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Andrew Koenig is missing


From Walter Koenig's website:

Andrew Koenig, the son of Star Trek [and Babylon 5] actor Walter Koenig, is missing. The last time Andrew
Koenig was seen was on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2010, in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Andrew Koenig never boarded his flight back to the US, and he hasn't heard from since then.

He was last seen at a bakery in the Stanley Park area of Vancouver.

Andrew Koenig, 41, was working as a camera operator on the show "Never Not Funny" as well
as doing improv in Los Angeles. Best known as "Boner" from "Growing Pains", Andrew also
had a role in "Deep Space Nine", and is a talented actor director, editor and photographer as
well as a passionate activist. In 2008, he was arrested at the Rose Bowl while protesting
China's part in the genocide in the country of Burma.

This is a serious matter that has Koenig's friends and family gravely concerned. If you have
seen him, emailed him or had any contact after the 14th or spent time with him during his stay
in Vancouver please call Detective Raymond Payette of the Vancouver PD at 604-717-2534.

Please share this and send prayers and positive thoughts. If you wish to leave Walter a note,
visit his site at: www.walterkoenigsite.com

I'm sure you'll all join me in hoping that Andrew will be found safe and sound, and soon!
I read about this earlier. What a terrible time for the Koenig family. My thoughts are with them at this most difficult time. I hope Andrew is well and home safely soon.
I heard on the news this morning something about there being some evidence he was alive. Credit card usage I think they were talking about, or some kind of withdrawing of funds.

Not to be indelicate, I hope, but has he has any history of some history of this, or even perhaps some slight psychological troubles? With luck, maybe he just felt a need for "space". Unfortunately, the images of kidnapping also spring to mind.

Here's hoping it's all just a misunderstanding of some kind, or for whatever reason he's soon reunited with his obviously worried family.
His sister was just on Larry King Live. Apparently he's struggled with depression and one of the friends he visited reported that he was off his meds. In addition, he seemed to have moved out of his apartment in CA. His sister said that he's gone off before but never without telling people that he wanted to be alone.

I heard on the news this morning something about there being some evidence he was alive. Credit card usage I think they were talking about, or some kind of withdrawing of funds.

You got it. I just hope that the credit card wasn't stolen. Wonder if they have a camera at the location where the card was used?
Damn, I was holding out hope. How truly awful.

I think there is a terrile lack of awareness in general about depression, and how much of a hell it can be to live with or to love someone who suffers from it.
It's always sad for a parent to outlive their child. And for someone who has much, to throw away all.:(:(:( Suicide is rather poignant for me since my nephew tried it several years ago (almost successful:(), shot to the head. Now doing well, going to college, and generally happy. Better read than dead.:bolian:

Is there any way for the board as a whole to send its regrets? Walter is beloved here for his best known role in ST and his Bester role in B5:devil: His loss is tremendous and suddon.

And as an aside to all, suicide is rarely a good answer, unless you're really old with an incurable illness, there's an answer to any problem. And unless you're around, you won't find them.;)

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You're right, fisheggs... but the definition of depression, basically, is not believing anything you just said. When people are depressed, they don't think they're "throwing it all away;" they don't think they have anything at all.

Not defending suicide, of course -- it's just that in my experience, telling a depressed person "You have so much to live for!" does less than nothing to help.
Is there any way for the board as a whole to send its regrets? Walter is beloved here for his best known role in ST and his Bester role in B5:devil: His loss is tremendous and suddon.

I don't know of a way to send condolences from the board as a whole, but his official site has a forum that anyone can post a note to Walter and family without registering.
Before the body was found, I was watching Larry King, when Walter and his wife were supposed to come on, but they had left, without explanation. I found out that they left because Larry kept pushing back their appearance, so they would only have about two minutes air time, and they didn't think that was enough. I agree with them completely. WTF was Larry thinking?

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