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Amazon.com's Editorial of S2

Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

Ivanova has never impressed me as far as looks go. I can't even see why someone would find her attractive, like I can a lot of other women I don't go for personally.
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

She looks good with her hair down, in my opinion, and better when she's smiling . . . but as a character, I think I really would be more attracted to her personality. Which is a vital component, I must say.
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

Claudia is hot! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Yea she looks better with her hair down...and straight not curly....but she's still fairly pretty with her hair up.

Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

TJ Guitar, I think that was the photo you were supposed to find "ugly".

But we all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think she was looking tired in the photo. Was it, by any chance, from the "Wolf" episode? Or another moment in another episode that went out of its way to make her look fatigued?
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

I've always found Claudia looks best with her hair pulled back (the "peanut" hairstyle), because it accentuates her eyes. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Next best, I liked how she looked with her hair down, and straight, not curly, like when sitting at the bar with Talia at the end of "Midnight on the Firing Line." The subtle gradations in her hair color were very attractive in that scene. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

Her eyes look tired in the "hair down" shot. and they don't in the "hair up" shot.

I don't know if this is random chance or selection.

But I find tired very forgiveable. What show was the hair-down-shot taken from? If it was the "wolf" then an unfair comparison was being used.

She was supposed to look tired.
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

It's not from "The Hour of the Wolf." It's from the attached Warner Brothers promo shot.

As soon as you're done looking at it, I'll delete the picture.
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

I've found just about all the women on Bab-5 very attractive. Even S1 Na'Toth. There's something sexy about a woman who could kick your ass... Aeon Flux topping the list. ;-)

If I had to rank 'em (remembering that I have very bizarre taste in women and don't like blondes), I'd go Ivanova, Sakai, Lyta, Delenn, Na'Toth, Number 1, Talia, Lochley. But that's just me. I'd take Alyson Hannigan or Catherine Bell over any of them!

Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

If I had to rank 'em (remembering that I have very bizarre taste in women and don't like blondes), I'd go Ivanova, Sakai, Lyta, Delenn, Na'Toth, Number 1, Talia, Lochley. But that's just me. I'd take Alyson Hannigan or Catherine Bell over any of them!

I wouldn't take anybody, aaaaaanybody over Lyta, EVER. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

<ul type="square">[*]1. Lyta
[*]2. Ivanova
[*]3. Dodger (Marie Marshall) ("GROPOS") ("Day of the Dead")
[*]4. Dr. Kirkish (Nancy Stafford) ("Messages from Earth")
[*]5. Dr. Hobbs (Jennifer Balgobin) ("Walkabout")
[*]6. Talia
[*]7. Julie Musante ("Voices of Authority")
[*]8. Sakai
[*]9. Delenn
[*]10. Lochley (in those few moments when she's loosened up, less rigid, i.e. doesn't have that titanium broomstick as part of her anatomy)
[*]11. Number 1 (Tessa Holloran)

If we opened this up to include Crusade, I'd put Dureena (Carrie Dobro) in the No. 3 spot, and move everybody else down a notch.

Please bear in mind that I like all of 'em on the above list. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2


Hair up or down.......still looks great. Now Lochley in the one and only one ep with here hair pulled back Ivanova style looks frighteningly 'fugly.'
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

I wouldn't take anybody, aaaaaanybody over Lyta, EVER. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Awww, that is so sweet KoshN. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

Ivanova has never impressed me as far as looks go. I can't even see why someone would find her attractive, like I can a lot of other women I don't go for personally.

Generally, I agree. I think they purposely "butched" her up for the role. However, check Ivanova out in the restaurant scene from "Chrysalis" when Sinclair asks her and Garibaldi to stand up in their wedding. She is hot in that blue dress.
Re: Amazon.com\'s Editorial of S2

I don't think Ivanova looked butchy at all. /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gifShe was quite pretty.

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