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Andreas Katsulas Dies

I also can't watch B5 for awhile. If I saw him as G'Kar, I think I would tear up. In fact, I haven't watched my DVDs since Rick Biggs died. It's just so sad that we have all ready lost two of the main cast, & also the actor who played Zathras. It took quite awhile for Star Trek to lose any major cast members.

Last year when Richard Biggs died I had just finished watching "Objects at rest" the night before. :eek: It took almost a year before I could watch them again. I just finished watching "sleeping in light" the night before I heard about Andreas passing. I immediately started watching season 1 again, because I love G'kar and Andreas performance of him. It is sad at times, but G'kar always brings a smile to my face. :D
As selfish as I am for even thinking this: we really have no chance for a B5 movie anymore, do we?

I also can't get my brain around how long it was that Richard Biggs died. Man, it does seem more like 9 months or so, not well over a year.
I find it difficult to imagine any sizeable B5 material without G'kar or Franklin, and could not ever imagine someone else playing those roles.

So no, I don't think there is much chance.
I find it difficult to imagine any sizeable B5 material without G'kar or Franklin, and could not ever imagine someone else playing those roles.

So no, I don't think there is much chance.

Well, neither Dr. Franklin or G'Kar showed up in The Technomage trilogy, and I guess Dr. Franklin could be written around in a Crusade storyline.

The reason there appears to be not much of a chance is that there appears to be too few of us to make the financial risk of anything (movie, TV, canon novels, you name it) worthwhile.
Goodbye Andreas - we will all treasure your wonderful portrayal of G'Kar forever.

"This journey has ended. Another begins. Time... to rest now."
I thought it was particularly nice coming from Kate, since probably quite a few fans have met her: she traveled to cons with Andreas occasionally. My friend and I were sitting in a room at Archon in 2003, waiting for a Q&A to begin, and we started chatting with this girl in the row behind us. It was nice, because she seemed to be cut very much from the same cloth as us - a smart, funny fan chick... :) Imagine our surprise when Andreas introduced her as his daughter during the Q&A! One of the funniest things I've ever heard at a B5 Q&A was when I mentioned something to Andreas about how JMS says, at the beginning of one of the DVD commentaries when Andreas's credit rolls past, "Andreas...is God," and Kate piped up from behind me, "Hey, does that make me Jesus?"
I thought it was particularly nice coming from Kate, since probably quite a few fans have met her: she traveled to cons with Andreas occasionally. My friend and I were sitting in a room at Archon in 2003, waiting for a Q&A to begin, and we started chatting with this girl in the row behind us. It was nice, because she seemed to be cut very much from the same cloth as us - a smart, funny fan chick... :) Imagine our surprise when Andreas introduced her as his daughter during the Q&A! One of the funniest things I've ever heard at a B5 Q&A was when I mentioned something to Andreas about how JMS says, at the beginning of one of the DVD commentaries when Andreas's credit rolls past, "Andreas...is God," and Kate piped up from behind me, "Hey, does that make me Jesus?"

Wow, she must have picked up his sense of humor! :LOL:

Does Kate look like her father at all?

Destines-The Voice of Science Ficiton had a Memorial Show for Andreas tonight on WUSB Stony Brook. I maintain a site of archived Destinies broadcasts and the show is available here-


I didn't have any pictures of Andreas from that interview available (I think they're on a CD somewhere) so I grabbed a picture from the Archon Convention section on the Midwest con archive. (I don't have the link handy but I did credit the photographer)

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