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And so it ends ...

"Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed"

"Optimism is a faith that leads to success"

-Bruce Lee-

Cheers! -Warren-

*Until we hear otherwise from either Warner Bros., SCI FI or JMS...as far as I am concerned...there is a series coming!

Ah, who needs a Rangers series (well, I do), we have all this marvelous participation by the best of the show here on the b5lr boards.

Gus, how do you stifle a vocabulary like that to play Tirk? Hah, I love the irony. Maybe Tirk get vocab. lessons during series and say smart things too. Tirk get smart too. Tirk get to command ship for episode or two.

Thanks for the punch of Bruce Lee, Warren. His spirit is exactly what is needed while we battle nerves, fears, and anticipation, while waiting for "the 2nd coming or something" of the B5 universe. (I should say third coming, Crusade is definately an honorable 2nd edition to the B5 universe) If anybody has JMS's ear, (better leave that joke out) make sure to mention that he should include some Bruce Lee philosophy in his future writings. I liked the quoting he's already done of Ghandi. JMS picks good stuff. He'll make it happen, Houdini is JMS's (other) middle name.

"Humanity IS my business"
or the always popular
"You can get farther with a kind word and a 2 b four, than you can with just a kind word"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IceFire:
I don't understand what you guys don't like with that line. It was a great example of a contrast...a saying that was somewhat complex and filled with meaning alongside another saying that was simple and straight to the point.

I know what you mean. I'm even a fan of Yogi-isms. It should have worked for me.

It just felt-- I dunno-- forced.

Also, I've heard that quote so many times in so many movies.

I much prefer channe's second quote as an example of good JMS dialogue.

also befitting this thread:

"Claim victory in your heart. The universe will follow."

Had that tacked on my cubicle wall for a time.

"We are (not) all Kosh."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Recoil:
wise words.


Hah, I meant to reply 'wise words' to Gus's post regarding some of the negativity and that the true fans will be the ones remaining. For some reason, while I meant to hit reply after I read his post, I read on the GKarsEye's post and hit the reply key there without thinking. Somehow I got sucked in and said 'wise words' to his instead. Not that 'I'm going to go make a sandwich' isn't deeply profound in its own right mind you, it just wasn't what I had intended. Whoops.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
Thanks for being positive, Gus & Warren!

I don't know why people have to be so negative--things were much worse when we started the Crusade campaign. At least JMS isn't feuding with the network this time!


Tirk: Citizen G'Kar, Captain Martell would like to speak to you.
G'Kar: Of course. Love to stay. Can't. Have to go. Kiss-kiss. Love-love. Bye.

Tammy's Station
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
It isn't over until the fat lady sings, and I don't see any fat ladies singing. So, there.


...and should the fat lady feel like singing i'll be stood just off stage indicating what a bad idea it'd be for her to start...

...either that or we'll grab a friendly drazi with an ability to 'lift things' and get him to carry her away...


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sputnik:
...and should the fat lady feel like singing i'll be stood just off stage indicating what a bad idea it'd be for her to start...

...either that or we'll grab a friendly drazi with an ability to 'lift things' and get him to carry her away...



...or we'll just pelt her with spoiled spoo, until she shuts up. [FireDevil Emoticon]

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Unless the fat lady joins us, of course, and writes a letter.


As long as it isnt a musical telegram. Because that would mean that she would sing, and then, err....yea.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Children, this is an example of "fans taking a metaphor way too far..."




Hey! You were the one talking about fat ladies writing letters!

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
Introducing the B5 Legend of the Rangers patented** Diet plan, guarenteeing no over weight singing women will derail the next B5 series of destiny!! The All Spoo Diet, spoo for breakfast, spoo for lunch, and ..... more SPOO for dinner. Absolutely guarenteed to reduce (if not completely destroy) the appetite of even the most hungry singing women.

**actually patent pending .... they just keep laughing at me when I try to patent it, go figure

"Humanity IS my business"
or the always popular
"You can get farther with a kind word and a 2 b four, than you can with just a kind word"
You could just use duck tape and saline drips.

"Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest" - Isaac Asimov
To echo previous sentiments, the B5 universe has seen far worse days than this. Those of us who stuck through it are hardly concerned about the possibility of no series, but rather when the new series will get underway.

