Oh, my.
My jaw is seriously on the floor. Let me pick it up.
While watching this episode, I was on IM with a friend. All I could say to him was that this show was really fucked up. It was really freaking me out.
Jason Priestley, I agree, was excellent.
There were a few moments where I felt the sequence of events was a bit weak, and the script could have handled a *few* early fight scenes better (I was really confused as to what was going on in the one where Jeremiah got to the base), but, overall...?
Still pretty good. It's nice to see a show that I can't predict where it's going next - while, honestly, I should have seen the ending ("Hey, God - it's your angel, KABOOM!") knowing that the hero never gets like that, it still was really hard to digest.
I'm getting a bit more insight as to what makes Jeremiah tick, although there has to be *some* reason that he's so altruistic, besides the incident with his brother. One thing, though - Jeremiah, although centered, is certainly a bit off-kilter. Everyone in this world is off-kilter.
I still maintain what I said about Markus in my review for "The Long Road." What Sarah said about Markus was echoed in Julie's sentiment about Michael... anybody want to comment?
I continue to like Kurdy. He still talks just like a guy I know.
The ending with the girl with the braids - that really, really hit me... did it make anyone just go WHOA...? That she'd be so willing to pick up a gun? Says something about the world...
And The Ground, Sown With Salt. What you can do with pay cable... *whistles in appreciation*