On the transformation issue... my preference is trying to think from the viewpoint of the creature who designed the triluminary... from the viewpoint of finding the simplest strategy for accomplishing it.
1) We must devise a system, to transform a humanoid between species.
2) Of primary importance: the personality must survive intact and complete.
3) Of secondary importance: the body must change enough to simplify acceptance among the target species.
3)A) For dealing with various degrees of xenophobia among target species... we may desire to include functionality for adjusting how perfect the transformation is for a given species.
3)B) For enabling the person to receive medical aid, eat common foods, and possibly practise biological reproduction, it seems reasonable to copy the metabolism (of the target species) entirely.
3)C) However, since the brain is annoyingly difficult to dissolve while preserving personality... we should make an exception for the brain. Let's keep it.
3)D) Since we keep the brain, someone must devise an interface layer -- to relay neural/chemical signals, convert and deliver fresh fuel, convert and extract used fuel, yet protect the brain from the alien metabolism of its new body.
3)E) Using our presumably extensive knowledge of artificial life, we should craft an highly efficient yet immunologically un-rejectable interface layer.
3)F) However, complete copying of all external attributes is not desirable.
3)F)1) If the transformation were perfect, the new appearance could be perceived as threatening (some species may fear Changers or shape-shifters).
3)F)2) If the transformation were perfect, there would be no reminder of difference, diversity or past origin. Since we want those reminders, let the tranformation leave extrnally visible imperfections.
Consequently I think that Delenn's mind was not *translated* into a Human mind... but for practical purposes, her brain remained unchanged, merely protected by an interface layer.
Everything else would be practical to discard entirely, and rebuild from scratch. Possibly with the exception of bones, since those might be difficult to dissolve/rebuild quickly, so one might settle with minor tweaking.