Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?
Aahhh, someone found the CGI work for AoG's Neshatan Gunship - a bit of a failure for Minbari, since it's many Neutron Cannons (ten to the Sharlin's six, and that on a somewhat smaller hull) overstressed it's power grid...
While you're at it, check out these too:
Troligan Armored Cruiser - an experiment of minbari technicians, this ship was meant to close with the enemy and use it's gravitic nets to disrupt their movement, trusting in it's heavy armor to keep it safe. It wasn't really successful...
Morshin Carrier Actually the Morshin is no real combat unit - it's meant to ferry many fighters from place to place. But all these fighters Are combat ready, and can fly into a fight at any time.
Tigara Attack Cruiser a short-range attack ship - the small brother of the Sharlin
Tigara & Leshath Heavy Scout - The Leshath was build on a Tigara hull as a heavy scout & EW platform, exchanging all heavy armament for advanced ElInt sensors and Electronic Warfare systems...
Minbari Support Fleet with two Torotha Assault Frigates, one Troligan Cruiser and two Morshin Carriers...
There are other things out there, but fabio's
"Made for AoG" page seems to be offline right now... shame, it had some nice Dilgar and the Minbari Rogata...
Roman Alexander
"Go on, watch out for Shadows - we'll watch you right back!"
What do you
[This message has been edited by ShadowScout (edited September 06, 2001).]