every episode on tape... aren't buying the DVDs! I'm really not concerned about spoilers at this point. If you start watching the show and do a search for it on Google, you'll get screwed anyway in short order by spoilers!

Its pretty much a moot point. Season three aired LONG, LONG ago at this point. I don't know anyone who would be looking to buy Season 3 for the cost of $75+shipping who wasn't already a fairly die hard fan of the show. Many of the people I know who have seen every episode... and many who have every episode on tape... aren't buying the DVDs! I'm really not concerned about spoilers at this point. If you start watching the show and do a search for it on Google, you'll get screwed anyway in short order by spoilers!

Review is something anyone can put up there. I was commenting on the EDITORIAL which is always up for all to see.

Before the Editorial is put up, the first review is the first thing shown on the page. Anyway, your probobly right, but I think they should avoid episode specific spoilers. (like: Anna Sheridan returned from the dead, no longer entirely human.)
Review is something anyone can put up there. I was commenting on the EDITORIAL which is always up for all to see.

Before the Editorial is put up, the first review is the first thing shown on the page. Anyway, your probobly right, but I think they should avoid episode specific spoilers. (like: Anna Sheridan returned from the dead, no longer entirely human.)