Gus, you rock. Ever think about running for office? (j/k)

GKE, sandwiches rock.

Warren, Bruce Lee still rocks.

-Londo's Hair
"Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics!"
"Doubtful that there will be a series. End of era......"
originally qouted by: Simon Healy.

Woah...Horsey..... Let's not jump the gate with assumtions. You know what that makes, a *%$ out of you and me.

Take heed instead, to fellow B-5 fandom bboard postings, post ala your comments.
I think you'll find them brimming with hope,
faith, determination and the stuff that makes dreams come alive.

Some points need considering. Case in point as mentioned by another B-5 bboard thread.
We will not know the results from the CNAD(cable national audience demographics) until March. All's we currently have is the Galaxy software Neilson ratings info that provides regional ratings.

Westtim's comments about the really good chance that negotiations are on there way, seems a reasonable one. Well met!!!

That's what I like to see... To heck and be gone with this doom and gloom crap. That's the fabric of a loser. No offense Simon....
But as I've said so many times before, "Let's try to keep a little optimism here." Hmmmm... I think Sheridan said that once.

To Recoil,
the whole thing about the pessimism jinks thing, really gave me a good chuckle thanks.

To Ben Reich,
You better believe faith manages...Oohrah!

To gkarfan,
Here, here with the whole "I don't know why there is so much negativity." We've all voiced are little quirks, now is the time to bound together to save a good thing. There is much to be liked here. This shows potential is through the roof!!!

To 2amaging,
A frightful mellow dramatic indeed. I think
Simon needs to go for a run to clear that rainy day depression stuper he's in...

2amaging your comment about, "LR it's always been there," was so perfect, so appropriate, its unreal. Wow! Very cool! Clever indeed, I wish I thought of it.

To channe,
after Gus Lynch's [Tirk's]posting I noticed a dramatic change in your attitude. See...
If we just believe with all our hearts, stick with it and promote like crazy it will happen. As Gus said now is when we will find out who is the true B-5 fans. We are just getting rid of the none believers and the fair weather fans that's all. "Getting rid of excess fat."

To Londoshair,
You said,"B-5 has seen far worse than this."
It sure has.... [Threat of cancilation of Seasons end of season 3 & 4 anyone....]So we thus have no reason to turn tail and run now. We have all heard the term silence is golden. In this case the silence could mean good news not bad.........................
to the negativity.

*Gus Lynch it is a honor to have you on this fansite. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to pop us a visit. You really cracked me up totally in the film, well done.
Keep up the good work.

My word...... This whole fat lady thing is really holding it's thread. I must say you had me rolling out of my chair in tears on that one. Way to keep spirits up...

"You have always been here." Kosh, talking to Sheridan, from: All Alone In The Night.

Faith Manages...
I still keep hearing rumors about a series through my own venues.
Keep in mind that the folks at both Sci Fi and the B5 production offices know that the ratings were somewhat slighted by bad schedualing. These are business people, and yes, your letter-writing will indeed show them that there is money to be made and a viewership to be had.
If it's going to happen, it'll likely be known later this year, likely by May or June. And if so, it wouldn't begin shooting until at least September.
It would be a pity to lose this show due to, essentially, a stacked deck. I worked on the pilot and had a very good time. The cast was fantastic, and the work was of such caliber that one cannot help but be proud of it (I've yet to see it, though... it hasn't aired in Canada yet).
Keep faith, everyone.

By the way, don't put any trust in those dates I mentioned. Those are strictly guesses. There is presently no evidence to support them. In short, the numbers came out of my head.

Don't lose hope! Of course there will be a rangers series. Like they said "it ain't over till it's over" and it's not over yet. I truly believe we will have a series...sooner or later, but until then have faith! see ya,i hope you'll check back if we get a series.

"The dream that became reality and spread throughout the stars"-JTK
for the one -

I was a little dissappointed after the movie aired because of the ratings, so I had a few weeks of sadness haunting my posts.

But I have since then regained my happy optimism. No fat ladies yet. Yeay!

As people my youngest sibling's age say, "Gus is, like, mad kewl."

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space

[This message has been edited by channe (edited February 23, 2002).]

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