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Any other Blake’s 7 fans here?

Okay BLAKE'S 7 going back in....

Greatly enjoyed this one.
And watched the next one, CHILDREN OF AURON 3.7. It was another winner. I felt both were pretty well thought out. A bit silly at times, but still good.

So after these two I'm feeling a bit better about Series 3. Hope they can maintain. I wouldn't say these two were Top Ten Episodes, but they definitely have been a couple of the best of Series 3.
Are you planning to look into (or listen in to) Blake's 7 audio releases? Funds $/£ willing.

Then again, on the Dr. Who side, have seen people only listening to "their 1st doctor" to keep expenses down, which usually meant whichever series their local PBS station could initially afford - for some it's #3, others #4, or #5. Was interesting to be in a different state, turn on PBS, and see a "different doctor". ...although this is all a subtle HINT HINT to the universe that what we really need are B5 audio releases. 😇
I'd love to, but the funds are definitely not willing. Sadly I only see myself growing more and more without funds. Bleak future. :cry: Thankfully I've got enough physical media already stored up to last me, I'd say, about three to four lifetimes.... It REALLY doesn't help that more and more stuff I want keeps coming out!